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_ The Greytown Special Settlement Association having limited tbe number of members to foity, vitli power to increase to fifty if thought desirable, persons intending to join should nut delay in sending in their names. Mr F. 11, Wooii will sell a quantity of general merchandise at his Greytown rooms to-morrow. A lad at Dunedin was struck by a buffer of a railway engine and received serious injuries, The Wanganui Borough Council liave been reducing expenditure. The work in futnie is to be done by a town clerk at £2OO and a junior at £8(1, instead of by a town clerk at £275, and a collector at £2OO. The Mararawa Quadrille Assembly will hold tbe first meeting of the season next Wednesday. A dance was held hist Wednesday evening at which there were about 30 couples. Mr Ziliwood, wlio has just erected a large building, has kindly offered it for dancing purposes dining tbe winter months, and (be Mataiawa people will therefore have no lack of amusement in their own district. The following tnam has been chosen to represent the .Maslerton llitles in a match to be fired at Carterton on Saturday ; —Captain Donald, Lieut Thompson, Sergt Matthews, Coipi MeUacblan, Vols G Bentley, <J Bentley, Blight, Ifolliens, Welch, C Wilton. KinergeiWles—Vol G Blanc, Lieut Cameron, Vol T Brown. Referee—W A Wilton. The following is the team chosen to represent the Carterton Ritles—Lieut Moore. Color-Sergeant Reid, Sergeant Fairbrother, Sergeant T Reid, Corporals Goodin, Boys, Bairatow, Volunteers J G Moore, James Eeid, J Dudson. Emergencies—Bugler Rising, Vol W J Hooper. Masker—Vol J Crawley. The Greytown Recreation Reserve will present a lively appearance to morrow after* no.’ii. A mile race takes place between K. Bayne, of Gladstone, and H. Hodge, of Muroa, for £5, ihe latter receiving 35 yards start. A 220 yards running match takes place between Cb’iu Udy, of Greytown, and F. Hawkins, for £lO aside, both starting from scratch. la addition to tbe above attractions the cricketers will play a scratch match, and tiro footballers will turn out (not for a danco, as was reported), but for first practice. The first of the foot races will be run about three o’clock,

Mi:-:8 IVtsi.'i C iraiidnu (now Mrs Palmer), the fivorite vocalist, gave a concert in Wellington I ,st night.

'1 hj« census will be taken on Sunday next II ms: holders "ill observe that the names of ail persons sleeping in the house on that evening must be entered upon the sheet. The Volunteer soiree at Featherstou last night we believe was a success. In compliment to the volunteer* our representative would have ridden down last uiglit to have given a full report of the proceedings, but as no doubt through an oversight the usual press ticket was uot forwarded, of course we were not represented. We (N. 25. Herald) have been shown a curiosity of an apple, grown by Mr Horsley, Home Valley, Malmrangi. The apple has been grown upon one foot stalk, but tbe fruit of two blossoms appear to have so joined as to make two apples from one stalk. The apples, though apparently distinct, are lirmly united together, and form a sort of Siamese twins. Evidence was taken in the Wellington Resident Magistrate’s Court ou Wednesday, says the Timed, in the case of Gallic t PH Macdonald ; claim Lls. The plaintiff’s evidence was taken at Dunedin, where he is now residing. Mr Macdonald, tbe defendant, was examined. He deposed that he bought a business at Carterton from Mr Gallie, taking over tbe book debts, which were represented as amounting t0,L400. There was not that amount outstanding, and an amount of Ll3B owing by Grace Brothers, which had been specially pointed out by Mr Gallie as a good debt, bad been collected by Mr Gallie. Several other debts had also been collected by the plaintiff. An amount of Llo was claimed by witness as eonimL-Muii on money collected by Gallie subsequent to a certain date, and Gallie paid this, subject to tbe result of an action to be brought by him. That was the action then under consideration. We commend a letter in to day’s issue, signed “ Greytown North.” to the members of the Waiohiue River Board. We agree with our correspondent that it is not wise to sell tbe reserve, for the reasons he has set forth. It is announced that legal action is to be taken against some of the directors of the Commercial Bank of South Australia for presenting to the shareholders a misleading balance sheet for 1885, which failed to disclose a loss of £BO,OOO incurred on pastoral properties held by the Bank. The London .Standard, in a leading article, declares that the continual seclusion of the (Jueen must prove disastrous to the monarchy.

At the adjourned sitting of tlie R.M. Court on Monday afternoon before Mr U. A. Stratford, Esq,, R.M., Messrs Elder and Co., of Laugdale, Messrs U. and F. Maun sell, Tinui, and Messrs Hcrcock and Tapiiu, Taueiu, ware liiud El and costa in each case for breach of tlie Oth section of the Habbit Act. George llatvey, of Berridnle. and William Vile, of I’akakuri, were each lined LI, and coats 7s unier sictions 3 of the Sheep Act, 1878, Amendment Act, 188(3, having sheep infected with lieo. P. Unuinigan, of Alfred ton, for not having dipped sheep within a month after receiving notice from the Inspector, Undtr section 2, of the Sheep Act 1878, Am- ndment Act, 1880, was lined the minimum penalty L 5, and costs, LI Bs.—Daily. A young lady named Vesey was recently found drowned at Motuihi, Auckland. Ou Tue-day evening a sister was found drowned in Cox’s Creek. It is probable that grief tor one led tbe other to commit suicide.

Knjoy Life—What a truly beautiful world wo live in ! We can desire no better when in good health ; but how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged, and worried out wi'li disease, when there is no occasion for feeling. Green’s August Flower will make them as free from disease as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the direct cause of seventy-five per cent, of such miladies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Prostration Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distressing symp’oms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sold by all druggists at js 6J, per bottle. Sample bottles, 6d. Try it.

Melbourne. Markets, March 23. —Shipping wheat ii quieter but steady at da 3d to 4s 4d; malting barley (no improvements), 3a Gd to

is 31 ; New Zealand oata, feed sorts steady, bat not active, 2a 3d to 3a; milling ditto, moderate enquiry, 3a Id to 3a 3d ; New Zealand oata, under bond, 3s 3d to 2a Gd. General Booth estimates the financial requirements of tire Salvation Army for the ensuing year at £30,000. This sum is needed for the ellident maintenance and development of all operations now in exist enoe, and is thua divided -.—For the general work, including rescue work and the Prison Brigade, £14,000; the sick and wounded, £2,000 He describes the year 1884 5 as having “ been one protracted heavy struggle with persecutions, afflictions, and trials of every kind, not the least of which has been the desperate effort made to utterly destroy our public reputation ; while from the Army’s earliest days it has had a ceaseless, wearyiug fight with financial difficulties."’

The value of the estates of intestates, absent heirs, (to., and lunatics in the hands of the Public Trustees, is, we learn from a return just received, £l7B 925 Is Gd gross, not £102,593 18s I'd. This department of the Public Service • not only deals with estates of considerable magnitude, but conscientiously attends to affairs of the smallest description. Some of the estates run into four figures, and a good many into three, but there are a large number in which only very small sums are at stake. The smallest of all was that of one B. F. Broughton, who left only a shilling behind him, which, after ex>< penses were deducted, is duly entered in the account as of the net value of lid.

Mrs Heatheote, one of the ladies of the Primrose League, and wife of the candidate for Nortb-we;t Staffordshire, was canvassing the other day somewhere in the Halmerend and Audloy mining district, when she went into the cottage of a miner. The miner’s cat had only a day or two before given biith to a line litter of kittens. Mrs Heatheote, seeking for a good cue to commence her canvassing, exclaimed. "‘Oh, what beautiful kittens! I suppose they are all Tories?” " Oh, yes I' 1 replied the collier's wife. "Then I hope you will give me one of the.pretty little things. Can it see ?” "No, it cannot aeo yet," answered the woman, smiling. " Then,” said Mrs Heatheote, graciously, " 1 will call for it when it lias opened its eyes,” A short lime afterwards Mrs Heatheote again appeared at the cottage, and gushingly exclaimed, " Oh, where is my pretty little puss ? Give it to me, for I want to show it to the captain. Let me see, you said it was a Tory,” " \os ! It was a Tory when you were here last, but thou it could not see, but now it has opened its eyes it’s a Liberal.”

Skinny Men. “ Wells’ Health ’>newcr” restores health ami vigor, cures, Dysp. impotence, Debilily. At druggists. Kem. thorne, Prosser & Co., Agents. Christchurch. The Wyndham Dairy Factory has sold 25 tons of cheese, delivered at the local railway station, at the price, wo understand, of fid per lb. Taking into consideration the price realised for the whey, the margin on 100 tons of cheese—the anticipated output of the factory this season—should leave something handsome for the shareholders on the capital presently subscribed—namely, 10s in the pound, The shares number 3000 at 20s each. The offer for delivery of an additional 10 tons of cheese at 5Jd was refused.— Mataura Ensign. Don't Die In The House. "Rough on rats ” clears out rats, mice, beetles, roaches, bed bugs, flies, ants, moles, jack-rabbits, insects, gophers. Komptborne, Prosser and Co., Agents,

“ Rough on Corns." Ask for Wells'" Hough on Corns." Quick relief, complete, permanen, care. Corns, warts, bunions. Kempthorne, Prosser 4 Co., Agents, Christchurch,

At out a week ago (says tlie bUi) Mr Job Vile paid a visit to tbe Forty Milo Bush, which, up to tho present, can bmdlvbesaid to have been explored, flatting from the mouth of tbe Oahanga Hiver on tbe Fast Coast he travelled twenty miles up the river, and reaching the ruuche of Messrs \V, B, Burling and Meech, he struck upon what ho describes as by far and away the best patch of bush country ho has ever seen iu tbe colony. Iu the Puketoi country between tbe Oabauga, and Akiteo, he viewed about 40,000 acres of flue limestone country full'd rich valleys and extensive flats covered with loam, cabbage trees, totura, and small matai, and tit, be considers, to be profitably settled upon if cut up into sections of from 100 to 010 actes. Mr Vile thinks that the best way of opening up this piomising district wculu be to make a road or track from Fubiatua, following up the Makuri stream to its junction with the Oahanga Biver. Laery and Campbell report steady business doing during tbe week, the demand being wel supplied at tbe following quotations for import lines ;—Flour, L 0 to L*J 10s ; pollard, L 5 10s to Lfi ; bran, L 5 10s to L 5 15s ; oatmeal, Lll to Ll2 15s ; pearl barley, Ll7 ; maize, 4s 3d ; oats, 2s 4d to 2s Od ; cluck wheat, 3s to 3s (Jd ; chick narley, 2s to 2i Od ; chad, L4to L 5 10s. Potatoes vary very much iu quality this season, and tbe market has been flooded with inferior samples, which have sold as low as 40s to 4<.s 0d ; really prime sorts are worth about last week’s quotations—7ss to.OOs. fait buttei, BJd to 9d ; cheese 5d to Od ; honey, 3£d to id ; hams and bacon (mixed) Banks and Dinuck’s, 8d to BJd ; eggs, Is 2d to Is 4d ; onbus, L 7 to L 9 ; fowls, 3s Od ; ducks, 3s Od to 4s per pair ; turkeys, 4s to 5s each ; geese, 3s each. Horses did not sell well on baturday last, owners asking more for them than lbs stamp of horse offered justified. There were, however buyers iu tbe yard at fair prices. " The codlia moth scare,” says tbe Hawkes Bay Herald, “is nothing but au organised effort to raise tbe price of New Zealand grown fruit by prohibiting competition. It is Protection in its worst foim, masquerading in tbe cloak of philanthropic patriotism. Tbe codlia moth is here and has bean here for years. Mr Wardell, R.M., has been setiously indisposed.

The vegetable gardens in and around Wellington are suffering severely from the ravages of caterpillars. The Post says they are to be found in myriads whatever cabbages, turnips, or tomatoes are growing, and it is impossible to rear any of these edibles without the most careful watchfulness. Indeed, it is feared that unless somethiug checks the plague there will soon be no vegetables in the market. It is supposed that the unusually long term of dry weather has had the effect of multiplying these garden pests. iho House of Representatives was illuminated with the electric light the ottur evening to test some new arrangements. Ihe test was in every way satisfactory. The boys of Wellington city have ushered in the whip-top season. The name of Dr Bey, as subscribing £1 Is to the Greytown Hospital, was accidentally omitted from the list of names published on the.22nd. The Greytown Lodge of Oddfellows have challenged the Antipodean Lodge of Wellington to a friendly game of cricket, to be played if possible, at Greytown on Good Friday. The challenge has been accepted. The German squadron, now on its way to Auckland from Sydney, is composed of the following warships : —The Bismarck, cruising frigate, 2,900 tons, 20 guns, Admiral Kuorr ; the Gueisenau, cruising frigate, 2 500 tons, Hi guns, Commander Valois ; and the Olga, corvette, 2,100 tons, 10 guns, Commander F. Beudtmauu. Matthew Doyle, a Hokitika bankrupt, was sentenced to two months’ imprisonment for nut keeping books and for buying goods when insolvent. Some extraordinary good shooting was effected on the Feathersion Rifle Range one day last week, when at the three distances 200, 300 and 500 yards, the gross totals of live volunteers amounted to over 50 points in the aggregate, as follows ;-Donald s(i, Whiteman 53. If. Fry 53, Monckton 52, Benton 51. mhuo of the members of the Featherston team just now could give some crack shots a good start. The Featherston Road Board call for tenders for work in to-day’s issue. Tenders are invited by Mr Janies Baillie for forming a road down the Ruamahunga past Fighting Pull Bluff, The number of fires which have occurred in London in the course of last year, amounts to considerably over 2000, and shows a rather large increase over the figures of preceding years. There tttive been over 100 cases iu which lives were endangered, and CO of those unfortunately were lost. The Metropolitan Fire Brigade saved about 40 lives iu the course of the year, and a few cases of gallant rescues have come before the authoiiiies. In order that our Carterton contemporary, the Observer, shall not wriggle out of showing how many subscribers it has got, we now state that we will hand over £3O to the proprietor of that paper without any deposit on his side being needed, if he will prove that he lias three hundred subscribers by publishing their names in this or his own paper. Mr F. 11. Wood’s sale at Taratahi yesterday was a great success, cattle fetched remarkably good prices, and there was a ready market for first class stock of all kinds There were about 3000 sheep and 170 head of cattle. Although in a few instances the prices might be considered low, the bidding was more spirited than usual of late. With the exception of one or two lines, which were afterwards sold privately, the whole of the stock was quitted under the hammer at prices as under;— Store wethers 2 tooth fis fid to 7s sd; mixed ewes and wethers (fat) 7s; forward ewes fis ; store and culled ewes from Is 9d to 5s ; lambs iu the wool 2a fid to 4s. Cattle—Calves £1 ; one pen of 52 fetching £1 0s 3d ; two year old heifers, from £2 to £3. Throe and (our year old steers £3 Iss to£4 7s fid ; the latter price for 18 head of large framed cattle, though low in condition. Store Caws—From £2 15s to £3 17s fid. Horses—Hacks from £8 to £l3. Pigs—(store) 15s. An Australian paper says The schoolmaster, Gustave Beniicke, who was admitted to the Sandhurst Hospital on February 29. suffering from injuries to Iho head through attempt! g to commit suicide, deal in the institute- shortly after admission. The deputy ci i oner held an inquest, when it was stated that Berticke had purchased some artificial eggshells, ami having filled one with powder, placed it in his mouth. He then applied a match, with tho result that his month and head were so severely wounded that death ensued soon afterwards. The deceased was a highly educated man, and had only left the service on superannuation allowance in 1885. His wife died at Pyramid Hill some time ago. He leaves in all twelve children.

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Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1812, 26 March 1886, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1812, 26 March 1886, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Standard, Volume XIX, Issue 1812, 26 March 1886, Page 2


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