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GRAND NATIONAL MEETING. FIRST DAY. The Canterbury Jockoy Club's Grand National Meeting was ope.ned at Riccarton today. The weather was fine, though a cold easterly wind was in evidence. There was a large attendance, including the usual crowd of visitors from other parts of the Dominion. The following are details of the racing: HUNT CLUB CUP, of 200 sovs; second horse 40 sovs and third horse 20 sovs from the stake. About two miles and a half. I—Mr1 —Mr E. J. Massey's ch g Xaupokonui, by Coronet—Bay King mare, aped, list 51b (J. Kean) 1 6—Mr W. B. Clarkson's ch g Wellwood, by Castashore, aged, list llib (A. M'Millan) 2 G—Mr J. Jamic.son's ch g Golden Butterfly, by Amethyst—Mima, ageJ, lOst 51b (O. Reed) 3 2 —Mr W. Ilobson's b g Burgess, a god, Ist 01 b iA. Ward) 0 4 —Miss E. Gill's blk g Taugihaeri, 6yrs, lOst 9lb (E. Warner) 0 3—Mr E. Short's br g, aged, lOst 51b (W. Easton) 0 s—Mr5 —Mr W. Hnrwocd's br k The Grand, aged, lOst 2lh (Stan. Reid) 0 7 —Mr F. J. Conn's b p Luigi, aged, lOst „ (Mr W. Griffiths) 0 Rnnza went away instantly, and he. had a big lead at the first fence. He continued to increase his advantage till the straight was reached, where ho was quite fifty yards clear of the field. He fell at the second of t.he stand double, Kaupokonui going on in the lead from Golden Butterflv and Luigi. This was still the order entering the back stretch, and -at the sod wall Wellwood was with the leaders. Luigi lost, his rider at, the first of the kennels double, where Kaupokonui and WeUwood went on just, clear of Golden Butterflv. The leading" pair rose to the lo«-t fence together, a good finish ending in favour of Katipolconui by half a length, Golden Butterflv" being a dozen lengths aw?v hoins a long way back. Time —smin 22 3-Sso.c. TRIAL HURDLE HANDICAP, of 250 sots; second hcr?e 50 sovs and third horse 25 sovs from the stake. One mile and threequarters. I—Mr F. D. Jones's br - Dionysius. bv Hvmettus—Ort-vgia. l n st 2lb (F. Ellis) 1 o—Mr" W. H. L. Christie's br f? Compulsion, by San Francisco—Brave Heart, nged. lOaf. olb (O. Reid) 2 2 —Mr C. P. Nash's b m Miss Ration, by Sensation—, lOst, Blb (It. M'Sevenev) 3 I—-Mr R. C. Gillies'? br £r San Sebastian. ">yrs. list sib (.T. Kaan) 0 S—Mr F. S, Puthort'ord's b g St Curio, aged, 10?t Sib (S. Feid) 0 3 —Mr W. Richmond's b - Golden (Hade, aced, 9st 6lb (F. Tutchen) 0 10—Mr W. Kain's blk g Titrehaua. aged, Ost 31b (car. 9st (W. F.aston) 0 0 Mr 11. Whitney's b «• Mount Victoria, aged, Ost (car. Ost 3;h) (R. Buddicombe) 0 (V—Mr H. Elisor's b s Steperina, affd, Ost (L. Hagert'O 0 11 —Mr C. E. Cross's cb p Salathiel. aged, Ost (car. 9st Ci-lb) (E. Warner) 0 12——Mr F. W. Pointer's br Don Francisco, fiyrs, Ost (car. Ost olb) (W. O'Halloran} 0 7—Mr J. Calvert's b tr Arthur George, asred, Ost (L. M'Randall) 0 steperina and Arthur George showed the> way over the hurdle and pa-st tf.i4 stand, where St Curio .and Compulsion were at the head of the others, but running out of the straight Compulsion and St Curio too!, - charge from Steperina, Arthur G-enrse, Golden Glade. Dionysius and There was 110 change at Cutts's hurdle, where. Salathiel and Don Francisco ran off. Golden Glade lost his rider a+ the mile pof-t, and two furlongs further on Compulsion was showing the way to St Curio a.nd Miss Sntion, with San Sebastian handy. Running round the turn Dionvsius moved up, and at the last hurdle he wns» with San Sebastia-n, just behind Compulsion a.nd M>? Sat ion. Once on the flat Dionysius challenged the leaders and, finishinrr strongly, be boat, Compulsion by a length, Miss Saiion being two lengths away, with Min Sebastian fourth. St Curio was next-, followed by Mount Victoria, Turehana nud Steperina. Time—Smin 22 3-ssec.

GRAND NATIONAL HURDLES HANDICAP, of 1200 sovs: second horse 240 sovs and third horse 120 sovs from the stako. Two miles and a half. I—Mr A. Shearshy's b c RkijrM of Hand, by Mystification—Wonderland marc, fivrs, lOst. filb , (A. M'Donald) 1 7 Mr W. Garret.t's b * Sir Solo, by Sir Laddo—Wepener aged. 9st Plh (L. Hagert.y) 2 s—Mr J. Hurley's br et Sir Fisher, by Maniapoto—Dear Dollv, aged, lOst 61b (A. Ward) 3 6—Mr G. Fulton's b » Art, aged, list Sib (R. M'Sevency) 0 G—Mr "Walter Raleigh's h Rewi Poto, a>?cd, list lib (F. Fl.vnn) 0 4—Mr T. Bristol's b g Lconta, aged. lOst 13lb (Copestake) 0 3—Mr H. Neaglo's br g Bon Revo, nf?cd, lOst 01b Roid) 0 10— Mr W. J. Brown's b g To Onga, aged, lOst Sib (R- Ta.pp) 0 B~Mr J. 0. E. Jackson's b c Marconi, aged, 9st 13lb (S. Henderson) 0 9—Mr J. Hawkins's ch k Flyinu Camp, apod, 9?t 21b (J. W. Crook) 0 Flying Camp was first to show out, Bou Revo following hiir. over the initial hurdle. Kleisht of Ha-nd then ran through and at the six-furlong post lie was just behind Flying Camp, with Bon Reve and Art next, tho Inst pair being Rowi Poto and To Onga.. Running round the turn Sir Solo was in third place, and a little' further on Sleight of Hand passed Flying Camp. Passing the stand Sleight of Hand was showing the way to Sir Solo, with Marconi, Art and Flying Camp next. Art fell at the hurdle in front of the outside stand, Leonta falling over him, while Flying Camp was interfered with, his rider coming off. A little further on Rewi Poto was pulled up, owing t.o a mishap to-his bridle. Passing Cutts's Sleight of Hand was four lengths clear of Sir Solo, with Marconi a similar distance away, followed by Sir Fisher, Bon Reve and To Onga. At the milo post Sir Fisher had beaded Marconi, but lliero was no further change till they' rea.ched tho hurdle at the half-mile post, where Marconi fell. From this point tho race was a procession, Sleieht of Hancf winning easily bv six lencths from Sir Solo, with Sir Fisher a similar distance away, Bon Revo and To Onga following a few "lengths further back. Time— 4rain 49sec. Tho following table shows the winners of

AVONHEAD HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; second horse 40 sovs and third horse 20 sovs from the stake. Six furlongs. 3—Mr H. A. Knight's b g Euripos, by Hvmettus Martyrium, syrs, Ost lib <F. Ellis) 1 o—Mr W. Kain's b g Minesweeper, by Canrobcrt—Mabella, syrs, 9st Gib (S. Reid) 2 13 Mr W. Ashmead's b tr Epworth, by Tupuhi—Adminstrator mare, aged, 9st (G. .T, Pino) 3 I—Mr A. Pherson's b g Kilkee, 4yre, lOsfc J3ll-) (J. Campbell) 0 2—Mr A. H. Hardinsr's gr m Rowanga. 6yrs, lOst 9lb , A. Reed) 0 9 Mr H. G. Taylor's br m Matty, 4yrs, lOst 81b (-T. Oieen) 0 B—Mr W. Parsons's be All Serene, syrs, lOst 81b „ (Barr) 0 ' 4—Sir George. Clifford's b h Don Pacifico, 4yrs, lOst 41b (F. E. Jones) 0 I—Mr R. Acton-Adams's br g Rajput, 4yrs, lOst 4lb (E- H&'tck) 0 12—Mr H. J. Holder's br z Powder Kim?. 4yrs, 9st 101b (H. Manson) 0 13—Mr G. Henry's br z Kilbrogan, 4yrs, 9st 101b (T. Pntchard) 0 10—Mr J. H. Prosser's br m Forminal, aged, Set 61b (W. Bell) O 14—Messrs Dolargey and Davison's b m Majestikoff, syrs, Ost slb (C. Price) 0 15—Mr J. Bflir's b r Mtelford. 6yrs, 9st 3lb (L. H. Hewitt) 0 I)—Mr P. Turnbull's ch r Bloomine. syrs, 9st lib (G. Clark©) 0 ll—Mr F. S. Rutherford's ch g Achiileus, 6yja, 9st liH. Robinson) 0

17—Mr F. J. Beale'6 b m Wiugforai, syrs, Ost (L. Hagerty) 0 16—Mr C. 0. T. Rutherford's ch r Red Cent, 4yrs, Ost (\V. Btish) 0 ' 19—Mr I. Lewis's ch cr Luff, 6yrs, Ost I (F. Gray) 0 i '2o—Mr T. Sheenan's blk m Antiope, aged, I Ost (H. Donovan) 0 Rajput nnd Red Cent were prominent when the course proper was reached, but a little further on Rajput retired, while Euripos mdo a forwnrd move. Inside the distance Minesweeper and Epworth were .also going well. A good finish resulted in Euripos beating Minesweeper!) v a neck, Epworth being a neck away, a head in front of Red Cent, with Rewanga at the head of the next lot. Time —lmin 17 4-ssec. CHAXD NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE, of 3500 sovs; second horse 300 sovs and third horse 150 sovs from the stake. Three miies and a half. *l—Mr F. S. E'aston's b g Master Strowan, by Strowan-—'The Artist, aged. lOst llib (R. M'Soveney) 1 3—Mr W. Richmond's b g St Elmn, by St Ambrose—Maude, aged, lOst 2lb (F. Tutchen) 2 2—Mr J. Parsons's b tr Crib, by Sant 1-lurio—Cryde, aged, list l.lib (J. Kaan) 3 7—Mr V. Collelo's br tr Braebum, aped, list lqlb (A. M'Donald) 0 s—Mr W. H. "Windsor's cb g Gluepot, ajcol, list 51b (.L. M'Randall) 0 I—Mr T. E. Wholch's br g Merry Lad, aged, lOst (H. Burt) 0 9—31 r C. M'umbv's ch g Sandy, aged. 91 ] lib (F. Flynn) 0 6Mr P. P. beagle's b g Diavolo, aged, 9st Sib (A. Ward) 0 S~Mr C. H. Washer's ch m Nita, ag-ecr. Ost Sib (L. Grahaiu) 0 10—Captain J. S. Barrett's b tr Kirkby, aged, Q3t Blb (L. Ha-gerty) 0 11—Mr James Smith's br g The Brewer, aped, 9st 71b (W. Easton) 0 Diavolo led over tho first, fence, and Be was 'well clear at the stand double, wherli he was followed by The Brewer, Sandy Paul, Crib, St Elmn 'and Kirkby, with Nita* la sitThere was no change at Cutts's fence, where Diavolo opened out a. gan of over siv lengths, nnd thoy raced in the same order over tho sod wali, post and rails and kennels double. After jumping the sod wall n.t the top of the course Crib dropped bacak .3 little, while St Elmn moved up and Master Strowan improved his position. Passing the stand Diavolo was [our lengths clear of St Elmn and The Brewer, with Master Strowan six lengths away and Crib six lengths further back, in front, of a bunch. Master Strowan dropned back going out of the straight, ana at Cutts's, where Mierrv Lad fell, Diavolo led The Brewer and St F.lmn by four lengths. Crib, Braeburn nnd Master being ten lengths n.way, with Nita closing up. At the sod vail Diavolo was still three lengths in front of The Brewer, St Elmn. Brneluirn, Master Strowan and Crib, who were on even terms, Nita being six lengths nvav. St Elmn jumped to the front at the post and rails and at. the kpnnels double ho was followed bv niavolo. Braebum a.nd Crib, Then Diavolo dtopned out, St Elmn leading- over the sorl wall from Braebum and Crib, with Master Strowa.n and Nits, handy. Master Strowan put in a run racing for the straight and at the last fence ho vhs with St Elmn. In the run heme Master Strowan drew awav and he beat F.lmn b'* a dozen, lengths. Crib being f->ur lengths away, followed by Xita. Braebum, The Brewer. Diavolo and Gluepot, while Sandy Paul and K ; rkbv nil-red in. Time—7ivin 10sec. The following table Ehows tho winners cf the race: —

the race: — Year. "Winner Weight. Time. at. lb. m. P. 1800 II. Kildare's Ixion 10 2 4 5 2-5 1891 J. Mailer's Couranto . 10 0 3 52 1892 D. Rutherford's Kulnino 11 3 4 0 180:i M. Walker's Liberator 10 10 3 55 IvSOl P. Butler's Liberator : -2 6 4 6 3-4 1695 H. Oliver's Donald 4 51-2 M'Kin on 10 3 1P9G F. Watson's Dtimmv . 9 12 3 69 1-2 1897 G. Williams's Umalopr 3 53 2 5 . . • • 9 5 1698 D. Rutherford's Social Pest 10 13 3 58 1899 Hon J. D. Ormond's 3 56 1-5 Defiance 11 0 1900 J. E. Thorpe's Record 3 46 3-5 Reign 12 12 1901 J. Connell's Haydn 11 0 3 55 4-5 lfJO'2 D. Edwards's Tr:sham 10 0 3 55 4-5 1903 J. O'Driscoll's Waiwera, 11 4 3 47 1904 G. B. Oman's Modallius 9 5 4 11-5 1905 T. H. Lowry's Creuaot 10 13 3 49 3-5 1906 W. foss's Cuirap-no 10 6 4 4 1907 M. Manton's Shrapnel 10 8 3 44 3-5 1908 ,7. Flaneur's St^rmont 9 0 3 45 2-5 1909 J. Casnerley's Compass 10 8 3 45 3-5 1910 G. B. Oman's Paisano 32 1 3 45 1911 J. A. Lucas's Continu3 43 ant • ]1 11 1912 H. <T. Cameron's Water8 53 works 9 0 1913 F. Armstrong's Morn3 44 2-5 ing . • • • J. George's Royal Arms 9-12 1914 9 13 3 55 3-5 1915 F. J. Lysnar's Iiurakia G. Fulton's Art 9 9 4 10 4-5 1916 9 o A 513-5 1917 A. Shenrsby'a Sleight of 4 49 Hand .... 10 6

Year. "Winner Wei ght. Time. lb. m. s. 1876 F. Brittan's Rovnlty . 10 0 — 1877 G. Williams's Fakir . 10 5 — 187S L. Markov's Mousetrap 11 4 — 1879 P. Butler's Agent 12 0 — 3 S-SO P Butler's Asrent 12 7 — 1SS1 .T. H. Lunn's Clarence 12 2 — 1PS2 D. Christie's Katerfelto 10 0 — ISPS II. Adams's Kosciusko 10 •i — 188-1 P. Butler's Ajrent 12 6 — 1885 M. and C. Hobbs' Moody 11 0 11 35 18SI1 II. Tamil's Canard 12 10 9 15 3-4 18S7 R. Rutherford's Fauph-a-Ballasjh 11 13 9 7 1888 G. P. Domelly's Mangaohane 11 o 9 29 1889 A. Ellingham's Chemist 12 7 9 13 1590 A. O. Cos's Daddy Long!°?s 9 7 10 11 3801 G. Rhodes's Freeman . 9 12 8 39 1-4 1SP2 D. Rutherford's Ahua. . 11 9 7 42 1893 W. Douglas's Waterbury 10 S 8 1 1-2 1891 S. H- Gollan's Norton 12 8 8 01-2 189S W. Douglas's Mutiny . 11 5 7 21 1896 "W. Douglas's Mutinv . 12 4 7 28 1897 C. Archibald's Levanter 12 6 7 28 3-5 1898 F. Watson's Dummy . 10 13 7 25 1899 R. M'Culloch's Black berry 10 6 7 40 3-5 1900 J. H. Prosser's The Guard • • > 10 6 7 25 1-5 1901 D. Gordon's Gobo 10 9 7 16 2-5 3902 M'Manemin and Salisbury's Haydn 10 9 7 25 2-5 1903 G. P. Donnelly's Awahun .... 11 3 7 20 loot C. Mitchell's Slow Tom 11 n 7 14 3-5 190") H. Waldon's Inniskiilen 9 13 7 17 3-5 1906 J. Buck'oy's Phaetoiiitia 10 6 7 44 2-5 1907 H. Mickey's Eclair 10 2 7 10 2-5 ISO.? D. Rutherford's Eurus 10 •i 7 24 4-5 1909 Sir W. R. Russell's Xadador . • • 10 8 7 20 1910 C. Morse's To Arai 11 9 7 15 1-5 3911 J. George's Paritutu . 10 2 7 1'2 4-S 1912 J. Hennah's Captain Jingle .... 11 7 7 27 1913 J. R. Stanford's Bercola 11 3 7 214-5 191-1 G. L. Stead's Tim Doolan 10 2 7 113-5 1915 E. W. Alison, jun.'s, Ngatoa 9 3 7 13 1916 T. Wilson's Waimai . 11 8 7 24 1-5

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12087, 16 August 1917, Page 5

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CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. Star (Christchurch), Issue 12087, 16 August 1917, Page 5

CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. Star (Christchurch), Issue 12087, 16 August 1917, Page 5