WANGANUI TOURNAMENT BAIN INTERFERES WITH PLAY Rain interfered with the opening dav's play of the Wanganui Lawn Tennis Association’s New Year tournament, and although some matches were played during the morning, there was practically nothing done after lunch. Among the matches played, one which created a great teal of interest was that between L. Udy (St. John’s) and E. L. Prebble (Linwood and United, Christchurch). When the rain made further play impossible the players were set all. with Prebble leading 4—l jn the third. Details are as follow: —-
Championship Events Men ’s Singles:—Woollams beat Hamilton 3—6. 6—4, 6—4; Mallett beat Dempsev 7—5, 6—o; Waymouth beat Austin 6—l, 4 —6, 7—5; Keedwell beat Wilson 6— 2. 6 —3; Henrichs beat Wyllie 6—3. 6— 2Ladies’ Singles. —Miss Cox beat Miss O. Tilley 6—3, 6—4; Miss \. Eccles heat Miss K. Zeisler 6—L 6 —3. Miss Mac Kay beat Miss E. Brown 6—l, 6 —5; Mrs Smith beat Mrs Newman 6—2, 6—3; Miss M. Purcell beat Miss Izard 6—3, 6 —2; Mrs Hain beat Miss Runnerstrum 6 —3, 4—6, 6—2; Miss M. Calver beat Miss O. Zeisler K—l, 6 —<•. Ladies’ Doubles. —Mrs New and Miss Duncan beat Misses L. and E. Brow n Handicap Events Men’s Singles.—Russell rec, 15 beat Bland rec 3-6. Play to-day will commence at 9 a-m. and in order to catch up some of the time lost yesterday, players are requested to be on the courts at the time Mated.
WANGANUI PLAYERS FEATURED AUCKLAND. Jan. 1. Spectacular and exciting tennis was revealed on Monday when the third day’s play of the Mew Zealand championship tournament took place. The weather was perfect. 'I hr troublesome wind had slackened, the sun shone and the courts for the first time were reasonably dry.
In the ladies’ singles, Miss Myers fWanganui) marly caused an upset when she led Mrs Adams 5 —2 and 40 —0 in the first set. only to lose 5 —7, find carried the second to advantage. saving match point three times before she lost. The Christchurch pair. Misses Speirs and Wake, had a narrow escape from defeat at the hands of Misses Nicholls and Howe (Wellington). Laurenson and Bartleet were the only pair who met with trouble in the men's doubles. They had a good margin of superiority, after the second set, which they lost.
A feature of the morning’s play was Stedman’s splendid display against Lampe (Wanganui), whom he defeated in straight sets with great driving. Lampe started well but found the net position untenable against the stream of accurately placed drives sent over. Forced back from the net. he had no chance, the best he could do being one game in each of the second and third sets. Stedman has never played better, and this performance carries him into the front rank of New Zealand tennis. As in her match with Mrs Shroff. Miss Speirs, the title holder, startl’d badly against Miss Nicholls, who with well executed shots gained a 4 2 leadThe champion then improved and getting her drives going took the next four games for the set. In the second, set, despite a plucky fight by Miss Nicholls. Miss Speirs hit the balls hard to the corners and won almost as she liked. It was Miss Spcir’s best display in Auckland. Considerable interest was shown in the match between Mrs Adams and Miss Myers, which was closely contested and was productive uf line tennis. Using her more powerful service to advantage, and attacking her opponent’s backhand. Miss Myers led •>—and 40 love in the first set. but Mrs Adams then won the next six games and the set with fast drives down the sidelines, and pretty cross-court sluds. There were some great rallies in the second set. deuce being frequently called in prolonged games. Mrs Adams finished the match with a display oi fine shots, which Miss Myers was unable to handle.
Results are as follows: — Men’s Singles, third roati.l; E. L. Bartleet (Auckland) beat I’. H. Jones (Maori) 6-0, 6-2. 60; c. Angus (Canterbury) beat .1. L. Gregory (Auekland) *6-0. 6-0. 6-0; A. S. Stedman (Auckland) Heat M. L. Lampe (Wanganui) 6-3. 6-1, 6-1; E. Mai*i<»y (Wellington) beat T. Rhodes Williams (Wellington) 10-8. 6-1. 6 4; N. G. Sturt (Auckland) beat J. N. Lowry (Hauke’s Bay) 6-2, 6-2. 6-0; A. L. France (Wellington) l>eat J. A. F. Watson (Otago) 6-1, 6-1, 6-2; D. F. Glanville (Canterbury) beat G. Martin (Auckland) 6-3. 8-6. 6-2; J. T. Laurenson (Waikato» beat W. H. Entwhistlc (Auckland) 6-2,
Ladies’ Singles, third round: Miss Marjorie MacFarlane (Auckland; beat Miss M. Gibson < South Canterbury • 6-1. 6 2; Mrs R. P. Adams (Wellington) beat Miss M. Myvr s « Wanganui) 7-5, 75; Miss M. Speirs < < ’anterlmrv » beat Miss M. Nicholls (Wellington' 6-4. 6 1; Miss Al. Tracy (Wellington t beat Mrs W. J. Melody (Wellington) 6-0, 7-5. Men’s Doubles, second round: A. Johns and M. W. Morrison (Auckland > beat M. L. Lampe (Wanganui) and T. R. Williams (Wellington) 62, 7-5 1-6. 6-0. Third round: A. L. France (Wellington) and C Augas • Canter!.ury) beat A. K. Turner and E. H. Turner (Auckland) 6-1. 6-1. 6-1; J. C. Charters ( Whangarea) and A. C. Stedman ( Auckland) bjeat D. F. Glanville (Canterbury; and J. N. Lowtv (Hawke’s Bay) 6 1. 6-3. 6-1 E. L. Bartleet {Auckland and J. *T. Laurenson (Waikatof neat A. C. Jones and M. Morrlsoa (Auckland) 6-4, 6 8, 6-4. 6-2.
Ladies’ Doubles, fir«t round: Misses D. Nicholls and D. Howe (Wellingtonj beat Misses P. ami D. Miller (Auckland) 6-3, 7 5. Second round? Misses M. Speirs and M. Wake (Canterbury) beat Misses D. Ni<*holl s and D. Ho>'e (Wellington) 6-4, 2-6, 8-6; Mrs W. J. Melody (Wellington) and Miss \£. Myers (Wanganui) beat Misses AL Au drew (Canterbury; and M. Gibso* (South Canterbury) 6-1. 6-4; Airs R. P. Adams and Aliss M. Tracey (Welling ton) beat Airs A. Arneil ( WhangareiJ and Miss J. E. Ramsay (Auckland; 6 1 6 1. Combined Doubles, first round: Aliss M. Andrew and R. McC. * rkins won from Miss D. Miller and V. R. Johns by default; Mr* H. Jones and J. 1). Jonas won from Aliss P. Miller and A. C. "has by default; Miss D. Nirtlwfo
and N. G. Sturt won from Airs E. Napier and 1 D. Coster by default; Airs W. J. Melody and W. J. Melody beat Mrs Shroff and J. (’. Charters 7-5, 6-0; Aliss Myers and M. L. Lampe beat Aliss N. Whitelaw and A. I\. Turner 6-2, 6-3; Aliss Marion AlacFarlone and J. N. I/owry beat Aliss Potter and A. S. Lamb 7-5. 6-3; Aliss Tracy and (’. E. Alalfroy beat Aliss T. D. Newton and T. R. Turei 6- 6-0. Second round: Aliss Alarjorie AlaeFarlane and C. E. W. Mclntosh beat Mis s D. Howe awl E. W. Griffiths 7- 7-5; Miss I). Nicholls and N. G. Sturt won from Airs H. Jones and J. D. Jones by default: Airs R. P. Adams and A. L. France beat Airs Scott-Watson and A. (’. Stedman 7-5, 6-4; Miss Al. Myers and AL L. l.ampe beat Airs D. Al. Robson anti E. Al. Ohlson 6-4, 6-3; Aliss Al. Speirs and C Augas beat Aliss Al Andrew and R. AlcL. Ferkins 5-7, 6-2, 6-3; Aliss M. Tracy and C. E. Alalfroy beat Mrs W. J. Alelody and W. J. Alel<>dy 6-3. 6-1; Mis s AL Wake and D. F. Glanville beat Miss P. Rukutai and P. H. Jones 6 2. ~-~j; Miss J. E. Ramsay
an<l Alorrison beat Aliss Alarion Afac Farlane and J. N. Lowry 6-2, G-2.
SOME EXCITING AIATCHES (Per Press Association.) AUCKLAND, Jan. 1. The New Zealand tennis championships were continued to-day in fine weather. though a few showers fell in the middle of tbs afternoon. A large crowd watched interesting awl exciting matches. Stedman, who had defeated Lampe. the previous day, put up a splendid performance against Laurenson who Was fully extended to win in four sets, playing a strong accurate game. Bartb-et. proved too good for Angus who was inconsistent, missing brilliant shots with bad ones. Sturt started off promisingly against Alalfroy, who, however, made fewer errors and compelled ’ his opponent to fight for every point. In the semi-finals of the ladies’ singles Aliss Alarjorie AlacFarlane beat Airs Adams by persistency in attacking her back hand. Aliss Speirs playc’l at the top of her form, agaiust Aliss Tracy, the champion’s riving be'ng too much for the Wellington player. The men’s doubles between Sturt aaid [Alalfroy. and France and Angus, was a prolonged contest, in which there were >onie great rallies. Charters and Stedman made a linp showing against Bartleet and Ixiurensou. but expfirien?e told in the end. Alisses Speirs and AVake gave an improved display against Airs Melody and Aliss Al yers. The Alisses MacFarlane were disappointing against Mrs Adams and Aliss Tracy, who were much more steady.
Glanville played very well against France who concentrated on steadiness, cuts and chops. The Cai terbury player frequently worked his opponent out of position but then, in anxiety to finish the rally by placing' the ball out of reach, hit just over the side lines. Sturt raised the hopes of his supporters at the commencement of his match with Alalfroy. Alalfroy, however, player with fine control. His errors were rcmarkably f.-w. From the fifth game onwards. Sturt lost bis reliability. Bartleet seldom ha s been seen to better advantage than he appeared in his match with Angas. The Aucklander played careful tenuis until the opportunity fur advance to the net presented itself. Then he placed Angas in difficulties with good forcing shots and went in to finish, usually with a superb volley. Wonderful steadiness and the retrieving of shots which, against any other player in New Zealand, would have won out right, carried Laurenson through against Stedman in a close four-set match. Stedman played spectacular tennis and deserves great credit for a line performance against the hardest plaver to defeat in the country. AVith a. lead of two sets to one, Laurenson had t-j fight every inch of the way in the fourth set.
The match between Alisses Speirs and Tracy commenced with long rallies from the base lines. Miss Tracy lobbed successfully, and by going into the net she took the lead 3-2. That was her last game, however, as the champion took the next four in succession. Aliss .Speirs drove strongly to both forehand and backhand corners, many of her shots being quite unrcturnable. The Canterbury player played strongly through the'second set. Miss Tracy tried going to the not. but Was continuously passed with brilliant shots. This match showed Aliss Speirs in a very favourable light It will be surprising if she loses the title. Aliss Alarjorie AlacFarlane entered the final with a good win over A cs Adams. The Auckland player had a clear margin of superiority throughout and only lost the load once. Alisses Alarjorie and Alarion AlacFarlane started \erv badly against Aliss Tracv and Mrs Adams. The Wellington pair had captured the first set almost Indore the spectator* realised it. The holders ol the title played sound tennis. Aliss Marion MacFarlane did some effective volleying but her sister was off her game. The Auckland pair improved in I he second set which they won, but Aliss Tracy and Airs Adams got a long lead in the thirl set. Alisses Speirs and Wake reached the semi-finals of the Indies’ doubles by defeating Airs Alelody and Alis<; Alycrs in consecutive sets. Aliss Speirs played very steadily and I was particularly good overhead. Aliss [ Myers was perhaps the steadiest player of the four. She made some brilliant returns from the base line. Airs Alelody played very well, though she was not as accurate at the net as usual. Charters and Steadman fully earned th«- applause which greeted their stand against Laurenson and Bartle'et, the holders of the doubles title. Charters in particular, gave a very fine display. In the end the greater experience of i lie holders tohi, but they could at no lime afford tu let up. Fiance an<l Angas gained a well-merited, win over Sturt and Alalfroy. The winners played with better combination were also steadier. A feature of thg match was the fine work of Angas at the net. Lampe and Aliss Alyers just won against France and Airs Adams. Aliss Alyers’ play was a feature of the match. Augas and Aliss Speirs struck unexpected opposition from Morrison and Aliss li’aiusav. who secured the middle set at 97. The Christchurch pair were rather unconvincing and have yet to display [that understanding on the court which I i> necessary in successful doubles play. •Angas certainly gave the impression that he was taking his opponents too lightly and perhaps more can be hoped from the Christchurch pair now that they have reached the semi-final. There will be some first-class matches to-morrow, when the majority of the finals will be decided. Aliss Speirs, the title-holder, will meet Aliss Alarjorie AlacFarlane in the final uf the ladies’ singles, ami it should be a fi e contest. The ladies’ doubles title will go either l<» Canterbury or Wellington. A close match is anticipated between Alisses [Speirs ami Wake a d Airs Adams and |Alis s Tracy. The boys’ junior singles l will go to the South Island, as the finalists. Robertson ami Barnett hail trum and ChxEtchurch resjjee-
lively, lhe finalists in the girls’ junior both hail from Auckland. Results are as follow: •Men’s Singles, fourth round: Bartleet beat Angas 6-4, 6-3, 8-6; Al ali iov beat Sturt 6-3, 63, 10-8; France bea*t Glanville 6-2, 9-7, 6-0; Laurenson beat Steadman 6-1, 6-1, 2-6, 10.8. Ladies’ Singles, semi-finals: Aliss Alarjorie Alaciarlane beat Airs Adams 7, 6-4; Aliss Speirs beat Aliss Tracv ! 6-3, 6 3.
1 Men’s doubles, semi-finals: France and Angas beat Sturt and Alalfroy 4-6, [l2-10, 6-4, 6-4; Bartleet and Laurenson [beat Charters and Stedman 5-7, 6 4, 6-2 6-2. | Ladies’ Doubles, semi-finals: Alisses Speir s and Wake beat Airs Alelody and Aliss Alyers 6-4, 6-3; Airs Adams and [Aliss Tracy beat Alisses Alarjorie and Alarion AlacFarlane 6-1, 5-7, 6-4. Combined Doubles, third round: Aliss AVake and Glanville won from Aliss Marjorie AlacFarlane and Alaclntosh by default; Aliss Alyers and Lampe beat Mrs Adams and France 6-4, 7-5; Aliss Tracy and Alalfroy beat Aliss Nicholls and >Sturt 6-2, 6-0; Aliss Speirs and Angas beat Aliss Ramsay and Alorrison 6 4, 7-9, 6-4. Boys’ Junior Singles, third round: Robertson beat Brownlie 6-0, 6-5. Semifinals: Robertson won from Drew by default; Barnptt beat Howe 6-5, 5-6, 6-0. Girls’ Junior Singles, semi-finals:— Miss Griffiths beat Aliss Eliott 6-2, 4-6. 6-1; Aliss Taylor beat Aliss Hall 6-3,
Buys’ Doubles, semi-finals: Robertson and Drew beat Roustell and Howe 1-6. 6-1, 6-3; Newman and Barnett beat Long ami Ferkins 6-1, 6-0. Girls’ Doubles, semi-finals: Alisses Eliot, ami How.c. beat Alisses Adams and Nixon 6-3, 6-3; Alisses Hooton and Griffiths beat Alisses Hpll and Tavlor 6-5, 3-6, 6-2. Junior Combined Doubles, second round: Aliss Taylor and Walton beat Miss Buddle and Afilne 6-5, 2-6, 6-4; Aliss Chambers ami Court beat Aliss Griffiths and Newman 6-4, 6-2; Aliss Hooton and Barnett beat Aliss Ball and Stewart 6-2, 6-4.
New Zealand Plate, second round: — Charters beat Alelody' 6-1, 6-3; Turner beat Gray 6-3, 6-4. Third round: Alorrison beat Lamb 6-3, 6-4; Charters beat Howe 6-1, 6-0; Griffiths beat Turner 6-4, 6-1; Nicholson beat Robertson 6-2, 6-3. Semi-finals: Alorrison beat Charters 12-10, 0-6. 6- 1 ; Griffiths beat Nicholson 4-6, 6-2, 6-0.
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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 72, Issue 1, 2 January 1929, Page 8
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2,573LAWN TENNIS Wanganui Chronicle, Volume 72, Issue 1, 2 January 1929, Page 8
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