Wednesday last was beautifully fine, although at -one time ijb threatened rain. Nearly 700 persons attended the sports, which were held in Victoria Park. All the events were well contested, and were got off strictly to time. The confectioner's booth was in charge of Mr Miller. The Waimate Brass Band, under Bandmaster Harwood, played selections at intervals, and added much to the enjoyment of the -day. ' The following are the results of the yarioui events :—: — 75yds Handicap ; prizes 10s and 15s. First .'heat, E. W. Dailey, 2yds, 1; 0.. J. Armstrong, l^yds, 2. Second heat, 3. W. King, ,51yds, 1; A. Smith, l-£jds, 2. 'Third heat, W. Nelson, 3yds, 1 ; W. Manchester, 4£yds, % Final, E. W. Dailey 1, King 2. i Boys' Potatato Eaee.; C. Taafle 1, Healey 2, Parier 3* Two-mile Bicycle Eace (open); prizes j>2 and £1. E. Seaman, 350 yds, 1 ; W. . Third, 350 yds. 2 ; D, Shepherd, 230yd5, 3. TnJie — 4min. 56 3-sth sec. Boj r s' Eace under 14 .years; Taafte 1, McPheison2. Wild 3. 220 yds .Handicap ; prizes £2 and £1. First heat, J. W. King, 18yds, 1^ O. Smart, -scr, 2. Time— 2s l-sth sec ■Second Iheat. C. W. Armstrong, 3yds, 1: E. W, Dailey, 7yJs, 2. Time— 2s 2-sth sec. Mnal, E. W. J>ailey 1, J. W. King 2>. Time — 24 3- sth SbC. Boys' Sack Eace; H. Hawk 1, P. Henry 2. Three-mile Bicycle Eace (open) ; prizes £3, £% -and E. Beaman, 450 yds, 1 ; E. Buchanan, 60yds, 2 ; E. Greddes, 40yds, 5. Time— 7min. 53 l-sth sec. Girls' Eace ; G. Walker 1, — Kilworth 2. 440 yds Handicap; prizes £2 10s, £1, and 10s; J. Bodda, Byds, 1; E. W. Dailey, 20yds, r 2 ; B. J. Barclay, 16yds, 3.' Time— ss 2-sth sec. Boys' Stilt Race ; H. Bird 1, C. Taaffe 2, W., Taaffe 2. One Mile Walking Handicap; prizes £1 and 10s. C. Wilson, scr, 1;. P. Flaherty, 70yds, 2. Time— 6min. 46sec. Bicycle Eace, CTwo-mile County Handicap ; prizes £2 .and £1. T. Goldstone, 1290 yds, 1; B,^ Buchanan, 20yds, 2; J. Smith, 27-Oyds, 3. Time— smin. 13 2-sth sec. 100 yds County -Handicap; prizes £1 and -10s. First hd at, W. Nelson, 4yds, 1, O. Smart, scr, 2. Time — 11 3-sth sec. Second heat, F. l^iloe, 6yds, 1 ; E. W.
Dailey, 2yds, 2. Final, W. Nelson 1, O. Smart 2. Time— ll 2-5 tH sec. Boys' Wheelbarrow Eace ; C. and W. Taaffe 1, H. Hawk and Bird 2. Five-mile Bicycle Eace (open) ; prizes £3, £.% and JBI. W. Third, 640 yds; 1, T. Goldstone, 600 yds. 2, J. Gibson, 420 yds, 3. Time— l2rnin. 34 3-sth sec. 880 yds Handicap ;' prizes L 2 10s, LI, and 10s. J. Eodda, syds, 1, P. Flaherty, 80yds, 2, E. J. Barclay, 30yds, 3. This was one of the best events of the day. The winner has a very pretty style of running, and won easily. Time — 29 2-sth sec. Youths' Wrestling ; prizes LI, 15s, and 7s 6d. . Kilworth 1, Dixon 2, Jacobs 3. Members race, in regalia; C. Hansen 1. J. W. Freeman 2. Boys Sack Eace ; H. Hawke, 1; F. Henery, 2 ; A. Jackson, 3. Wrestling for boys under 16] prizes 10s, and 5s ; Stewart, 1 ;, Flynn, 2. Forced Handicap 220 yds ; prizes LJ, and 10s ; Smart 1 ; Flaherty 2. Time— 26sec.