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Trade. BEATH & CO. for the Latest Fashions iv Childron's and Ladies' Hats and Bonnets. Very Choioe Stylos in all tho leading fahapes and Colours. 4902 BEaTH & 00. for the now much-worn Ladies* Dust Cloaks. Very '-•tylish and not exp>nsive. Alio Now Dolmaus mid Short Jackets. 4902 ] BEATH & CO. for the Latest Fashions in French Millinery. Also Newest Shapes in Children's and Ladies' Straw Hats and Bon. i nets. -1903 MBS J. M. THOMPSON, Furrier.— All kinds of Furs, Sealskin Jackets, and Hugs-Cleaned, Altered, and Be-liuacl ; Feathers, Gloves, Bonnets and Hats Cleaned or Dyed ; Birds Stutfcd, Skina Tanned or Cured; Bowing Machines on fc'uio and Hopsired, extra part?, needles, kc, always iv stock. 221, Colombo street. 821S i , . WANTED Known— John B. Procter, Watohmaker, Jeweller, &o . has Removed to 123, Manchester street (Green'H finildings). 308 ANTKD to Sell-^lsO~i.len's Heavy Heaver Overooats, well madej with velvet collar, 19e Oil. This is really a chsap coat at 355. Parker and Triba, next BaHantyne's. 2014 WANTED Known — Boys' Mosgiol Tweed Suits, in largo variety, and at very low pi ices. Jersey Suits in new styles. New Zealand Clothing Factory, 169, Cashel street. "ANTED Known— W. I. Ballinger, Idehfla... otreot east, Coal and Firewood _*t"e_*o__air_, continues to supply tho best article, at lowest rates. F-dl weight given. Order, by post attended to. 2818 -^250" ANTED Known— OOALß, Weatport, No-*-*- --■ y' _• castle _sd Native Co_ls and Fi_wwc_ d, de> livored nt lowest ouzre_-t prices. . B. J. SSartin, -j-rte-aan Weß BinkOT.lSO, ___flißO-- steeet. Gl WN. EUSHBROOK having taken Premi?es • in High street, will shortly open there-. AU present Stock Greatly Seduced to Clear. W. N. Eushbrook, Draper and Clothier, 166, Cashel street. ANTED Kno-sm— That J. Pullan, corner of Colombo and Peterborough streets, is the Oheape9t Shop in Town for Parties 3"_rniß___ng. Cash Fu_e"__sor of gooa Second-hand Tools and "Furniture. 2451 WANTED. Known— Eobinson Bran, have opened a Cheap Corn and Produce Store.. Wheat, Oats,.* Flour, Sharps, Bran, Oatmeal, Carrots, Oa.ts, Chaff, &c„ at Lowest Eates. 77, Manchester streot. . 1456 *"W/"57" ANTED Kaswn— », O. S-osgio, Grooer and ?W Tea Blander, Colombo streat north. Good IJamily Tea, 13 6d psr lb ; Blonds, __, 2a id, 2s 6__, So. Othor g_-«_nß3 st lowest cnrrent ratea, Gooda doliverod. B_*73 "T^T-SlI-ITBD Enoma— H. Scrfm_s__at**, Usd&v V V taker furni-___ funorala oomuioto— ChU- ; dren from_.3j Adulte,from £3 loa, Address -41, j corner o2 Duriuua cad 8t Asaph streets, Oansxi ohuroh Orders by telej-mua pauoimaily attended to . 12953 ' "fe/a /ANTED, Everybody to use Aston's Ptove W¥ and Grate Polish aud Electric Plate Powder, cheap, clean, and lasting. No brnsheß required. Betail from all grocers and ironmongers. Sole Ageut for New Zealand, W. M'WiUiam, 20 ». Colombo street, Christchurch. 6780 •"Off"?" ANTED Known— G. Kinge, IS3, Arm_.,h | W V street, has on salo from his farm. New | Brighton, milk, cr<~am, butter, egsrs. and homeenred bacon and dairy-fed pork. Milk and cream ] delivered daily. Speciality— Cream cheese and Devonshire cream. 2345 WANTED, everyone to goto the Christchurch Dairy, Caehel street, for the Beat Butter in Town, Milk, Cream, Choesa, Hams, Eggs, Homemade Jam. &c, from our own farm, delivered to any part of town. Orders collected. R. Gainsford and Sou. No connection with any other dairy. ANTED Known— That B. G. Warnea ha* purohased tho busiuess of the Al Fish, Ponltry, and Game Mart, Casbel stroot, frem Mr G. Elliott, and hopes by strict attention to merit tho patronage so liberally bestowed upon his predecessor. N.B.— The Supper Booms are the best iv tbe Colonies. Telephone No. 210. 8703 g-IAEPET BEATEBS AND BWEEPrf. WHEELEB AND CO., Prompt, reliable, clean. 232, Ho__fci*d street. 195 ._ Labour. Cash advertisements under this head, not exceeding fourteen -words, -will be oharged SIXPENCE. WANTED, Apprentice . and Improver to Dressmaking. 18. Durham stro-t. 5201WANTED, Strong Lad. about fifteen, for Butchering ; must understand hors9s. B. Berry, Butcher, Richmond. 6336 WANTED, Situation as Housekeepsr; good references; no obiestiou to country. Apply, Housekeeper, •' Timea " office. 6317 Board and Ba__dkmo9. CaeO, advertisements under this head, not eicecding fourteen words, will be charged SIXPENCE A VACANCY for Two Boarders, Park Villa _____ Richmond Terrace, thud house off Lincoln road. 5320MELVILLE HOUSE, Armagh street west.— Excellent Apartments and a Comfortable Home -may be obtained at the above addrose. Only threo minutes' walk from the Post-office, Museum, and Gardens. Termß moderate. 56 WANTED, fonr Bedrooms and a Privato Sitting Boom, with board and atten lance. L-M., " Star " office, 5178 WANTED, few respectable boarders, 162, Gloucester street, opposite "Times" offico ; single rooms if wanted. 52 H For Salo and. To Let., Sea also Page _*. Cash advertisements under this head, noteice eding fourteen words, will bo oharged SIXPENCE. FOE Salo—New Brighton, i-Acre on Beach, £50; Two Qnarters Union street, cloae to tram aud beach, .£69 each. Box 253. 52?5 nr\o LET, House, rout 10s d?., Manchester B street, opposite St Luke's Churoh. Enquire at Store. 5317 TO LET, House Four Booms, ecnllery; 7s 6d weekly. Kose Cottage, King street. Sydenham. 5309 WANTED, To Let, 20 or 30 Acres Eich Land at St Albans. Apply Wilson and Sons, Auctioneers, kc. 4742 Late Advertisement!.. PEESONS __.Dyj?ETISING FOR SERVANTS nr hereby informed that they ___ leave ADDBESSS3 and any other information at THIS OFFIC3. WANTED Anglers to Know that my Stoclr of Fishing Kequisites has arrive-., including split cane rod_>, gree 'heart rods, minnow rods, minnows, flics, lines, hooks of evory description, acme wire lines, reels, gut lines, fishing brogues, nud stockings, and overy item required for the gentle art. Inspection invitod. Send old rods to be repaired lo M* WWianis' Fishing Tackle Depot, Colombo street. EW GOODS, Gloves, Eibbons, Embroideries, kc, just to hand, at W. N. Eushbrook's, tho cheap Cash Draper, 2SB, High street. JtIST OPENKD, a nice assortment of Straw Hats of all kiuds are marked vory cheat*, to j clear quickly. W. N. Eushbrook, 233, High streot. EAUTIFUL assortment ot New Fri-lings! Novoltiea in Aprons, Collarettes, __c„ just ' opened at W. N. Eushbrook's. 233. High streei. E^EESS GOODS, Prints, Sateens, Oatmeal 9 Cloth, Canvas Cloth and Faucy Summer Materials in great variety, half ordinary prices % at I' W. N. liusnbrook's, £35, High streot. J"~jlOE Gloves. Hosiery, Dre3S Goodsj and every J description of Drapery, go to W. N. | Kushbrook's, 238, 'High street, the cheapest house j in town. C "".LOTHING of every description. Hats, Shirts, J Collars and Ties, Hosiery and Mon'. Mercery, goo* and cheap, at W. N. Eushbrook's. 238, High street. CHILD'EEN Photographed Instantaneously. Cabinets 15s per doz. Standish and Pr.ece. j "OONIES.— New Brighton Beach, daily, Long ! JL Bides for Ladies aad Gentlemen, 6d: children \^__ 5211 BPLENDID8 PLENDID Valuo Ladios' Button and Laco Shoo_, 6s; Elastic Boots, 6s 6d. .91, Itnst belt. . ~ .sos TO Paperhangors— Price wanted for small job. sharp. 233, Madras streot north. 53-*6 ALL who are not able to Pay their Debts" may Consult Free, porsonal'y or by letter, an i Acconntant of fifteon years Home and Colonial experience as to a Private Arrangement with their Creditorc' Fised charges, and rsliablo advice guaranteed. Stocks taken, balances prepared, J books kopt, acconuts collected or bought. j . Geo. Wm. STANILAND, 365, Colombo street north. 2i49____ Christchurch. _.-fl- OGIL V.l E BOW H~A~N~ •|. PIANOFOETE TUNEB. ' Having over seventeen years' experience with Pianos, and having excellent Testimonials for Tuning from the majority of leading Pianoforte Players, ia prepared to ropair aud renovate any class of Pianos at reasonable rates. AJI work guaranteed. INSTEUMENTS KEPT IN TUNE. THBISB V131T3 MADE, ati;l Is PER ANNUM PAYABLE AT LAST TONING- Old Pianos taken as part payment for new ones, and over a hundred instruments of best makers to selectf rom. Deferred payments if required. To intending pur. chasers J. 0.8. will select instruments for a small compensation, and guarantee to give satisfaction. All communications from town and conntry punctually attended to. Address, 87, 89, and 91 Victoria street N., or 179, Montreal Btreet north! opposite Normal Sohool. gggg ! TAKE NOTICE, JOHN B. PBOCTJBB, 123, Manchester strest, Christchurch, has beon appointed Solo Agent in Now S.9_land for Taylor and Dent's celebrated English iicvor Watches. 30g ~~ MONET TO LEND. ~ ~ iv Sums to SUIT BOP.ROWEBS, who can have the option of repaying, at any time, on giving sis month.' notica. Apply to EDWD, B. DEACON, Solicitor, Hereford street, SBOI Clttistchurch,
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 6046, 30 September 1887, Page 2
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1,362Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6046, 30 September 1887, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Star (Christchurch), Issue 6046, 30 September 1887, Page 2
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