o^}MW^^J^MAW%^^^t^^^T' Of the many weird means by which a Bike may be obtilitie( i, that of m mH H l\ii purchasing at an Auction Sale is the M. M\W Xi& weirdest, and at the same time the most dangerous. Have you ever ' reflected upon the reasons which lead to an Auction Sale of Bikes? When a hen refuses to lay any more eggs it is sent to Auction. When a cow retires from the milk business it goes to the auction yards. A worn out, vicious or useless horso foes the same road. Think of these facts, and then ask yourself why are Bicycles sent to Auction? \ Is it not better when buying a Bike to go to a firm with an established reputation like BELL BROS, and get a machine built to your order from the finest B.S.A. parts by the best workmen in the Dominion, under the personal supervision of BELL BROS, themselves, to know that you have a mount that is perfect in detail and absolutely reliable ? *SS m d know that you've got real value for your mone\ m RELIABILITY TRIALS HILL CLIMB COMPETITIONS PETROL CONSUMPTION TEST FASTEST HILL CLIMBER WINNER OF KILL CLIMB ON FORMULA WINNER OF NON-STOP RUN ALL THESE TESTS WERE WON BY THE BRABBURY Motor Gycles EKliintn CASHMERE HILLS TEST on Saturday, March 18th, 1911, a BRADBURY with two passengers weighing 21st., made a Non-stop run from Colomoo St. to Victoria Park. This proves that BRADBURY AND ROYAL ENFIELD MOTOR OYOLES E Farmtesrs Go-op.'Garage, Cashes St. East NOTHING SG CONVENIENT Now is the time of jolly Picnic Parties, and Picnic Promoters will find nothing meet with such favour at lunchtime as Aulsebrook's Sao Crackers sandwiched with Jam or Butter. Nothing is easier to prepare —nothing is more delicious. Try them next time you're picnicing—you're bound to like them: everybody does.
To-day's fidvertisemenis Mfsaaiianooua. W. G. Ludbrook.) (E. M. Donaldson. LUDBROOK & CO., LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL PEINTEKS. Chancery Lane. SEE our Window for our Weekly Joke, Life's Little Worries : " Baby's Bath." OUR temperature is never too hot nor too cold. We always maintain, an avcrago that enables us to 'turn out your order to time, whether the thermometer reads Blood Heat or Freezing. kUALITY Tells" is our motto. The re—s collection of quality remains long after the price is forgotten, and Good Work cannot be done, "As cheap as you can." J. JOHNSTON, RANGIORA ESTB. 1563. JOHNSTON, Direct Importer of General Hardware. Only best qualify stocked. JOHNSTON for Latest Designs of Furniture of Every Description. Inspection invited. JOHNSTON for Latest in Sporting Goods, including Guns, Footballs, Hockey and Golf Materials. OHNSTON for Best Gas Maaitks, Glasses O and Fittintfs. "OHNSTON for Reliable Motor and Cycle ltepairs. District Agent for Ford, Raver, Darracq Cars. JOHNSTON, Agent Massey Harris and *J Duncan Implements, Belfast Manures, Little's Sheep Dips. 3259 10ITER'S ASTHMA CUKE "WICKER CHAIRS, SETTEES AND LOUNGES IN GREAT VARIETY. A J. w"h~I T E, LTD. "JfING OSCAR" SARDINES Are packed io Pure Olivo Oil. Don't take any other brand. 4 HIGH-PRESSURE WATER AND SEWERAGE. WE are prepared to Lay Water Services and Connect to Sewer at Lowest Ratos. ISTIMATES Given for Hot and Cold I Water Supply and Sanitary Plumbing. T7TTE stock a Large Supply of Gas Fittings, YV Sanitary Ware, etc. ALL work executed under our own supervision, and satisfaction guaranteed. c And j. colville, LICENSED PLUMBERS AND GASFITTERS, Cathedral Square. Xll9 CROSSED EISHSARXINES WICKER CHAIRS, SETTEES AND LOUNGES IN GREAT VARIETY. A J. WHITE, LTD. ORJjER -KING OSCAR" SARDINES FOE YOUR CAMP. Don't lake something " just as good." 1 THE P.O.P. CLOCK TOWER. ARE you wanting a Camera? Then try us. the Easter Holidays, Cameras at greatly reduced prices. The P.0.P., Clook Tower. DEVELOPING, Printing, Retouching and Finishing Photographs. Lowest rates. The P.0.P., Clock Tower. /"ISIT the P.0.P., Clock Tower, tor your ' Easter Postcards. A choico selection. X 224 ARTHUR L. GRAY AND CO., 166, Manchester Street. E" are BUYERS of the following » SHARES:— £ s. d. Gleximore Brick and Tile . 13 6 Kaiapoi Woollens . . .550 Christchurch Gas Company 9 15 0 Farmers' Insurance . . 4 17 13 Chirs'tmireh Meat Co. . 4 12 6 TitnaTU Post . . . 18 6 WICKER CHAIRS, SETTEES AND LOUNGES W GREAT VARIETY.
Page 11 Advertisements Column 4
Star (Christchurch), Issue 10118, 1 April 1911, Page 11