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I SAN TOY BISCUITS. I Winter I I Flavoured D«liolou»ly. I _ _■ I I ™ i * c t I Overcoats and I Chocolate San loy I ■ Crispeen Soda I Rainproof CoatSm I (A Crisp Plain Biscuit) I B Cocoanut Cream I ■ AiilcAKrAAlr'c I There is a chill in tbe air that siys in 9 AuLiS©D*OOJI 5 ■ language plaiaer than words:— "Get the I Waw BISCUIt I Winter Overeat ready. The overcoat is ■ I an absolutely necessary part of i very man's ■BBHHbIHHHHbVHHHHsHHHHBBbVIb^B apparel. It is essential to contort tbat the __ —r _____ i ______ - __^ _ °o&t should fit well. IF™ Zl^ziSloDtZTST 1 FORT UF_HOKHI*A. W. M'KAY Bitd SON /s. v ! ri « b * fia .^ day 622 a.m; 6.58 g tock perfect fitting Overcoats and Rain /A\^JT')% pn> Coats «<".:";&• Vv^'- : "^ ' ?^-*3BS O' -i-'E *oon— March. ' • tjl\ WEST PC 'iT Ki' [/SON A t>l - tl • i ' l He ft c*'" Now Zw&'and Mean Time , •—■—-—---— —«—i— —————— ———ii — — \vi-:!,m>GTON, | D< B * M * rr" i H™".°lis »"." "p. 1 * i ™oo n rUr ;:; ::: d? «^ We can Please You in Every Way, the "1 ' P P -- |X ££« | 761!7 6 1! X ».the Cut, the Workmanship, and the ?L'3oafctfcß from WELLINGTON j " PRICE (culling at flobart) The wiu Come on here from YWr.moo | Thur | April 19 Greymouth as eoou as the sea mode r«tes. oYDNEY from WELLINGTON Th « , Kot n uk « " loadiu 8 coal at Gre J" I mouth for Wellington. rMokoia|Tbur | ApnUG The arr . ved Qreymonth M en » s Rainproof Coats, 37s 6d, 40s, 455, ; fVia Auckland yesterday morning and sailed again the kq s XK g ' Monowai j Safe , April 21 eaue tide for Weskport, Nelson and ' I ~*-~ DU 7o i a line^ W ThrMa P ourika leaves Nebo. to-day ! Men's Chesterfield Coats, 355, 37s 6d, 40 5 , YDNfciY TO BRISBANE, HONO- for Westport, arriving at Greymouth to* j 50s. LOLP VAKCOUVKR, CANADA morrow and sailiug again the same day I ONJTED STATES md EUROPE ■* J. p.m. for Westport, Nelson, and , «* •, M fl Mm,f ftQ h Pft QOq 4,0* ,, SM l^lcnMtavH Wellington. 5.30 p.m. train to-morrow ; J«en 8 WaCKintOSneS, dVS, 60S, <kV8 t ».• ivi.ow ra |..on i y . conn9^i3 for passengers. (.-a mo-ihiy thereto .. . ., Youth's Overcoats, 17s 6d, 22s 6d, 30s r " R L ™p:o™ S I,». CANAL dipping Telegrams. Boyg . 13s 6d. lfe U. H. M, ' PS Oratava (loaves Sydney) | Pat | Apl 21 arrivals. S 6d. (and fortnightly thoreaffcer) Wpstpout Anril 17 .m -m- « » kr ,t» r. _i U. i 3. 45 p . roj Al , h 2X^G^oVi The New Caps for Men and Boys (in any routr sea islands. qua% ) 6d, 9d, Js, Is 3d. Is6d, 2s, The TaviuDi, Manapouri Navaa (twin 2S2 S 6d, 2a 9d, 3*, 3s 6d, #S 9d, 4b, 4s 6d crew) aDd Hauroto sail at reanUr inter- r2S ? ?als from Auckland. Joi AaJjj^^ I' or Freight or Passage apply to tbe Jg^QE? Revell Street Hokitlhi THE B.S. JANE^DOUGLAS. Ilfce Ottf S T 11 WILL LFAVE I _ , . mmm mga^ am^ Piice^ like, urs ell J FOB WESTPORT, Eatlj. Asent, THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING B ___— COMPANY'S LINF. — — — — —^— »^ BOYAL MAIL BTEAMKBB, •--«---^- — -, . fOB LONDON, X C B r TfaMmt>T y"r:*rr n*« Zealand, \\ M'lvaV Steaaei. Beg Port Dep. (about) J KaZ^^V"^ ««»™ and Sou 7010Wdltagto"«»» 81 w HBB MADWO DRAPEBS AND CLOTHIERS Wakatane ... do Junn •Turakina «. 7630 do July f HOKITIKA \ AND GBETMOUTH. •Kaikourn... 7801 do July All ffl.2l.fift •Paparoa ... 3027 do Aug 2 •**** X»XO»U2k *Ruapehn ... 6563 do Aug 30 jmjLpass '""n " " '——— ^,, -f^ f Calls at Bio de Janiero ' wrir "* RtAJ _, <y^** °Twin screw. ," . . \ " \~'~, ' , Fares from Hokitika- Steerage single and j from £17 to t-21; 2nd class single £88 or ' Ist class single from £64 to £74. f\ * • jQ X^ g Ji. An experienced surgeon will accompany 1 new Zealand 1 I Fi/tljfj rilr m wiMjff each steamer *WUHT£%9m ' Passengers booking at Hokitika are v ■ISli^i given a free coastal passage to tbe port at 4* mJjßmwllmm\ which they join the Home steamer. & Iclothincwctoryl J J?/i/i/ Tm\ virk W/)*» * Jir The passengw accommodation in the „ , _ UVUI J.IUJJUI IVI a IX/ three classes <s repleta with every modern l9ftTß convenience and the dietary Bcale such as ■ Afn w 4/ -f/i rt tirfil* ft will suatain the well-earned reputation of RnTFT nuTVATTwn T? MLUnujUiLbUttVlO, the Company. BOiU UKlVA^ Llbt >- Q) Warrants issued at Hokitika for pas- A\ Revell Street. sages from tbe Old Country. What aboufc JJ Round tbe World Tours.— Special rates " - are quoted for round trurs, one way by «t« tt j t* New Zealand Shipping p Company, and Winter \J deVWear. Cfl TTAYING disposed of W.Morri.h's . he other by either the O.midian-ADiti*. J^ atock of ta and ehoeß the firm hno or the A. an! A. loute »hrough have now d fe u , new North America, the former vjaViLCoaw You know our Quality- _*. # aßßOr tment. The prices are marked in and the latter via San Francisco. TflE BEST . g (ft p i ain figurei aad &c& c firm ifl determined Write to-day for free pamphlet of m- (~^ » W to uphold the reputation the business has formation. ff\ © enjoyed for so many yeara stocking only 1 \*fwJ CQ d) the very best;: Repairs a speciality in Vorijreight or passage, apply — == *^*C m *+ c& regard to neatness and dispatch. YIVIANJWM. BONAR, «__„ j^| |r) | W Age u^ W r h^T f R s ? treet ' — — ORDERS BY POBT PROMPTLY ,---- , A CAllD> XJ ~ J Q £ N ATTENDED TO WBY YOU S !GULD USE . fV* S Kj> 1 • •> n-a 1 H. H. COOTE. tI I 1m *8 rt Inspection of the up-to-date stock is . Laking, Powder. nn> v IC% CO Si J 3 h o^ in . viiQ^ Patronswiiibe g uarOPTICIAN, f S J^^_ f^ O 52 anteed satisfaction on paying! ja.visit. to © O tne establishment. It always gives satisfactory results HUME'S BUILDINGS, OD 5 JSSh. 1 * alWayß ° f UDif ° rm <* VI«-L13 STREET, TJ- (jj g "^^lS^afcL 1 WELLINGTON. LQCO fIiIVFP RTR T l\]]V]t It is cheapest because it is of high IJ j d'fl UIjIVLIV (x JJ U 1 1c1 c quality and strength, and is [ CS^ - ) >w^ -w rf therefore economical in use. V^-* f 1 i| g W (Late W, MOBBISH.) Will you order from the grocer tc-day, a ODfllAf iJ M^PDATU rf^— / o " onepouni tin, price one shilling? IJnUffll Ifl UllM I II) *-**" ( ! I I d) Farriers, Wheelwrights, A ! U fe* m. 8 Kirk pa trick &Co «<™rai smiths. M Zi ? # LTD., MaWcTURERS, WeLD StB S. Bfc S £ 9 NELSON, N.Z. tTAYING PURCHASED the above !^f Z> X ■ I — . jtX businew, wh^ch ba« been so sue- m— P M H HALL MARKED c«ufally carried on by Mr M. M'Gratb, .- . — - *C Mm • — 1 - CiVSH GIVEN AWAY. respectf ally ask for a continuarce of IT— •|H WHEN BUYING j ' ' the subitsntial support accorded to him {*} ,d H TETA PLEASE NOTE.-48ca<.h prizes are iv the P ast - r// ~* °° H SEE ■t A THAT given away every half year as a cash die- GAkRIAGrEd of every deicription W V ■ AII"IA /% Al count to regular "KOZIE" TEA users BUILT TO ORDER at I II H \IIN instead of spending it on t'Jiensivo ad- Reasonable Prices. \m H M■■U VII SSSSSsySJ flo^=^ rtW,- - 1 lIMOATE & Co/s 7 " . v ' ' ' Whose services are retained. S H Nume «» on every Packet and -agODt. |B| Box. ltl*«guarante«andth« Tirms ReAvSOnablb. H HALL-MARK MAM AK ES B_ABV GEO W . R ... Propr ,. o , ■ The highest medical authorities recqm- H mend "ROBINSON'S PATENT BAH _. , „ . - ■ LEY" as an lofant Pood, imr a natri- Dye and French Cleaning tious building up food. To ensure p rfect Works "EOBINSON-s'teßNT'eßOATav HODTIKA AHD OBKHOUTH - ====== •- J. SOMMERVILLE. the proprietor of the ..™ h T£.;rm.L™ O" ' h6 Grßrm °"" 1 Dyei ° g " d ' Cantral Hairdressing Booms ehemi3t of Dunedin, proprietor of Tussi- Fienc 1 ) Cleaning Works will VISIT "\^S7*XXI» XXSIjH ZJ;™£Z2*&£&& HOKXTXKA „„ MONDAY, « ,n., --==— V^™£™™*** rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, and all odm left at tho Red Lion Hotel will r^B9 F0R ~ modiona prtmisea in Bevell Street, lately deep-seated muscular and rheumatic WFmt\i lAMCC^TItPO'Q ocru P' e d by Mrs Roberts, confectioner, pains. Dr Eaaor's Tamer Juice for be promptly attended to. WSmfL 0 x ne ahop has been recently reno constipation, indigestion, liver, stomach, CT^aftinHlfl f** PfRAWtBULATo»s vated, Mr Hall being determined te make and k'dney troubles. Mountain King . - YfflWpl-JM tnd aJJond^n *ne o^tbe'ooast **" "^ Asthma Powder, wonderful for asthma. T o these who cou»h, and those wbo need J^^fe* Go UARTS. Ttu u r !!*T »nA LJk^nmrtmtnt in Eich of these preparations aro now Too frrquently to blow their noses S&m^^ ,J, J T «1^ tSS household w Oi ds throughout tbe colony. 'At church or public ,n S etin K3 heed Work. : *£ td'^hTvin "requS T h nd ! ' ■.! - To wan or child or mnd demure. — .i- — . — w For a shampoo or shave don # t go else-y%^^^,-Q^^'*-*'^^v l^^'&^2 n ow C a n you stop? Til tr)M oil bow, F<n OolHs in the Head an II v whtre. Note the addressC UJUJJ, Fat>ltf^ f ■ Dose up with Woods' Great lVrpermint xVood^' Great Peppermint Cv c, is ua i. 0 INEB r BVB ll & WEI.» Stbbb.
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West Coast Times, Issue 13799, 18 April 1906, Page 2
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1,487Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 West Coast Times, Issue 13799, 18 April 1906, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 West Coast Times, Issue 13799, 18 April 1906, Page 2
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