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DISEASE DISPELLED. HEALTH KESTORED. OVER 7500 (SUPPOSED) INCURABLES CURED AFTER DOCTORS HAD BEEN DEFEATED ; L AND HOSPITALS HAD FAILED, BY 3 .-- -" - •■'-....' '< HEAT HEADACHES !! ! - The com P laint { 9 Tcei me ever y now and After the first box I could get about again, pressiqh that they would do me good. When " well, feeling out of sorts, and being languid told them the laugh would he on my side the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipe- ' _••"*' again to take a spell. The ailment kept and! went to work again drawing in making the purchase the chemist tried to and cold of a morning, but she would take soon, and so it is— they know it, too." lias, &c. Dr . Williams' Pink Fills give a _^ getting worse, until at last I could not wheat for Mr Robert Marsden. When I' induceihetobuysome other kind of medicine, nothing but Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and ;Mr Potter does not 'pr<? Ben - the appear- healthy dow,? to pale and sallow com-' " Merrylands, Barradine Creek, even w^>.k, and I had to go to bed, being had finished the second box I felt no pain but I would have nothing but the genuine now she is quite well and cheerful again." ance of a man who has endured such plexions, and are a specific for the troubles " Via Narrabri and Pillaga. unable' to walk. It affected my right leg whatever, and considered I was cured. ' IDr Williams' Pink Pills tor Pale People. , -i-m-.. — r* ~^~ -severe suffering.' He is the picture of peculiar to the female system, and in the y J" To the Dr Williams Medicine Co., y from the hip to the ankle, the pain being then took the third box at leisure, although *' After tho first box ' I improved wonder- AnTTavn at niTl , """'"""'" health, and has the best of spirits. His case of men they eff ect a radical cure ill all "^Queen's Place, Sydney. ''.'.,'. worse in my ankle ; I also suffered from there was no occasion for it. I commenced fully, and was iible orice more to resume AtUIE NEURALGIA!!! business (bee-farming), which was neces- cases Sising from mental worry, overwork, , ' '.< terrible pains in my back. I was in bed' taking the pills last October twelve months, my. work, and I have now taken two boxes sarily sadly neglected 'during his illness, and excesses of any nature. f_&p__s_[ " '.''' for four imohths, during 1 which 'time I Mr Marsden and Mr Ferguson, and a host and a half. My work consists principally THP.OUfxH WEARING DAMP is a,so thriving. All these desirable Dr Williams' Pink Pills are .sold only in L^^T^r suffered excruciating pain. I had a doctor of other people who knew my previous con- of washing, and this lam able to do, an f l > " CLO'I^HES changes he attributes to the marvellous boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and ' t^S^fi&fe- attending me all the time, but he gave me dition, could hardly believe the raid change life is oaca mere enjoyable." . ■ efficacy of "Dr Williams' Pink Pills for wrapper (printed in red ink). They are ]^^__^_v^^ no relief, although he used every means in which came over me. Some people said Another lady, Mrs Dunn, who live 3 oppp- ! "I H4D A FE_RFUi TIMF" Pale Peoi>le." never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or J&^/f^^J^^ ' his power to do so. My ankle felt just as. that the sciatica would again return to me site her, called in to see Mrs Davis, and to ! '--p * year- Mr J H PotW of " """" hundred, and any dealer who offers sub&f^^£_rLaJ if it were broken, and it was always as cold next winter, but lam glad to say I went hor she appealed to ratify her statements. ,• W : n _ don ** Bathm-st' snffpvprt'f',™- unmuf«Do < ATTi rnrrnTD stitutes in this form i_ trying to defraud, __^k¥^kmK __%__ through the winter without feeling the "Yes, "remarked Mrs Dunn, "I have rS^ MOTHER, AND THEIR and should be avoided. Sco that each box • BCt "I^'t TillWll • irlillk , shghtost effects of this terrible complaint, seen the poor thing doubled up with pain, tne I^^™ 0 f his maladiai and ' recovery MAIDENS. is encircled by a blue warning label, and K|i /•'•'•''VvLrfJHll I^^ . I have enjoyed excellent health ever since « nd suffering the greatest agony for days ; WQul( | Q^ c Rn item of 'interest to many of *~ -- regard with distrust the man who wants to ■W^#.^_\T" # A S SJ_feh_. I the pills, and my cure has been the together, and we all thought she was going jQm we dispat<shed to hia resi(l ence What can be more distressing than to »ell you something which he says is mat as ■3 WS-' : 6'-+ : l_&Xtfti ' _y? MMM mea^sof a l^u-ge number of people taking mto consumptiou. ! a reporter, who successfully elicited the see a girl drooping and fading in the spring- B 0 ™- He only wants a bigger profit 4 «S^lb___7 »«^ Wl/v mMlttk DrWilhams' Pink Pills about here. ■ " And now," replied Mrs Davis, "lam \ flowing details :- time of youth? Instead of bright eyes, These piUs are not a purgative. They • , . i t^Q^K nQHM "I am certain that the piUs and no other well, 'a new woman,' and all the neigh- j ■ "Well." began Mr Potter; "I mUst tell glowing, rosy cheeks, and an clastic step, ™,f T^T^tw tl I'e/u"'1 ' e / u "' m f fl . D ; : ' " Sir,— l have much pleasure in ordering ■ W.. / \- ii^K y___m 1 remedy cured me rin fact, the other re- hours and those for whom I work can tell J you that' in my younger days I did a deal there are dull eves , n tie, sallow, or greenish Williams Pink Pills for Pale H**»£> B £ d another box of your wonderful Pink Pills. «V \sP%feS^__§Mif__^*, medics did not give me the slightest you the same. Owing to my having to go 'pf camping out,' continually got wet complexion, and a laugnidness of step that \ a , r r V° ld Z 'j! 1 .™ 6 ™ 1^ 3 and by ? fa c *>r I can safely say they are a wonderful mcdi- ; Wf / /^/l\y\lV\ l _^ benefit.'. about so much lam well known, and the • through, and sometimes put on damp ' bespeaks disease an lan earl v death if vw - I™}} I™™1 ™™ Medicine Company^ Welhngton, cine ; from the use of them I have derived i U^'lMffi/ Vf. J^&OT^ii, i• Wr H y nds *»'« was present during the difference between my previous condition clothes. As a consequence I contracted I per treatment is noi: promptly resorted to forward (post paid)on receipt - great benefit. I have already had two .ff iSf M_ mtWm , interview, and endorsed all her husband's and what it is now can be proved by dozens J rheumatism, and later on neuralgia in the ! and persisted in until the impoverished i? l f^P 3 « r P°f ordeiv one box for 3s,^or ■ boxes of your Pink Pills, and lam now »• //J__^JT^-^ IWmM ! statements, both appearing very happy of people; and mind, nothing else has done | head. I became a perfect martyr to these j blood is enrolled, and tho functions of lifo halt [ . n /°V-« 1 hoy are unnvaUed • ordering a third; but I can already testify j «/M fi(/K^rZw^> T 1 1 ill H : when testifying the marvellous curative me good but Dr Williams' Pink Pills for j trvino- ills which kept me company for ' become regular as a tonic tor both sexes. as to the good your Pink Pills^have done ,K J ' P^Bsßssf 1 Ml properdes of Dr Williams' Pink Pijls for Pale People." many°vear.. They aiitcted my appetite. ! .Upon parents' and guardians rests a grent mill . t/ ,t. „„ T rT ,^ ... me. The first box I received in the summer \\^-\ 1= -_ s _^sl 1 Pale People. . "And what do you tliink of the pills, j res t and temper to such a degree that I ' responsibility .at- the time their daughters . THE CHANGE OF LIPE !! ! months, during which kme I suffer ex- \flfc v S_z , , J^V - . " Mrs Dunn ?" asked our representative. hardly ate or slept at all, and was, irritable ; are btidding iuto. womanhood. If your • ,; tremely from headache-, &c. Lastsummer • |f ''\\ fl* «*H-W|j -••'•• a WiMAW'Q TWHTfi'PQTTmvr f T " "Well, I have nearly as much reason to with everything and everybody. The ' daughter is pale, complains of weakness, is ' -^"yjjT The most critical I enjoyed splendid health, being never •-.,,. „-,.;.» -„. ... s :y A WUM.AI\ 5 _I>_Jll*J}&ll__N I I be thankful for them as Mrs P^vis has. I pains about "my eyes were .agonising,.-. I'■ "tired out" upon tho slightest exert-on; if <"-=s=- L^--^_\period in the life of a troubled with either pain or ache. ••- j ice- I U3 M to be led by -my wife „ , ,t^ ,_•'■-• ■■■■' wa3 in LBatnurfit at the time the last show \ she is troubled with headache or backache, iB that attendI heartily recommend them to all to the fire, and' there I would sit . as "NIGHT AFTER NIGHT I .WALKED . {\M\ /* ' was held, and had a fearful time of it, I ' pain in the side ; if her temper is fitful and <g_^J_Ei_P» , fling the cessation of sufferers i as being a really good medicine. lon s j conld warm i n g it. The ; . THE FLOOR IN PAIN !! " ?&_?&& ' 3Ctf_. tried all sorts, of remedies, but got n. her appetite poor, she is in a coudition of «* I menstruation. The E^TS-.^ 1 ! P8 aot^ er trousers 'l was wearing were . all ' I ]\ kWWw44m 1 relief. ' extreme peril, a fit subject for the develop- (fl Isymptoms are fai_tin«r ' box ot J^injc i. ills. scorched by sitting over the fire. NOW SHE IS FREE FROM CARE. i \A M-foSSf \%W __», "Just about this time I read in the ' ment of that most dreaded of all diseases— .* ( | HCspells, or attacks of p?. I . o^ ll^ 6 wha *? Te ruae y°^ *° mt The doctor pat about a dozen mustard and I Mrs Davis, of 12, North Clarendon Street, mW%§iWk_ W 'Sunday Times' some accounts of cures i Consumption. If you notice any of the VW faintness or dizziness, lit-ottmslm^^.—^uraT^eothilly, fly blisters on my leg, which left it in a ; South Melbourne, for five years was a ".. fc"' lfM'BflSß^W brought about by Dr Williama' Pink Pills . above symptoms, lose no time in procuring ™*J ffft headache, general debi-bLLAAU-LU _URR_fc>l. terrible state, and did not do me the least ' great sufferer, her chief complaint being ---4_|!S_s|sE rvfP^O? for Pale People. I bought a box, aud Dr William .* Pink Pills. They will assist *M,^V_ £A lity, exhaustion^ feel- . bit of good. At last he told me he could severe indigestion and swellings in various * PW^'* SS^^^^^v^«_s^f when I had finished that I seemed a.• tho patieut to develop properly and regu- iff i-B^l ing of melancholy, hysSUFFERINGS FROM do no more for me > and tliat the sciatica parts of the body and limbs. She became /^^^k-\^imw different man; the third box worked . larly; they will enrich the blood and restore hJ^^O • *•• teria » P B^ in t^e loin oiiTirnrnin t would have to take its course. I then de- an out-patient of the Melbourne Hospital, _.A7iY^^^^^^^\] wonders, and I felt grand. I reskon 'Dr : health's roses to the cheeks. »^ elB,!i ' U- «_J rH. or limbs/hypochondria, sUIAIIOA 1I J termined to go to the Bathurst Hospital, but receiving no benefit, she visited tbe _%M^ f P i^^_i%^ Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People ' are j rr7T^r=s!f«r«™ss?» t^teaita-i J^tf* &o. The change is one o but my medical adviser said he didn't Homoeopathic Hospital on the St Kilda ■ 'y^^mW^^^^M a splendid remedy. I can now cat heartily j WT-fAT Th.l^ S li 1 PTI T S WTTT *** __SBS!__ for the better if the "HIS ANKLE WAS AS A LUMP OF think I would get any benefit there. How- Road. But no relief was obtained, and her "f WfS^il "~^|j and sleep well." - , uuai iujjoij uiiL, M ILU lIT P atient takes care to x ICE." ever, I said I would try it. After being health went from bad to worse. Besides -%H f~ll " You hold a good opinion of their value, ! JJU II ! ; i $L_^ll IJM V or^y *^ c system, completely bedridden for four months, and prescribing for her, the doctors advised m\ then?" j ♦ q>- P^maaitf^^S [against the ravages o£ ANOTHER PHENOMENAL CURE. on the day before I was going to the hos- her to discontinue drinking tea, but she '^^i^_'J«JfS^* ? " 0f course I do. They do what is) Dr Williams' Pink Pills have a remark- »jthe symptoms attend-; Mr George Hynds, a well-known resident pital, I managed to get into town, and I remained the same— no relief resulting. ** ,^ J^^^^ claimed for them, and I can strongly j able efficacy in curing diseases arising from lj.l ||jing the change. For of Blayney, was recently interviewed by a met a friend and told him my intentions. ; "I have walked the floor," said Mrs W*** recommend thorn to all sufferers. My wii'e jan impoverished condition of the blood or Ltt» ..i_rf__|thiß purpose no remedy " Blayney Advocate " reporter about his This gentleman strongly advised me to try : Davis, " night after night with the pain, . knows what they did for me, aud conse- 1 an impairment of the nervous system, such equals Dr Williams' serious illness and remarkable cure. He Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and could obtain no rest. My agony was was not at all well when she was suffering, quently thinks as much of them as I do. :as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial parals'sis, "^iygage^^^ Pink PiUs. They purify obtained the following interesting narra- before I went to the hospital. As ray very great at times, and weakness almost and I also tried theni, with the greatest If I went to a friend's house to tea, 'Dr locomotor ataxia, St Vitus's dance, nervous the blood by acting', . tive, which Mr Hynds said he would be friend spoke with such confidence about prevented me from continuing my work, success. My daughter has just as great Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People 'went i headache^ nervou3 prostration, and the directly upon the sexual system, lessen the glad to have published : — the pills, I took his advice, and went there At this stage Dr Williams 'Pink Pills for faith in them as I have myself. Where she with me, and directly the meal was over j tired feeling arising thereform, the aftor- severity of this critical period, and finally; "About two years ago I fell a victim to and then to Mr C. Ferguson's store, and Pale People were brought under my notice, is employed the girls tried to get her to I took the prescribed number. My friends ; effects of la grippe, influenza, and severe leave the patient in the enjoyment of' - sciatica. I was drawing wood at the time. | purchased the last three boxes 'he had. I procured abox, for I seemed to have an im- take some other medicine, as she was not used to laugh at me, but I did not mind ; I colds, diseases depending on humours in robust health. DR WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS FOB PALE PEOPLE ARE • THE GIANT TONIC OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6126, 12 March 1898, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6126, 12 March 1898, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6126, 12 March 1898, Page 7


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