Mr Skene reports that a good many people are either out of work or casually employed; this being the dullest period of the year. We are short of good female servants, "also of ploughmen and country people. The building trade is very brisk. Engagements have been made at the following rates : — Ploughmen, gardeners, and shepherjds, from L 55 te L 65, and found, by the year ; married do, L7O to LBO, and upwards ; females, good general, L 35, L4O, and L 45;4 5; cooks, housekeepers, and such, L 52, and upwards. Carpenters have fixed their figure at 13s ; laborers get Bs, as a rule ; youngsters are asked for; smart boys and girls get 7b, Bs, to 15s per week. ""
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Tuapeka Times, Volume VII, Issue 373, 15 July 1874, Page 5
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Tuapeka Times, Volume VII, Issue 373, 15 July 1874, Page 5
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