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Late Advertisements. WANTED, Second-hand Fishing-Rod. Apply, stating price, to Angler, " Star " offic..3fiß WANTED. Neat Cottago, four rooms, within tew minutes of Post-office. Beta, "Star" offic °* '5357 WASTED, by respectable person, Offices to Clean, or place of taunt. Apply, 82. Durham street. 5330' WANTED, to Hire for' two months. Show Case, 32in x 40in and 6in deep, ia7, Armagh street. WANTED Known.— Komfortablo Apirtmenta .» . „■ . or Gentlemen ; tei*ms moderate. Apply. 177, North Belt, ~6355 WANTED, by steady Man, work of any desenptaon. Address, F. Smith, caro T. Hunter, Faux street, Richmond. 5377 WAITING Engagements. — Housekeepers, __ Cooks, and Generals, with good refsrencas. I_ts Robertson, 76, Manchester street, 5356 : WANTED to Sell, cheap, first-claßsFurniture and every requisite of a fonr-roomrd House, with or without piano. Apply. X.X 3".. "Times "office. 5359. WANTED, by strong Young Man (23) work of any kind; in or near town ; used to horses; low wage 3, £1 weekly. Anxious, "Stir" omce * 5375 WANTED Known-Thnt J. M'CaUum, 181,. - ___ High street, is the only Practical Watch and Clockmaker authorised to repair "Stewart - Dawson and Co.'s Watohes, Watebe. cleaned, 3s 6d ; clocks from 8a 6i. Guaranteed for twelve months- 5328 WANTED Known— Winning Numbers in ... „_, Mi«" Verrall's Monster Priza Gifts are: - 4-13, 30"*, 497, 533, 183, 255, 320. 280, 193. 332. 831*. 721. 350, 412, .360, 395, 7i~_-, 285, -.79, 323, 830. 490, 7.-7 373 121, 980,857, 166. 883, 415. 408, 903, 450, 125, 4<"*5, 488 __>, 163. 83i, 871, *_75, 419, Oil, Bb7, 781, SSB, 421, 850, 402, 29. , 817, 230, 253, 961, 202, i9_*,.535, 704, 702^ 724. Open every evening during summer months. 200 presents to follow for Christmas. ..3-;0 FOR SALE— 52in Bicycle, ball bearirgsL pries £7 IPs. Apply, 118, High -street. 5367 EO3 SALE— Six Black Red Game Fowls, from prize stock. Thos. Wailie, Colombo road, Sydenham, 5373 O.RBVE DE BRUN, 172, Colombo stroet. SA xiz(i-nii? Office iniesing friends and genaral information. Letters written. Tradesman's books kept. Cheap sale now on. Buy jour books, ko., and get 200 per cent over your money'B worth. Come aud see for yourselves. ' "B" OST, Silver Match Box, with initials C.J.E. JLi from E.M. on. Finder rewarded on returning same to this office. 5378 MRS WILLIAMS, 172, Triangle, requireeGood General Servants, Cooks, Housemaids, Young Girls, Kitchenmaid, Cook. MRS IZSTT, 125, Manchester street, requires . immediately— Hotel Cook, near town; several Servants, good town places ; Housemaids, good placeß. See notice board. Splendid prizes given. Secure prize tickets. OMATOES ! Tomatoes ! ! - Thousands of Strong Plants now ready. Spicer, Fruiterer. Viotoria street. 5321 _£? Oi"*i IN VALUE will be given away in rfn_>__\_\_v Presents in Schlesinger's Christmas Distribution. Every cnstoionr spending 6d trill receive a ticket for these Prizes. First prize, a . Steriia g Silver Locket and Chain ; second, a Ladies* Silver Hunting Watch and Chain, a lot Meerschaum Pipes. Twenty Prizes in all. Go and see for yourself in the "indow. 3 ust recoived, a lot of genuine Holiow Ground Razors, enly 5s each, 'ihis is wonderful value. 100 Dozen Pipes at la, 50 Dozen at 6d each. C-muot bel.a*. Schlesinger, the well-known Cheap Tobacconist. OYSTERS! OTSTERS! OYSTERS! A TREAT for last of the Season, 3d per dozen, at Citchpole's, 145, Colombo street. 5374 INTENDING SETTLERS, NORTH ISLAND. FOR SALE, cheap— Whangarei District. Piece Land, Three Acres. Large quantity limestone, kiln newly erected, ono toils from Post-' Office. Apply eirly, Henry Borry and Co., Christcnuroh. 5225 Dr J". H. Townend HAS REMOVED TO ROOMS AT W. P. TGWHEND'S. CHEMIST, 183, Colombo street, opposite City Hotel, two doors from Brico's Corner. Hours of Consultation— Morning, 12 until 2 , evening, 7 to 8.30. 1918 ! s^^^-mmm--is_-m-_-__m-_____-^s!^^__m^--__ THE Friends of tho late Mary Gunu are re-sp-ctfully informed that, her Fpneral will leave her late residence, Beaumont street, Colombo road, Sydenham, on Sunday, Oct, 2, at 2 p.m., for the Addington Cemetery. H. FUHEMANN. Undertaker. 5379 Colombo street and Cathedral square. <_SS£__-SS___f*_3__^^ FONERAL NOTICE. THE Friend 3of Mr Emanuel Rich are respectfully informed that the Funeral of his late Wife Hest-ar will leave his reai .enee, Dnblin street, Lyttelton. on Sunday, October 2ud, at 3.30 p.m,, for the Church of England Cemetery. SUTTON & WEASTELL. 300 HITCHCOCK LAMPS. "raTE are now offering theso Splendid Lamps ** 35s EACH. j___DWARD J__.EECE & j__soNf"". Wholesale and Retail Ironmongers, 123, Colombo street, Christohurch. I «« mHE -rjANTBBBURT miMES." FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, ISS7. RESULT AND REVIEW OF THE GENERAL ELECTION, WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE NEW MEMBERS. OUR LONDON LETTER, Giving all the Latest Social, Political, and Qoinnierciai News of Europe in a concise and entertaining form. NOVELIST AND SKETCHER. THE SILENCE OF DEAN MAITLAND ALLAN QUATERMAIN MR BAGSTER'S MOOR ROMANCE OF THB WOOL TRADE THE ESCAPE OP M'GRASKOT THE CRY OF THE VULTURE HE FOUGHT TO THE BITTER END A BLOW IN THE DARK PRISON LIFE IN SIBERIA kc, ko„ kc GARDEN AND FARM. WORK FOR THE WEEK GARDENERS' ~CN__.MI _*S AND FRIENDS THS GIANT ARBOR-VIT_*E NOTES FOR FARMERS THE LOCAI_ WOOL MARKET EVERYTHING THE GARDENER AHD FARMER WANT TO KNOW. MRS MEANDER ON FINISHING OFF. LADIES' PAGE. TOM HARDCAIR OS THE MEDICAL ART WOMAN'S INFLUENCE DOMESTIC REMEDIES ANTI-GADABOUT GOSSIP, SPORTING. CURBENT TOPICS NOTES AND ANTICIPATIONS TRAINING NOTES BETTING MARKET. COURSING. AQUATIC. . ATHLETIC. CEICKET. FOOTBALL. BOXING. WESTMINSTER SCHOOL. STRANGE REMEDIES. SIR GEORGE GREY AS AN EXPLORER, SCENES IN BUENOS AYRES. ODD 3 AND ENDS. DRAMA-CHESS-DRAUGHT3-PUZZLER .. MORCFAUX-BREVITIJBd. THE EDITOR'S ARM-CHAIR. ENTERTAINMENT, INSTRUCTION, AND ' AMUSEMENT FOR EVERYBODY. " THE CANTERBURY TIMES." A -WEEES READING- -fob SIXPENCE.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6046, 30 September 1887, Page 2
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893Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6046, 30 September 1887, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6046, 30 September 1887, Page 2
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