To-day s Advertisements Miscellaneous. NOVELTIES FOR EASTER WEAR. Q E E WINDOWS. MASTERS' CLOTHING- STORES, CORNER HIGH AND TUAM STREETS. 571S - 'THE DON," LEVIATHAN BUILDINGS, ' 78, Manchester Street (corner St Asaph Street). us a trial for your New Overcoat oi * Macintosh, prices from 22s 6d. All the latest styles.. flUtoijiiN All-wool Pants 3s lid, Kaiapoi v Singlet 33s lid, Roslyn and Mosgiel Sooks Is, Working' Shirt's from 2s Gd. AlJiSl Collars, al] shapes, three for 2s; - newest colours in Handkerchiefs; Ties, only Is; other lies from Gd. IF you cannot call in, ring up 'Phone 2941 and samples of anything from a Collar to your inspection. QEE our Suits, to Measure, prTceslrom" 42s ►J 6d; Trousers to Measure from 12s (3d. Of. W. Phmsoll. "The Don," corner Manchester and St Asaph Streets. 6717 DRAYTON'S VALUES. "~ QTRONG Steel Travelling Trunks, with y lock and key, from 10s 6d, initialled free. At Drayton a. j. uowitude- Gladstone Bags, at Dray- .„ tc ! il ' s ' Colombo Street, at prices that will ploase you. BRASS Bird Cages Draytoii'3, Colo ' see them. 1/jiiAj.j.uiN a are snowing a very superior ■*-? ran 2 o of Fldwer Bowls. Samples for the seiect. W E White » » and' Gold Odd Cups, 4s ed dozen. Drayton s. ARMTGER & COMPANY fJHRISTCHURCH Steam Dye WorksReceiving Office, 85, Cashel Street W. ™ team J v \??i c . B j^E oa f l _Street, Woolston. SUPERIOR Dyeing and branches, with despatch, at moderate prices. CENTS' Clothes LadieV Wearing AppS£f vJf leathers Feather Boas and Gloves Cleaned and Dyed. ,™ oas totohed and delivered. Rii - up Phone 2617, and our van will call. ADNAMS jEROS., „,,-„ T 81, DURHAM STREET. rpHE Last of the CARBIDE from the Big. J- Sale—3 tins Is; 5 tins Is 6d DUNLOP COVERS. 17s 6d DUNLOP TUBES,' 7s 3d ™,_ rTrv _ T __ OCEANIC COVERS, 12s. NEW LICICLES, free-wheel, 2 brakes, from £7 up to £24. 5717 Mccormick, dealer WANTED to Buy, Clothing, Jewellery, » » Books, etc Address 29, Manchester Street; or, 501, Colombo Street. Order* attended. X 213 CENTRAL LAUNDRY, JO ST ASAPH Street. Telephone 1830. A. Holmes, Proprietor. ABSOLUTELY no connection with any other Laundry or Combination. OUR Household Wash, containing Qui'.tsy Sheets, Tablecloths, Toilets, Serviettes, Pillow-cai-cs. 80 pieces, for 2s Cd. CHEAPER than paying a Washerwoman to waste your soap and coal. /"VTHER Prices equally low. From 19s. At W J&.1..T. E 4;&
Page 11 Advertisements Column 5
Star (Christchurch), Issue 10118, 1 April 1911, Page 11