j Auction Sales. I HIKUTAIA STOCK SALE TUESDAY, July 23, at 1J.30 a.m. /LCICI HEAD OF CATTLE including: 16u Springers 50 3 - year - old Heifers from Coromandel; a choice lot. FARMERS' AUCTIONEERING (X). LTD., HAMILTON. 'Phone 12, Thames. , HAMILTON HORSE SALE'" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 23rd and 24th SDH H °~^~S ES : Draught, tJ\J\J ght and Unbroken. Ist Day : Unbroken aad Draught 1 Horses. 2nd Day: Light Horses. FARMERS' AUCTIONEERING CO., LTD., HAMILTON. *Phone 12, Thames.
, Amusements, etc. — A — J^AREWBH T)ANCE Will be tendered to Mr. W. H. Day in St. George's Hall on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 24th July. 1 Good Floor. Excellent Music. Gentlemen 1/6, Indies 1/-. Public Notices. QUEEN. SUPPORTERS please note that the SOCIAL ,& DANCE for TUESDAY will be complimentary to all. W. BONGARD, Hon. Secty. . /"TENDERS wanted for Completing' a Mile of Boundary Fence between properties of Messrs Jas. Mo Cormick and J. Coakifcy, situated between the Tapu and Mata Creeks. The posts are ereoted:, and the wires ebraiined. The work to be completed consists of'fourteen ba.tteng'2 x 2, to be put om, to t!he chain, and any otheo* work necessairy to make fetno-i flheep-proof. Ten feet at eacih side of fence -to be cleared of all growth. Contractors to find bafctemis. Th<i loM r«B(t on' any tender not necessarily iiceepted. For further particulars apply to J. COAKLEY, Thames: Business Notices.
LION ALE. LION ALE. IS THE CHOICEST PRODUCTION OF THE BREWER'S ART. The Ideal Beer far am Ideal Climate, brewed under ideal condatioin|9 from . . PUREST MATERIALS, j ON SALE AT ALL HOTELS. THE LION BREWERY, LTD. KHYBER PASS, AUCKLAND. NOW AND THEN. rpO-DAY is unlike. 20, or 10-, or "** even 5 yeans ago. There is not mucih which need be written to-day ; about LEARNING BY CORRES- ' PONDENCE. Ita valua amd advantages ana known and appreciated by all- but the old-fashioned and mcdi core. It eihould be remembered that' .the pioneers of this splendid meianß of acquiringi pa-aotdcal knowledge in New Zealand, are still keeping up thciir splendid reputation. Hundreds yearly are -bettering their positions iHild earning more money owing to mastering «n)e of our Courses. May AVd send you particulars of our Course in Practical Book-keeping; on- in Acaauiatancy; or- in ShortihaiDd; or in Advertiiseaaienit Writing; or in Preparaitdon for the. Matriculationi; the Publip Service; the Teachers'; the Law, or the University Book-keep-ers' Examination's. Say just -which and write to-day. Address— HEMINGWAY AND ROBERTSONS CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS I7TD. AUCKLAND. W. H. Hemingway, Chief of Teaching Staff.
Asthma-CAN BeXured 'Simple home .treatment based on new theory. * Hundreds tettimonialt prove' correctness. Easy to use. Abolishes burning powder j, etc. No internal drugging to upset system. Effective for jroting and old. Quickly .checks severity of attacks. Can be carried in pocket. Valuable medical treatise " New Asthma Theory" sent on receipt of 3d. in stamps for postage. MMDGK DRUG STORES, 12 Bridge BMga, Swusahan* Soad, AUCKLAND
Page 1 Advertisements Column 6
Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 1
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