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CANTERBURY KENNEL CLUB. ANNUAL EXHIBITION. The annual show of the Canterbury Kennel Club v;as opened this morning iii the King's Theatre. Usually the club held its show .at the Agricultural and Pastoral Association's show in November, but this year the club decided to hold it a few months earlier. Tho entries are, very large in some classes, while in others they are disappointing. Largo numbers of people visited the show during the morning and afternoon. Much of the success of the show is due to the efficient; manner Mr C. W. Hervey, the club's secretary, carried out his duties. Tho officers of (lie club are as follows - President. Mr A. Morten ; •vice-president, Sir Goorge Clifford, the Hon E. H oat on Rhodes, Messrs C. Shedding, J. F. Buchanan, v. L. Hallenstein, T. L. Cowlishaw, G. Humphreys, W. Simpson, L. C. D. Acland, J. B. T!eid, H. S. S. Kyle, G. Murray-Aynsley, T. A. Philiips, Mesdames G. Lewis and M. Mac Gibbon; honorary treasurer, Mr_F. Hickin bottom; secretary. Mr C. V. . Hervey : auditor, Mr R. Francis; committee, Messrs R. Francis G Lewis, C. Goouwin, A. Kerr, G. Bill cliff, T. Richmond and J. A. Baldwick ; honorary veterinary surgeons, Messrs H. S. S. Kyle and F. Cross-ley. Tho judges were. Messrs E. Bcrnascom (Wellington) and C. Cntts (Wellington), The prize list is as follows: GREAT DANES. Bitches, open (l)-"-C. H. Greville-Smith's Clementine 1. POINTERS. Bitches, maiden (1) —T. Atkinson s Luo>" Hilton 1. Colonial-bred (])— T. Atkinsons Lucy Hilton 1. Bitches, open (3)—' T. Atkinson's Lucv } I i; * on 1. K. lies ton Rhodes s Ruby Nidra 3. Bitches, brcod (2)— T. Atkmson's Lucv Hilton 1, R- Heaton Rhodes s Ruby 3. Brace (1) —R. Heaioc Rhodes s 1. ENGLISH SETTERS. Do??, maiden (']) —A. K. Probcrt's Br?.coleich Rambler 1. Novice (2; —A. H. P!"o----berf's Bracelfigh Rambler 1. R- English s Rover 2. Puppy (I)—A. H. Probcrt's Braceleisjh Brambler 1. Colonial-fed (2)— A. H. P rob en's Braeside .Tack 1, R. English's Rover 3. Limit (IV—A. H. Probcrt's Braeside Jack I. open (3'!—-A. H. Probcrt's Braeside .Tuck 1, A. Bushell's Chester 2. R. English 3 Rover 3. Bitches, maiden Oi—-H. Blakevsy's Bra.ce!::gh Bes= 1. Puppy (I)—H. Blakewav's Braceleigh Bess 1. Colonial-bred (2)— A. H. Probcrt's Royal Colours P. Smith's Brummv Smiler's Choice 2. Limit (I>_I J . S-miih's Brummv Smiler's Choice 1. Open (2) —A. H. Probcrt's Rm-1 Colours 1, P Smith's Brummv Smiler's Choice 2. Brace CI,—A. 11. Probed'l. Team (I)—A. H. Probert 1. IRISH SETTERS. Docs, colonial-bred (2^ —A. Morten's Ahuriri Rhu 1 and Stonycroff Rhu 2. Open (3)— A. Morten's Ahuviri Rhu 1 and StonycToft Rbu 2. W. A. White's Tmbv.a Kuri _3. Bitches, maiden (!)—E. Norton-Taylor's Tipperarv Ln-ss 1. (2)— A. Morten'* Idstone Bonny Nell 1 and Sa«safrnas Rosanng, 2. Open W-A. Morten's Idstone Ronnv -Tell 1 ' and Snssafrass Rosanno 2. Brace (2)— A. Morten's 1 and 2. Team (1) A. Morten's 1. RETRIEVERS-CURLY COATED. Dogs, open (4) —A. 'W . Wilson's Nero 1, G. Jameson's Sweep 2, .T. More's Scott 3. COLLIES—ROUGH COATED. Bitches, colonial-bred (1) —W. M. Tcaaue's Mosjriel Tip Top 1. COCKER SPANIELS-BLACK. Piippv—L. East's Jeff 1. Colonial hro'l (3) —H. A. Taylor's Duke Gambler I,' R. Cargee?'* Spreydon _ Signal 2, A. Kerr's Straven "itar 3. Limit i 3) —R. Cargeeg's Spreydon Signal 1, A. Kerr's Straven Star 2. Open '4) —H. A. Toylor s Duk> Gambler 1. T. *W. Richmond's Rocklyn Pajah 2, A. Kerr's Straven Star 3. Stud (1) — T. W. Richmond's Rocklyn Rajah. 1. Bitches, maiden (U—T. W. Richmond's Spreydon Dolly 1. Novice i'2')—T. W. Richmond's Kprevdon Dolly 1. Puppy (1) —T. W. Richmond's Spreydon Dollv 1. Colonial br"d (3) C. Goodwin's Straven Bettv 1 and Sydenham Lfldv 3, A. Kerr's Lady Gambler 2. Junior (1) —T. W. Richmond's Sprevdon Dolly 1. Limit (3) —C. Goodwin's Straven Betty 1 and Sydenham Lad" 3, A. Kerr s Lady Gambler 2. Open (3)— T. W. Richmond's Miiford Sarah 1. C. Goodwins S'. rajer. A. Kerr's Ladv i-.rooa ,>!U.i '-. T W, Richmond's Mih'oni Sarah 1. Brace —T. W. Richmond i. C. Goodwin 2, A. Kerr 3. Team (I)—T. W. Richmond 1. COCKER SPANIELS OTHER THAN BLACK. CHALLENGE CLASS. Dops.—Maiden (lb-Mrs C. _J. Styche's Pananui Bobs 1. Novice C. Le*erFapflnui Rv.oll Puppy tinder six months ii)---Frank Merlin's Bob 1. Puppy (0) —W. Levers edge's Papar.ui Swell 1, D Gi'lie.='s Waitaki 'Chaprie 2. Colonialbred (2) —D. Gillies'* Waiialri Chappie 2. Junior (1) —D. Gillies's Waitnla Chappie 1. Lmuiv (')—W C. Leversedge's Pnnanui Swell ],' {). Gillies's Waitaki Chappie 2, A. Kerr's Straven Buster I). Stud Do? (1) —Frank Merrill's .Tack 2. Bitches: Maiden (3)— A. Kerr's Straven Daisy 1, W. C. Leversedco's I'apanui R-oanv 2. S. G. Crisp's Yogel Biddy 3. Novice (3)— A. Kerr's Straven Daisy 1, W. C'. Lcvcrserke's Pnpanni Roany 2, S. C. Crisp's Yoge'. Biddv 3. Puppy (31 C. E Sneddingr's Millwood Blue Rose 1, A. Kerr's Straven" Daisy 2, W. C. Leversedge's Papain ii Ronr.v 3. Colonial-bred (2) —C. E. Sueddinc's Millwood Blue Rose ], S. C. Crisp's Yof-el Biddy 2. Junior, (2)— C. E. SriedMillwood Blu" Rose i. S. C. Crisp's Yo«eI Biddy 2. Limit (:!)—C. E! Speddinf<'s Blue Rosa" 1. W. C. Leversed e's I'apanui Roa.ny 2, S. C. Crisp's Yogel Biddy 3. Open (5) —C. E. Speddin<r's Millwood Blue Rose 1, A. Kerr's Str.ven Daisy 2. W. C. Leversedsje's Pnnanui Roancy 3. Brace (2) — W. C. Leversedgs 1. A. Kerr 2. IRTSH. WATER SPANIELS. Dogs.—Open (1) —W. Moor's Naumai Trap 1. ESQUIMAUX. Dogs.—Puppy <l)—A. Shaw's Bcb 1. Ooen (1) —Mrs Iliprsrins's Doctor 1. A. Shaw's Belgium 2. Bitches.—l'up-v (1) —A. Show's Pegey 1. Owen (2i—R. Thornton's Buff 1, A. Shaw's Lady Frost 2. BULL DOGS. Cltallonee Classes. Dogs.—Maiden (21--E. A. Early's Burbank Sirdar 1, A. J. Rouse's Toodle? 2. Novice — E. A. Early's Burbank Sirdar 1. Colonialbred—W. D. Blair's Awa Mon 1, S. Rastall's GaiJipoli 2, E. A. Early's Burhank Sirdar 3. 'Puppy—W. Thomson's Baromvood 1, T. W. Thompson's British Lion 3. Limit (3) —W. D. Blair's Awa Mon 1, S. Rastnll's Gallipoli 2, E. A. Eurlev's Burbank Sirdar 3. Open (5) — F. Ilickenbottom's Amhurst Baron 1. W. D. Blair's Awa Mon 2, S. Rastall's Gallipoli 3, Mrs K. Spark's Admiral Beattv h c. Stud dopr (3) —F. Hickenbcttom's A»mhurst Baron 1, W. D. Blair's Awa Moa 2. J. Wilson's Sand Banker 3. Bitches.—Maiden (3) —T. Whaley's Ruby 3. W. Thomson's Lauretta 2, S. .T. Offord's Sidcup Queen 3. Novice (2) —T. Coliir,£wood Ruby 1, S'. 'J. Offord's Sidcup Queen 2. Puppy, 1. S. .T. Offord's Sidcup Queen 2. Puppy, under six mouths (1) —S J. Offord's Sidcup Queen 1. Puppy (1> —S. J. Offord's Sidcup Queen 1. Colonial-bred (.V) —C. A. Ilutton's Lady Halsey 1, T. Wlialey's Coliimiwood Billv 2, A. W. H. Pascoe's Daisy Patch 3, W. Thompson's Nanetta h c. Limit (3) —C. A. Hut ton's Lady Halsey 1. T. Whaley's ColRuby 2, F. O. Schmidt's Richmond Bogey 3. Open (4)— C. A. Hutton's Lady Ilalsey ■!, T. Whaley's Collingwood Ruby 2. A. V. H. Pascoe's Daisy Patch 3, F. 0. Schmidt's Richmond Bogey h c. Brood bitch (2)— A. W. H. Pascoe's Daisy Patch 1, F. 0. Schmidt's Richmond Bogey vs. AIREDALE TEcRRIERS. Dogs.—Maiden O)—F. C. A'Court's Briar King 1. Novice (1) —F. C'. A'Court's Briar Kintr 1. Pupnv. under six months (3)— F. C. A'Court's Briar" Kin? 1. K. S. Williams's Prince Roslcey i G. M'Oloin's Alsia Prince 3. Puppy (3)— F. C. A'Court's Briar Kin*' 1, B. J. Sinclair's Tho Sirdar 2, K- S. Williams's Prince Roske" 3. Limit (s)—Mrs G. Biltcliff's Wairiki Warrior 1, Biltcliff and Durie's Wairiki Wartax 2. A. Louisson's Wairiki Weathermouse 3, R. J. Sinclair's The Sirdar h c Open (4)— Mrs G. Biltcliff's Wairiki Warrior 1, Biltcliff and Durie's Wartax 2. J. L. Turnbull's Wanderer a. Maiden (]')— F. King's Wyvern Briar 'l. Novico (2)— F. King's Wyvorn Briar 1. Puppy, under six months (4i—T. Gibson's Prince Alsia 1, ,T. Forward's Peterborough 2, T. Kennedy's Wairiki Warstop 3. Pupnv (s)—Biltcliff and Durie's Warspite 1, War Lady 2, R. J. Sinclair's Coquette 3. Colonial-bred (s) R. J. M'lntee's Shirlev Blossom 1. W. Tyler's Wayward 2, Biltcliff and Durie's Brookside Lady 3. Junior (3) —Bhtcliff and Durie s Warspite 1 and Wax Lady 2. R. J. Sinclair's Coquette 3. Limit (s) R. J. Sinclair's Flirtation 1. W. Tyler's Wayward 2, Biltcliff and Durie's Brookside Ladv 3. Open (4) —A. J. M'lntee's Shirley Blossom 1. W. Tyler's Wayward 2, Biltcliff and Durie's Brookside Lady 3. Brace (1) —Biltcliff and Durie 1. IR.ISH TERRIERS. Dog?.—Maiden (D—T. J. Darby's Pat Doolan 1. Puupv (2) —■I. Beattie's Barney 1, T. J. Darby's Pat Doolan 3. Open (2)—R.. H. Sheppard's Bumpy 1. H. S. Robinson's Shaun 2. Bitches.—Puppy (I)—J. Beattie's Norah 3. FOX TERRIEtRS—SMOOTH. Dogs.—Maiden (2) —H. Waters's Ballot 1, C. J. Ward's Chance of Felixtsowe 2. Novice (3)— H. Waters's Ballot 1, Mrs E. J. Collett's Fermanagh Tyke 2, C. J. Ward's Chance of Felixstowe 3. Puppy (3)— D. N. Scott's Rajah Royal 1, H. Waters's Ballot 2, S. J. Collett's Fermanagh Tyke 3. Colonial-bred (s) D. N. ScoU's Rajah Royal 1. G. Watson's Kaikorai liuut 2, H, Waters's Ballot 3, D. D.

Dryden's Westward Ho Crumbo li c. Juniotf fl)—D. N. Scott's Raiah Royal 1, Jf. Ballot 2, B. D. Drydeu's "Westward Ho Crumbo Limit (s) D. N. Scott's EajabRoyal 1, G. Watson's Kaikorai Knut 2, H. Waters's Ballot 2, D. D. DTyden's WestwardHo Crumbo hc. Open (6)— D. ST. Scott'i Rajah Royal 1, G. Watson's Kaikorai Knut 2, S. J. Collett's. Fcrm.'inuph Tyke 3, H. Waters s Ballot hc. Stud dop (2) —Mts M. Toddy I, C. J. Ward's Chance of Felixstowe '2. Bitches.—Novice (1) —S. Marshall's Myrtletcn Marquise 1. Puppy (1) W. 11. Hall's Lady Lavenside 1. Colonialbred (3) —W. H. Hall's Lady Lavenside 1, D. X. Scott's Pegcy Royal 2, S. Marshall's Myrtleton Marquise 3. Junior (I)—W. H. Hall's Lady Lavenside 1. Limit (1) —W. H. Hall's Lady Lavenside 1. Open (2)— W. H. Hall's I.adv Lavenside 1. N. N. Scott's Pegrgy Itoyal 2. Brood bitcli (2) —D. X. Scott'a Royal 1, S. Marshall's Myrtleton Marquise 2. Brace (I)—D. N. Scott i. FOX TERRIERS—WIRE-HAIRED. Dogs.—Maiden (2) —R. C. Horsley's Furnley Briar 1, M. Sandston's Doover 2. Xovice (B>—M. Harknd's Woolston Kilts 1, R. C. Horsley's Furnley Briar 2, M. Sacdston'f Dopyer 3. Puppy, under six months (1) Mi liarland's Woolston Kilts 1. Puppy (2)— H. C. Horsley's Furnley Briar 1, J. Smith's Bromley Duke 2. Colonial-bred (3)— T. L. Cowlishaw's Chegwyn 1. E. C. Horsley's Furnley Briar % Biltcliff and Durie's Wire Dinkum 3. Junior (2) —T. 1/. Cowlishaw's Chegwyn 1. R. C. Horsley's Furnley Briar 2. Limit (3) —T. L. Cowlishaw's Chegwvn 1, R. C. Horsley's F'runiev Briar 2, R. H. Sheppard's West- Point Farmer 3. Open (s) M. liarland's Woolston Kilts I, T. L-. Cowlishaw's Chegwyn 2, R. C. Horsley's Furnley Briar 3, R. IH. Sheopard's West Point Farmer hc. Stud dosr (2)— T. L. Cowlishaw's Chegwyn 1, R. H. Sheonard's West Point Fanner 2. Bitches.—Colonial-bred (1) —TC. H. Sheppard's Jervois Jewell 1. Limit (I)—R. H. Shenpard's Jervois Jewell 1. Open (1) — R. 11. Shenpard's Jervois Jewell 1. Brood fcitch (I)—R. H. Shc-ppard's Jervois Jewell 1. Brace (1) —R. H. Sheppard 1. , SEALYHAM TERRIERS. » Dogs.—Xovice (2)— B. L. Lane's Wairuna Hermit. 1, D. W. Westenra's Wairuna. Hotstuff 2. Puppv (2)— B. L. Lane's Wairuna, Hermit. 1, D. W. Westenra's Wairuna Hotstuff 2. Open (1) —Mrs A. G. Rich's Pandemonium 1. Bitches.—Xovice (1) —A. G-. 'Rich's Wairuna Nettle, Open (I)—A. G. t Rica's Wairuna Xettle. WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIERS. Dogs.—Open ("2")— Miss D. Humphreys's Pickles I, W. Ballantyne's Buckley's Choice ■2. Bitches.—Open (1) —W. Ballantyue's Burnham Queen. SCOTTISH TERRIERS. CHALLENGE CLASS. Dogs.—Puppy (4") —Mrs F. J. Savill's Chips I, J. R.. Kissliner's Burnt Heather 2, Miss J. Turnbnll's Ten Ton 3. Open (2) —Mrs F. H. Fouthen's Onsathay Rover 11. 1, Mrs H. J. SaviH's Chips 2. Bitches.—Puppy (1) —Miss Turobull's Van I. AUSTRALIAN TERRIERS. Dogs.—Open (11 —Mrs S. J. Allen's Zao 1. Bitches.—Open (1) —Mrs Lena Hoppy's Fluffy 1. SYDNEY SILKY TERRIERS'. CHALLENGE CLASS. Dog-s.—Puppy (1) —Mrs Gillie's Teddy 1. Open (2) —Mrs D. Gillies's Tim 1, and Teddy •2. Bitches. —Open (2^ —Mrs D. Gillies's Molly 1, Mrs M. Barrett's Cherry 2. TOY TERRIERS. (Any other variety.) Dogs or Bitches.—Open (1) —Mrs E. A. Knight's Prince Wilson 1. PEKINGESE. Dogs. —Open (1) —Mrs J. J. Addison's Chin-Ty of Ribblesdale 1. PUGS—FAWN. Dogs.—Colonial 'bred (1) —Mrs Biokerton'rNgaviawa Prince 1. Limit (1) —Mrs Bickerion's Neatiawa Prince 1. Open (2) —Mrs W. 11. Mac Gibbon's Springfield Bob 1, Mrs Bickerton's Xgatiava. Prince 2. Bitches.— Maiden (1) —Mrs B. Allen's Vixen 1. Open (I) Mrs W. H. Gibbon's Springfield. Bob 1. Braes (I) Mrs M. H. Mac Gibbon 1. PUGS—BLACK. Dogs— Pupnv (I) Mrs M. H. Mac Gibbon's Springfield Dusky 3. Colonial bred (I)—D. M'Leod's Baku 1. Open (3)— D. M'Leod's Babu 1. and Daddy Boy 2, Mrs W. H. Mac Gibbon's Sprinarfield D«nc<* 3. Bitches.—Maiden (I) Mrs M. H. Ma-cGib-bon's Springfield Moilv 1. _ Novice (I) Mrs Mac Gibbon's Springfield Molly 1. Open (1)—• .. Mrs Mac Gibbon's Springfield Gypsy 1. POMERANIANS—BLACK. lUuder Tib.) Dogs. —Maiden U)—J- H. Baldockjs Lindum Black Spec 1. Novice vl) J. H. B&l----dock's Lindum Black Spec 1. Puppy (l) J, H. Baldock's Lindum Black Spec 1. Colonial r>red (1) —J* H- Baldo-k s Lindum Black bpes 1- Junior (I)—J. H. - Lindum ' Black Spec L Limit (2)— J. H. Baldock's Lindum Black Spec 1, L. Lewis's Wie Blsckie* '2. Open (2j J. H. Baldock's Black Spec 1. L. Lewis's Wee Blackie 2. Bitches.—Maiden (I)—L. Lewis's Carnarvon Bunty 1. Novice (1) —L. Lewis a 1. Colonial bred (1) L. Lewis's Bunty 1. Junior (I)—L. Lewis's Bunty 1. Limit (I)—L. Lewis's Bunty 1. Open (1) L. Lewis's Bunty 1. Bra/v (D—L. Lewis l. (Over 71b.) Bitches.—Puppy (I)—W. Fraser's Beaufort P0 M E RANI A X S—A NY OTHER COLOUR. (Under 7Tb.) Dogs.—Maiden (1)—« T. H. Baldock's Lindum Orange Midge 1. Novice (1) —J. H. Jjp.klock's Mid ire 1. Colonial bred (2) —J. H. Br.'dock's Mid2o 1. Limit (2) —J. 11. Baldock's Mid ere 1. Open (2)— Mrs G. Leis's Opn>v Sable Mite 1, J. H. Baldock's Midtre 2. * Bitches.—Novice (I)—Mts F Baldock's Brooklrutd Princess 1. Puppy (under six months) (2)— Mrs L. C. Bentley's Wiffles and Mrs J. H. Baldock's Lindum Welnv Honev drew eoual 1. Colonial br*>d a';— Mrs J. J. Addison's Avonor Snble Molly 1. Open (I) Mrs Addison's Avonor Sable Molly 1. (Over Tib.) Bitches.—Maiden (I) Mrs W. Marquis's Bettv 1. Colonial bred (I) Mrs F. Ba-ldoek's Brookland Pearl 1. Limit (I) Mrs F. Baldock's BroMclmid Pearl 1. Open (1) —Mrs F. Baldock's Brookland Pea,tl 1.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12087, 16 August 1917, Page 5

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DOG SHOW. Star (Christchurch), Issue 12087, 16 August 1917, Page 5

DOG SHOW. Star (Christchurch), Issue 12087, 16 August 1917, Page 5