CORRESPONDENCE. Correspondents' opinions are not necessarily ours. THE CATTLE-YARDS— A SUGGESTION.
(to the editob.) Sir, — Before the promoters of the saleyard project commit themselves to anything, I would like to suggest to them the consideration of allying themselves with the Co-opera-tive Association instead of forming an independent company. As a money-making affair the sakyards will not pay. It would answer well for the Borough Council to undertake them, became they would add materially to the prosperity of the Borough, And with the Council's resources they could be conducted on a scale that would ensui« success and without any risk of their becoming a charge on the ratepayers. It will also Answer for the townspeople to put money into them because they will amply recoup themselves by the increase of business transacted in the town, but they will not answer as an investment otherwise. On a small capital a joint stock company is taken up with charges. Besides many heavy costs on the formation, there are permanent after expenses for 'directors' fees, manager and secretary's salary, a registered office to be kept open, auditor's fees, an" annual fee 'to the Government, printing etc., etc., which would mop up a fair dividend. These charges could be largely avoided by working through the Co-op, and if the affair 1 did not answer, or was taken over by the Borough, vrinding-up losses would be avoided. The managers of the Co-op hay* proved themselves careful and capable men, and if an arrangement of this kind could' be made it might be to the advantage 1 of all interested: — I ; im;etc.', ' <-'- * ' TbwTksMJfN
-Depositor: 'tis, the cashier in ?'V Bank Clerk: "N-o; he's gone away.V- , Depositor: "Ah! Gone for a rest, I presume." Clerk (sadly) : " No ; to avoid arrest."
CORRESPONDENCE. Correspondents' opinions are not necessarily ours. THE CATTLE-YARDS—A SUGGESTION.
Waimate Daily Advertiser, Issue 25, 12 November 1898, Page 6
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