Mail Notices. MAILS close to-morrow «« follows:—?' For Frankton Junct., King; Country, Waikato, Paeroa, Waihi.'Te Aroha, and <ountry Offices, at 7.30 p.m. and Ip.m. i For Auckland per steararr at 3 p.m. For .Auckland per train at 7.30 a:m. F..r Southern Offices at 1 p.m. For Turua; Kopu, Matatoki, Puriri, Omahu, WharepoH,. Hikutaia, Komata North, Karangahake, Waikiao, and Mangati at 7.30 *.m. ■ For Tapu, Waiomio,-and line bags .at 7.30 a.m. , For Pip.roa, Ngatea, Ke»epehi, Kopuarahi, and Jline bags at 1i?.30p.m. For Waitakaruru at 6 p.m. For Kati Kati and Tauranga at 1 p.m. . For Kanaeranga at 7 30 a.m. NOIE:— Letters usually superscribed "via Suez" j should now be ■> superscribed '.'For first direct steamer" Correspondence for all Neutral Countries is hable to Censorship. G. A. EMP3ON, Chief Postmaster, Thames.
IMr dnonio Oheet' Complaint*. Woods 1 Gmml P«pfM<nMUil Com Is *d, fl> 6i-
Last five days of Culleto'e Grant Economic Offensive. Bargains in etfaty dap&rtmsalli. —Adrt.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13752, 22 July 1918, Page 1
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