London, April II Renter's Madrid correspondent stake tt the Pertugaese aaval mutiny, that the crew of tbe ironclad Vaseo de Garni mutinied at Lisbon »n Friday evening. In response to signals and cries of help * tag went to inquire, but wan rcoeivtd with rifle shots and compelled to return. Other vessels inolading the fl»g»bip Don Carlos, were similarly treated. It is reported the crew killed a lieutenant because he killed a sailor %%n was about to fire one of the ahip'a guns at the shore. Portuguese newspapers add that the Vasoo de Gama con tantly signalled the* Don C«rlos, whioh mutinied on Monday, the ninihi The crew of the destroyer Tf jo and training ships Don Fernando also mntia* ied. Reports are current of sots of Ine lubotiuHiiioa in meiai garritoa tanas, •
Seven of the Don Carlo's crew have been arrested. Lisbon, April 17 The mutiny on (he Yaeco de Garaa has been rcsnltleas, being quelled without difficulty. It w*s chiefly prompted by aympatby j for the mutineers on the Don Carlos.
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West Coast Times, Issue 13799, 18 April 1906, Page 2
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West Coast Times, Issue 13799, 18 April 1906, Page 2