Mr Hooper reports the share market as active. General quotations about the same as last week, excepting Arrow River, which have risen in value to about 2s per share above par ; paid-up, 7s 6d — present price, 9s 6d to 10s. Ordinary paid-up shares are not saleable except below par. Shotover Terrace shares have made a slight advance ; present price for ordinary shares, 2s 6d; fully paid- up, ss. Greymouta Gold Mining, 10s; Star of the East, L 6 2s 6d ; Elizabeth, L3lsg; Heart of Oak, L 3 5s 6d; Standard Insurance, 13s ; National Insurance, 30s 6d ; Otaa;o and* Southland Investment, LI —paid up worth 255.
Auckland, July 10.— At the half-yearly mseting of the New Zealand Insurance Company theJoUowing report was adopted :—".Notwithstanding the increasing eouipetition - for business, this company .more than maintains its -position, and its premiums have steadily increased. The amount received during the pSst half-year L63.5J16 18s 7d, is the largest sum yot received for premiums in. Amy half-year and shows an increase of L 11.595 13s 2d on the corresponding half-year of-1873, and an increase of L18,4K) on the half-year ending November 60, 1873. Ihe directors have in view plans for still furthsr extending the company's business. Ihe balance of profits for the past half-year was L 26.179 17s 2d. This result is attained after making provision for losses which have occurred during the current half-year. The directors recommend an ordinary dividend of 10 per cent. The amount novr. invested stands at 1^200,055. The directors haw ielt th« importance of increasing tne number of shareholders, and have resolved to recommend the shareholders to increase the capital of tb.« company, and to dispose of a portion of the newstock to those likely to promote its business. A special general meeting of the company will be convened at an. early date to discuss a resolution to be submitted for this purpose." Auckland, Jury 11.— Mr Buckland reports : —Fat cattle, ship-borne, 28s to 32s 6d per- 100 lbs; inferior ewm, 6s 6d to -Ms; merino wethers, 5s 6d to 6s 3d; fat sheep, 5d perib. Mr Binney ftports that the grain market is dull : oats, 5s 3d ; wheat, 6V 3d to 6a 4d ; fleur, Ll4; barley, 6s 6d ; butter, 'ls 3d; cheese, Bdhams and bacon, lOd to lid ; malt, 8s 6d : potatoes, L 6 to L 6 10s
WaiiUHOTOJsri July LL—Mr O'Shea reports : I -Flojirds. at lil3 *o Ll3 10s-; oatmeal, L 24 to | L2s;i pearl bailey, nominal, jL2tf to f L2B. I Wheat-^milling nene ; chick, 4s 6d f oato, 4s ' toislOd. Potatoes, 5s to 6a. Chwse. 7dto / 7id. Hams, 9d, /
Tuapeka Times, Volume VII, Issue 373, 15 July 1874, Page 5
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