( From our own Correspondent ) Auckland, December lOth. Daniel Fumergan, a third-class immigrant, per Triumph, who had been at Hobson's Hotel with Dr Menzies, of the Triumph, who has been staying there, has been arrested on a charge of stealing from the doctor's bedroom his gold watch and chain, pendants, and purse, of the total value of £91. Dr Menzies, after announcing his loss and having the hotel searched, on the subsequent day, it seems, got all the property from Fumergam, who said he took it for a lark. The detectives were not satisfied, and arrested Fumergam. HAWERA, December lOth. James Harvey, a bushfaller, was. killed at Letham on Friday by a tree falling on him. He was missed on Saturday, and was discovered underneath a tree. The work of extricating him was difficult, and was not accomplished till midnight, when he died. (Special to Press Association.) Melbourne, December 10th. The Conference is regarded here as a great success. A banquet is to be given to-night at the Houses of Parliament to the delegates of various Colonies who are now in Melbourne, with Mr Service as host. The various resolutions proposed by Mr Whitaker and others, and agreed to by the Convention, have been transmitted to the Secretary of State for the Colonies by telegraph. Sydney, December 10th. A sculling match took place on Saturday between Beach and Trickett, when the former was victorious. The time was very fast. (Renter's Special.) CAIRO, December 9th. Dispatches to hand from Souakim dated the 5th instant, that an attack in force was made on that date by the rebel hillmen upon the Egyptian troops who had been despatched as reinforcements for the garrison at Souakim. The attack was made at some distance outside the town and resulted in the destruction of five companies of Egyptian troops. Further intelligence to hand from Souakin shows that the recent destruction of the Egyptian troops by the Arabs is a more serious disaster than was at first anticipated. It now appears that 700 Egyptian troops were killed, and that these comprised the elite of the force sent to occupy Souakim and to operate against the Soudan rebels. Great dismay prevails here at the continuous success with which the partisans of El Mahdi meet in their with troops despatched against them.
Tuapeka Times, Volume XVI, Issue 998, 12 December 1883, Page 3
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