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BULLS-OHAKEA CLUB SUCCESSFUL MEETING SCHOOL COMPETITIONS Perfect weather favoured the Bu’ilsOhakea Sports Club for lhe annual meeting, held ca the Domain on tSaturday f and the grounds were in line order. The attendance was well up to the average, and fields in both cycling and running events were large, rellocting the impetus given to both branches oi sport by the holding of evening spoils gatherings at Marton and Bulls, 'lhe cyclists inciudvd the New Zealand champion J. Wade, who rode well, but was handicapped out of his races; lion Lilcry, the jueal track, A. Hansen, Coulter, E. Davidson and other well known competitors. A. Hansen, who won the one and three miles handicaps, annexed the points prize presented by Air. J. Tricker. The runners included 1.. Burgess, T. McCashin, E. Brandon, L. Moss and others, including a promis ing local lad, E. H. Haycock, ami t'ie poiiit» prize (Mr. Hex McKelvie’s I’-ophy) was divided by Burgess (Ist. in the 220yds, and third in the 100yds.) Haycock (2nd. in the 880yds. ami mile). I’he Kiileymoon Challenge Cup was again won by G. Bromley. Results, interspersed with musical items were broadcast from a loudr and proved a great success, ’lhe hon. secretary (Mr. C. B. Ande«son) and an army of officials cairied out their duties capably, everything going oil smoothly, and there was nut a dull moment in the afternoon's spo t. Mr. C. Ander.ajn (Marton) sent «he fiek-b off in line, and the running was clean throughout, in two cyc.e races riders fell, but escaped injury. Mr. f. A. llampieinan (Marten) and members of ihe schools’ sports association, conducted the schools’ competitions with their usual ability, and Airs. ( alcy Hammond (Marton) kindly judged the baby tdiow. At the conclusion Air. C. E. A il? presented the shields won, and look t’ne* opportunity of thanking patrons jor their attendance, and officials for their assistance, particularly mentioning Air. Hempleman and members of the schools’ sports association. Jn handing over tiio Cecil Alansell Memorial shield to Joan Hill, captain of the Kopane. Hchool. he said that the trophy had been kindly donated by Mrs. F. J. AJanscll. whose son Cecil had given bis life in the Gieat War. Cheers wvre given for the winners and lowers, and for the donor of the shield. Air. A ile congratulated the Marton Junction pupils on winning the A He shield, which he handed to the captain, Aloira Hutton, and called for cheers for the winners and losers, and for Air. F. Hempleman. who had brought along a good team each rear to compete. Mr. Hempleman responded, and added that it had alwavs been a pleasure io come to Bulls, and called for cheers for Mr. Vile, the donor of the shield. Detailed rcsulte are as follow : 220yds Local Handicap.—D. Stantiall (17yds) 1, R. Ingram (20.) 2, C. Mulling (3) 3. Time 25 2 ssec. Won on the post by inches. 100yds Maiden. —A. Al •■Cormack 1. AV. A*. Newland 2, AV. Bu>h 3. Tune, 1 1 2-ssc» s. AVon very easily. One Mile Cycle (maiden).—C. Button 1, R. Bromlvy 2, J. Ellery 3. Time, 2min. 43sec A good finish. JOOyds Handicap: First Heat. —L. Mo-s"(3A) 1. L. J- Stephenson (9) 2, E. Brandon (7) 3. Time 1 Osers. AVon bv inches; second heat, K. G. < oles <7) 1’ 1. H. Dixon (7) 2, L. Burgess (5> 3 Time. IT) Laser. AVon by a yard. Half mile Cycle Handicap: First Heat. B Coulter (65) 1. J. AVade (scr.) 2 R. Ellerv (35) 3. Time, Imin. 6 4 5. M-eond heat. J. Hart (100) 1. R. Bromlev (70) 2, L. Hazelwood (45) 3. Time, jinin. 4 J-ssec; third heat. L. Field (100) I, Dallison ( —) B. T. Hemes ’(lOO) 3. Time Imin. final. TL Bromley 1. Dallison 2. Wad? 3. Time Imin. 5 A close finish. SSOyds Handieao.— S. J. Ireland • ko\ 1 it TTn<-f»or»L- tS.Ti 2. T. McCashin

(28) 3. Time, Imin, 57 1 -sscc. Won by Byds. Local Boys’ Cycle Race (I mile). — E. Carter J, Q. Ellery 2, L. Hazelwood 3. Time 2min. 26 4-ssecs. Won com fortably. 100yds Ladies Handicap: firstheai.— I. Cofes (4) 1, Aliss Carter 2, B. Hall 3. Time, 12sec; second heat, AL Oiiiver (6) J, Airs. Griffin 2, R. Chrietian 3. Time 12 l-ssec. final, B. Hail and AL Olli ver (dead heat) J, Airs. Griffen 3. Time, J2 2-ssec. One Alile Cycle Handicap: First Heat. —B. Coulter (1-0) 1, A. Hausen (80) 2, R. Ellery (60) 3. Time, 2min. 25 2-ssec; second heat, E. Sherrin (120) j J, A’. Pidwell (60) 2, E. Gibbs (79) 3. lime, 2min. 23sec; final, Hansen 1, E. Ellery 2. Grubs 3. Time, 2iuin. Ll 4-5»-ec. Won by a wheel. ’ 75yds Ladies’ Handicap: First Heat. ’ —l. Cokes (4) 1, Airs. Gnll’in (5) 2, M. Bush (SA) 3. Tune, 8 3-ssec; estond ’ heat, AL. Olliver (6) .1, B. Gufiin (4j) ’ 2 D, Carter (7) 3. 'lime, !)sec; final, j Airs. Griffin 1, AL Olliver 2, J. 3. Time, 8 4 sscc. ( 220yds. Handicap: Fisrt Heal.• -L. Alu..-* (U») 1, L. J. Siepaenson (17) 2, j W. V. Hadfield (20) 3. lime _’-rscc. ' second heat, C. J. Mullin (18) .1, K. G Coles (I6J) 2, 1.. Burgess (16) 3. lime ? 24sec; final, Burgess I, Coles 2, Hndt field 3. Time 23 4-ssec. A great fin- ’ Al mi nr Tyre Race (boys).- -<’. Green , I. Kuku Walker 2, Rex Ellery 3. ' One Mile Handicap. —G. Bromley ' (125) 1, H. Haycock (180) 2, H. W. Pilot 3. Time 4min. 26 l-ssec. Brom- [ lev, Izist year's winner, and the local , lad, Haycock, staged a stirring Jimsii, Bromley drawing out in lhe last lew [ strides to win by lour yards. Two Mile Cycle Handicap: First Heat. —B. Uouiter (190) 1,1 L Ellery (90) 2, A. Hausen ( 140; 3. Time smm. [ 5 3-sscc; second heal, E. bherrin (180) I, E. Carter (34'i) 2, J. Lilery i,J2d) 3. Time, 4mm. ossce. third neat, C. S. Button (lo 0 .1, 1.. Gibus (*’>u) 2, j K Ellciy (189) 3. iime, jinin. Ih-cc; s final, E. Carter 1, K. EUcry 2, Co-UiLer ; 3. I'iidC 4mm. o 5 1 -jsp< . uu very ; Children's Tricycle Race. —Bill C’la.k J, Roy luting 2. ( 440/ds. Hu.idicip. A. D. Bush (31) J } W. \ . hadiieid (34) 2, A. Lett fob) » 3, Time, 50 2-sst‘c. llaiL a yard vacn way. 'jhree Mile Cycle Handicap A h grade.—A. Hansen (PJV) J, B. Coulter (280) 2, E. Sherrin (300) 3. Lime, 7mm. 41sec. Hansen drew out in the run home to win by several yards. B j grade, H. Moss (330) .1, J. Hart (420) r 2, K. Atwell (410) 3. Time, 6mm. 1 53 l-asec. An interesting finb-h. * Relay (mixed) 440yus. Tutaenui I (K. Coles, C. AJuliin, L. Aioss and Aliss I. Coles .1, Wanganui (Burgess, Steven- ; son, Brandon and Aliss B. Griffin i 2. i A great rare, Aliss Griffin receiving J the baton a few strides in front nf Aliss - Coles, and a neck and neck struggle i to the tape saw Aliss Coles win by ? inches only. Vile Shield Competition ’ Three schools were represented in the 1 Vile Shield competition, Aiarton Juncj tion (M.J.), Kopane (K), and BuLe (B> and toey finished in that order. ’ Results:— JO Years, Boys.—M. AA hale. (M.J.) I. J. Carr (hi 2, D. Dallas (M.J.) 2; . I girls, AL '1 arrant (M.J.) 1. V. Half (K) 2. I’. Prentice (K) 3. JI Years, Boy>. — V. Stantiall (M.J.) 1 1, Al. Hill (K) 2, J. Fisher (M.J.) J; girls, ('. Czvpiwski (M.J.) J, lb .Ssiber ' land (B) 2, 8. Goodwin (M.J.) 3. ’ 1- 5 car.- Hoys. —C. Green (B) J, W. Sutherland (Bi 2, N. Nolan (K; o; girls, J. Hill (K) 1, Al. Hutton (M.J.) ’j2, J Prentice, (K) 3. 13 Yean-, Boys.—G. Leech (M.J.) 1. T. Chisholm (M.J-) 2, G. Leen (K) •». J gills, J. Phillips (AI.J.) J, L- Ru**>ell (K) 2, J. Goouwin (M.J.) 3. J 4 Years, Boys. — F. Cohen (MJ.) I. K Whitcriube (AI.J.) B. Kcweti (Bl ■ 3; girls, M. Dow,-. (MJ.) 1, Is. Mu'iu (K) 2, J. Hockley (K) 3. Belay Under 12, Boys.—M. Hill (K) I, >. btantiall (M.J.) 2, I>. Green (Bl gnls, V. Had (K) 1, r . Czepanski (M.J.) 2, I. Sutherland (B) 3. Relay Under .15, Boys.-IL l.e‘‘ch (MJ.) 1. A. Stantiall (M.J.) 2, f Green (B) 3; girls, M. Hutton (AHL, 1. J. Hill (K) 2, D. Hannah (B) 3. ’ High Jump (boys( under 12;.--V. Stantiall (M.J.) 1, Divehail (K.) and

mire the outlook. AL. Whale (AI.J.) d?ad heat 2; under J 5, Anderson (B) .1, Letch (M.J.) 2. Concn (M.J.) ami Howard (B) dead heat 2. Hop, Step and Jump (under 12).--Firhcr (M.J.) and Stantii-ilu (AI.J.) equal 1. Hill (K) 2; under J 5, Chisholm (AI.J.; J, Leech' (M.J.) 2, Anderson 3. Totals.— Marten Junction 103 A points, Kopan? 50A, Bulls 26. Mansell Memorial Shield. Kopane and Upper Tutaenui Schools contested the competition, Kopane (K) winning by 87 points to Upper Tutacnui’s (f) 45. Results: —• Boys (under JO).—J. Carr (K) 1, R. Daubm (K) 2, J. Wood (T) J; girls, P. Prentice (K) 1, L. Pattinson (T) 2, V. Hall (K) 3. Boys (undfer 11). —Al. Hill (K) 1, Divehall' (K) 2, Marshall (T) 3; girls, L. Pattinson (T) J, C. Clorrccn (K) 2, C. Forlong (K) 3. Boys (under 12).- -T. Marshall (T) 1 A. Thompson (T) 2, K. Redmagne (K) 3; girls, J. Hill (K) J, P. Prentice (K) 2. Boys (under 13). —G. Leen (K) 1, T. Warren (T) 2, L. Dorn (K) 3; girls, L. Russell (K) J, M. Hawkins (T) 2. Relay (boys under 12). —AL Hill. (K) J, T. Aiarshall (T) 2. under 15, AL HUI (K) 1, T. Marshall (T) 2. Hop, Blep. and Jump (under 15).- - Warren (T) .1, Hill (K) 2, Jells (K) o. High Jump (junior).—Divehall (K) 1. Jeffs (K) 2, Marshall (T) end Thompson (T) 3. Under 15, Kedmagne (K) J, Warren (T) 2, Jeffs (K) 3. Novedty Events. Best Pony.--R. Capstick's entry 1. Best Rider.—R. Capstick J, lan McDonald 2. Alusical Chairs <on horses). —L. Churchill 1 Bromiey 2. Sheep Guesring.—Airs. J. "Rowell (165.Hbs). Correct weight. 1661b5. Golf Putting. Ladies, Alias At. Tricker; men, Mr. H. Hendry. Baby Show (under 6 months;. - Pom; Hakaria .1,; under 12 months, Beryl Carter 1.; under 18 months, Francis Bailey 1. Babi-es (Mrs Hammond's trophy). Valerie Preston; Mrs. E.-eott's special. Michael Lunn; Airs. U. L. Anderson s j special, John O'Connell.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 59, 10 March 1936, Page 5

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ANNUAL SPORTS Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 59, 10 March 1936, Page 5

ANNUAL SPORTS Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 79, Issue 59, 10 March 1936, Page 5


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