A telegram received late this afternoon from Dunedin states that- grave»fears are entertained of the recovery of Bishop Moran.
The members of the Naval Artillery Volunteers and the Auckland and Thames Fire Brigades will attend church parade at St George's Church to-morrow.
The list of exhibits for which prizes will be given at the forthcoming annual Flower Show in November next appears in another column.
The annual meeting of the Thames Cricket Club was held last, evening at Mr Moore's rooms, Mr G. W. Clark presiding. There was a fair attendance of members. The following report was presented by the Committee : " We have much pleasure in presenting the following report for the past season- As yon are aware this was the first season during -which the various clubs competed for the senior and junior championship under the auspices of the Thames Cricket Association. Owing to the hearty manner in which the efforts of yonr Committee were assisted by the in dividual members of the club, we succeeded in carrying off both senior and junior championships, and. the captains of our respective elevens (G. W. Clark of thefi>st, and C. Laduer of the second) are to be congratulated on the manner in which they handled their team?. The senior eleven played 9 matches, winning 7, losing 1, and I resulting in a tie. They scored 377 runs, against their opponents' 235. In batting G; .Wiggins with an average of '11*5 runs for 6 completed inniugs, and G. Feel with an average of 9*2 runs for 8 inoings, were the most successful. In bowling G. Feel took 36 wickets at a cost of 2*6 runs per wicket, andj. Buchan 29 wicketa for 3-3 runs per wicket. The second eleven played 8 matches, winning 7, aud losing 1. They scored 383 runs against their opponents' 186. G. G. Paul with an average of 17"8 runs for 5 inningß, and G. Ladner B"*7 runs for 8 innings, were top of the batting averages. In bowling G. G. Paul secured II wickets at a cost of I' 6 runa per wicket, J. Lynch 45 wickets at a cost of 2*l runs per wicket, and C. Ladner 13 wickets for 3*3 runs per wicket. G, G. Paul won the medal presented by Mr G, Peel to the Association for the best batting average for the seasou among junior players," The subscription for the eusuing season was fixed at 5a for playing, and 10s for honorary members. The following officers were elected :—President, L. Ehrenfried, Esq. (re-elected); last year's Vice-Presi-dents with the addition of Messrs H. J. Greenrfade, BurtoD, and &enrick were reelected; Captain, G, W. Clark $ ViceCaptain, G, Peel; Secretary, T. Atiken; Treasurer, F, Egginton; Committee, Messrs Buchao> Jffewman, Wiggins, JPau 11, and Ladner; delegates to the Association, Messrs Clark and Peel.. Several new members were sleeted, and the meeting closed with the usual vote of thanks to the Chairman,
Book-keeping Condew-«i» and Simpufhsi) The system is applicable to all trades, and the author asserts that it is the most complete, simple, concise, and condensed form in which book-keeping by double-entry has yet been presented. Judge Kettle writes;—" It is just what i$ wanted, and every trader should bate a copy," The Timaru Official Assignee believes "it would be a great advantage to traders if they could be induced to use it." Newspapers praise it, and e»y that " it should prore a genuine boon; fcbe instructions given are so simple, and yet bo ample, that the veriest tyroyjould have no difficulty in following them," For self-instruction it is invaluable. On sale by all booksellers in tbe colony, price Is 6d, or direct from the author by sending a poßtal note to T. G. De Renzy, Post Office box 444, Auckland. In tbe press, and by the same author: "Book.krbping, for F»bmebb and Othkbs, Condensed and Swpmfjbr." !*"<*
An inspection parade of the members of the Naval Artillery will be held at the drill shed at 7 o'clock next Tuesday evening*
Me McGowan, M.H.R., has wired to the Secretary of the Thames School of Mines intimating that he had interviewed the Minister of Mines regarding the Committee's application for £50 to cover the cost of erecting a small plant capable of treating samples of one ton of ore by the Casgell process, and that Mr Seddon agreed to grant it.
Thames Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 4523, 2 September 1893, Page 2
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