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STAR EASILY DEFEAT TEMUKA SATURDAY’S MATCHES Results at a Glance. Star 23. Temuka 3. Old Boys 9, Geraldine 7. Zingari 10. Waihi 0. Pleasant Point 12, Celtic 5.

As a result of Saturday’s matches irthe Rugby Union’s senior competition. Star and Old Boys maintained their positions in the lead. Star had a runaway victory over a sadly depleted Temuka side at Fraser Park. For a time it was doubtful if Temuka would be able to field a team, but eventually a scratch side was assembled, a number of players being requisitioned from the club’s junior team. Under the conditions Temuka did well to keep the score down to 23 points. On the lower ground at Fraser Park, Pleasant Point beat Celtic in a ragged exhibition. Old Boys had another lucky escape from defeat at Geraldine, when they snatched a last minute victory from the home side after being down 6-7 until a few minutes before time. Zingari held their position in third place in the competition by accounting for Waihi at Winchester after a solid game.

STAR (23) V. TEMUKA (3). Temuka kept the ball tight for the first few minutes of the game, but King sent Provan and Morrison away on the blind side, the winger being forced into touch at the 25 flag. Seaton missed from a penalty well out but shortly after. Meikle goaled from another infringement. Star 3, Temuka 0. Star kept up a steady attack on Temuka’s line and a loose rush had the country team in difficulties until McCully cleared. King secured in the 25 and whipped the leather out to Provan, to Boys, to Morrison, who went over, taking the corner flag with him. From the line-out Provan came round on the blind side and sent Morrison over in the corner. Meikle's kick went wide. Star 6, Temuka 0 As the result of a concerted forward rush led by A. Leonard, Temuka assumed the offensive for the first time, but play returned to Temuka’s territory when the Star reaguard combined in an attractive movement, Boys coming round to receive from Morrison. His in-pass to Seaton went astray, however, and the ball went into touch. Star were awarded a penalty about 30 yards out but Seaton missed. Star enhanced their score when King initiated a back rush from the base of the scrum, the whole line handling, before Morrison cut in and beat three men before being grassed near the line. Greyburn followed up fast and snapped up the ball to dive over. Provan’s kick struck the bar and bounced back. Star 9, Temuka 0. Star made repeated sallies on Temuka’s line, but the defence held. King raced round a scrum in the 25 and handed on to Morrison, who was tackled in the corner, Adkins just failing to get up in time to carry the movement on. From a line-out within a few yards of Temuka’s line Gaffaney was detected offside and Meikle goaled easily making the halftime scores:— Star 12, Temuka 0. Temuka opened their score within a minute of the resumption of play, Duke kicking a good goal from a penalty 40 yards out. Star 12, Temuka 3. Star returned to the attack, and for a while play centred on the visitors’ line, but two infringements in succession spoilt the movements and allowed Temuka to clear. A long kick by Hopkinson pur Temuka on attack and Temuka had another chance at goal from a penalty near the touch line. Duke’s kick fell short and Provan cleared to neutral territory. Greyburn and Alexander led a spirited rush to the line, and when the ball came back from the ruck, Greyburn threw a long pass to Boys, but the transfer was intercepted by Hopkinson, who, although palpably offside, was undetected by the referee. Seaton made a great dash down touch but he lost possession on the line and the ball went into touch-in-goal. Play surged to the opposite corner where during a spirited melee, Bracken was ordered to leave the field for allegedly striking a Temuka player. A dribbling rush led by Seaton went to the line and in the ruck which followed Ede forced his way over. Meikle’s kick did not rise. Star 15, Temuka 3. Securing from a scrum. King sold a dummy and went right through the Temuka pack, handing on to Seaton, wh) raced across to complete a good movement. Meikle converted. Star 20, Temuka 3. Star were throwing the ball about at this stage and were running through the Temuka defence. Provan broke through in his own 25 and sent Greyburn, Meikle and Boys away, the latter handing on to Seaton, who outpaced the opposition and scored wide out. Meikle again missed. Star 23, Temuka 3. Star were still attacking when time was called. Star 23, Temuka 3. Mr R. G. Sampson was referee. PLEASANT POINT (12) v. CELTIC (5) In the early stages of the game, play was confined to the forwards, but a penalty against Guy for offside enabled Delury to find touch near the corner flag. Dewar cleared for Point, but again Delury drove them back with a well-judged kick. Point were penalised for failing to let the leather come into play, but Delury’s kick dropped under the bar. Point forcing. Following a line-out, McCarten dived through, but lost possession, and Point carried play to the Green line. Here Point infringed in a scrum, Celtic gaining timely relief. A short kick by Ryan found a gap in‘"the Point defence, and play came back to the centre. Here McCarten sent his backs away from a scrum, Goddard finding touch at the 25. Point cleared, but were again driven back by Delury, who was kicking with nice judgment. A nice back movement was initiated by Cartwright, who sent on to Halstead, but the latter’s transfer went astray at the critical moment. Celtic infringed the offside rule near the 25, but Simpson failed to find the uprights, Mason forcing. Anderson put in a fine run from the full-back position, but spoilt the chances of a try by hanging on too long. A moment later he put in another good run, again spoiling a good chance through selfishness. One of the forwards eventually opened up, the whole back line handling for Vucetich to cross at the corner.

It was a good movement, with each man drawing his opponent nicely. Anderson’s kick missed. Point 3. Celtic 0. Hemmed in on the line, Vucetich centred nicely, and when Sinclair failed to gather in, Halstead snapped up and dived over. Anderson’s kick missed. Point 6, Celtic 0. Celtic carried play to the Point 25, the forwards breaking through from successive lineouts, but Guy then put in a good solo run, only the greasy ball preventing him from going over. Celtic came back in an equally good run, Kelly leading the way, but Vucetich managed to trail the leather into touch. The score at half-time was: Point 6, Celtic 0. Early in the second half the Point forwards caught Ryan in possession, and when the ball rolled clear Dewar snapped up and found touch well inside the 25. Here Celtic were penalised, Anderson’s kick hitting the cross-bar, and rebounding into the field of play. Point pressed hotly. Guy just failing to reach the line. Simpson then broke through from a line-out, play again returning to the Green line. Here Celtic were penalised: for failing to let the leather go, but Anderson's kick went wide. Play was confined almost entirely to the forwards, with the Point backs occasionally staging a rush. One of these proved successful, Dewar opening up for Stewart and Cartwright to handle, the latter touching down. Anderson again failed to convert. Point 9, Celtic 0. Point were having matters much their own way at this stage, and were doing everything but scoring. A good run by Stewart had Celtic defending hard, but they managed to clear to the 25 yard line. A short dash by Sinclair reversed the position. Point having to defend. Following a line-out the leather came back to Sinclair, who dived over at the corner. Delury kicked a fine goal with the heavy ball. Point 9, Celtic 5. Point then set up a series of back rushes, which had Celtic hard on the defensive. Play was suspended for a period owing to Allfrey receiving an arm injury, and eventually he was replaced by C. Guthrie. Led by Guy, Point carried play to the Celtic 25, but a short kick by Sinclair saw Celtic work back to the centre. A crosskick by Stewart gave Brosnahan a chance, but the bounce of the ball beat him. Point opened up from a scrum, but a forward pass spoilt a possible chance. The Greens cleared momentarily, but Point came back, a force down bringing the Greens relief. Point broke through from a lineout, a snappy passing rush ending in Waugh scoring. Time was called with the scores: Pleasant Point 12, Celtic 5. Mr W. Direen was referee.

ZINGARI (10 v. WAIHI (0). The Waihi-Zingari game was a great struggle between two even sets of forwards. The backs of both teams handled very badly, passes going asstray right through the game. Polhill and Whiting failed to put in an appearance for Waihi. Waihi kicked off facing the sun. I. Caird, Kennelly and Sutton headed a movement to the Waihi 25, where Higginbottom was penalised for lying on the ball. King’s kick failed to find the uprights. For a time play was in the centre. From a scrum near the half-way flag Bishop sent out to Howey, to McKenzie, to Veitch, who dropped his pass. Quirke cleared with a long liner. Pemberton and Johnston were prominent in a forward movement to Zingari territory, where Hurst saved with a timely mark. Passing by Bracken, Jamieson, Quirke and Hewson took play well inside the Zingari 25. Solomon upended Hewson and allowed King to clear. Another passing rush by the Green backs did not gain much ground as Priest dropped his pass, allowing Caird and Kennelly to break clear. From the ruck, Bishop secured and sent out to McKenzie, to Solomon, who ran over for a smart try. King’s kick added the major points. Zingari 5, Waihi 0. From a ruck Bracken threw a long pass to Jamieson, who gained a lot of ground with a 40-yard liner. A. Pye, Caird and Sutton came through fast to Waihi’s 25, where Bishop dropped a goal as the whistle went for an infringement. The play at this stage was held up through Solomon receiving an injury to a shoulder. After receiving attention he resumed, but shortly after he retired and Hill filled his place. Bracken was getting his share of the ball from the scrum, but the backs were continually dropping his passes. A long kick by King went out at Waihi’s corner flag. From the line Duncan sent a pass to Hurst, who kicked towards the other wing. Quirke took a timely mark, but his kick failed to find touch and Kennelly, Caird and Sutton came with a great rush to the Waihi line. The rush terminated with Kennelly scoring for King to convert. Zingari 10. Waihi 0. Jamieson made a solo dash up the field and kicked to King, who, though bustled, found touch in time. The half-time whistle sounded with the scores: Zingari 10, Waihi 0. Shortly after the commencement of the second spell, Priest and B. Jamieson had to leave the field through injuries, and owing to no men being available, their places were not filled. Long line kicking by King and Howey forced the play to Waihi’s territory. Wood, judiciously kicking up and under, soon had Zingari busy defending. Johnston made a good dribbling rush up the field, and King was caught in possession by Quirke. King was penalised for throwing the ball into touch. Jamieson had two unsuccessful attempts at goal from penalties. Near the finish Bishop and Veitch broke away, the latter’s pass to Pye was forward, and a scoring chance was lost. The Zingari forwards tried to break through, but the Waihi backs were tackling well. Time was called with the scores: Zingari 10, Waihi 0. Mr A. G. Simmers was referee. OLD BOYS (9) GERALDINE (7). By a dramatic last minute try, scored by K. Hall, Old Boys snatched victory from Geraldine by 9 points to 7, on the secondary school grounds at Geraldine. Within the last five minutes K. Loach put over a good drop kick which gave the country team an advantage of one point. Although Geraldine had more than held their own in the second half, the reverse spurred Old Boys to greater efforts and the final stages of the game saw a grim tussle, and Geraldine were unlucky in losing the match at the last moment. Geraldine kicked off, and gradually forced their way to Old Boys 25. The Blues broke away, but a likely attack was foiled by Hayes who gained a lot of ground with a kick. Anderson and A. W. Morris broke through and a free kick taken by S. Callanan went wide. Old Boys set up a nice passing rush, but Brenton nullified. Hayes passed to Neutze, to Loach, who missed and K. Hall snapped up and scored a spectacular try from half way, unopposed. A. Lawson failed to convert. Old Boys 3, Geraldine 0. A penalty for a scrum infringement was taken by Neutze, but Geraldine gained no advantage. Law-

son and Carter made a dangerous opening, but Neutze grassed Carter, and Geraldine cleared. At this stage Old Boys were obtaining the advantage from the scrums, but the Geraldine defence was sound. Old Boys kept up the pressure, but Neutze cleared in good style. After a series of long passing rushes, K. Hall again broke through, but he was forced out at the corner. A moment later Lawson added three points from a free kick within Geraldine’s 25. Old Boys 6, Geraldine 0. From a scrambling rush led by Thorp, Neutze kicked through. Old Boys were penalised for holding on, and G. Webb made no mistake with the kick. Old Boys 6, Geraldine 3. Marshall, Carter, Lawson and Satterthwaite were associated in a passing rush which transferred play to the home 25. Lively play followed in midfield till Carter gained ground with a good kick. S. Callanan reversed the position, and K. Loach kicked through to gain further ground. Old Boys snapped up from a scrum and a passing rush across the back line saw Lawson knock on just when he was within an ace of scoring. Ellis headed a dribbling rush which K. Loach stopped in the nick of time. Marshall broke away, but Neutze thrust off his opponents and managed to clear at the critical moment. After having been on the defensive for some time, Hayes broke through and set up a fast attack, but the ball went out, and half time was called with the scores Old Boys 6, Geraldine 3. On resuming Old Boys attacked, but Geraldine sent them back. Hard work saw Geraldine keep Old Boys on the defensive and Anderson and Hayes looked like scoring but Old Boys forced. A grim struggle took place in Old Boys 25, but Satterthwaite gained the halfway mark with a splendid kick. Old Boys kept up the pressure, but Loach brought down an opponent and Anderson carried on to pass to Hayes, but a knock on spoilt the chance. From a melee in midfield Geraldine broke through but Old Boys remained firm. Satterthwaite gained a lot of ground with a good kick and K. Hall carried on, but he was brought down just on the line. Geraldine took up the attack and from a melee in midfield Thorp and Lorimer carried play to the Blue 25. From a line out Old Boys secured and made a rush, but Geraldine swept them back. Neutze attempted a penalty kick but just missed. Geraldine kept up the pressure, but could not penetrate the defence. From a scrum Neutze nearly got across, but he struck the post. A series of scrums followed but nice play saw Old Boys gain a territorial advantage. McFarlane snapped up, and, with no opposition, had a likely chance, but Callanan made no mistake and brought him down. Old Boys attacked, but K. Loach relieved with a good kick.' Another hot attack was frustrated by K. Loach who dribbled smartly, but was forced to kick out. Fast work saw Old Boys on the defence, bur a penalty for handling in the scrum gave relief to the visitors. A moment later Neutze attempted a penalty kick, but was unsuccessful. A. Morris found Old Boys corner with a splendid kick, and from a melee in front of the goal K. Loach snapped up and put a good drop kick over. Geraldine 7, Old Boys 6. Geraldine attacked vigorously and were again within an ace of scoring. The Old Boys forwards swept down, but they were well stopped. Renton broke away and nearly got over. From a five-yard scrum Neutze took a penalty kick unsuccessfully. A keen struggle followed, and K. Hall snapped up to make a brilliant dash to score in the corner. Lawson’s kick failed, and the game ended:— Old Boys 9, Geraldine 7. Mr C. Triggs was referee.

JUNIORS. First Division. Pareora 6, St. Andrews 5. Second Division. Washdyke 3, Kingsdown 3. MACKENZIE SUB-UNION. The following were the results of games played in the Mackenzie SubUnioi’s competition on Saturday:— Senior. Soithern 13, Pirates 3. Fairlie 26, Aorangi 0. Juniors. Fairlie 0, Southern 0. Sherwood 14. Aorangi 0. IV OTHER CENTRES Auckland.—Ponsonby 9 v. Technical Old B>ys 8; Otahuhu 18 v. Marist 10; Manulau 19 v. Grammar Old Boys 8; Uni/ersity 6 v. Grafton 3. The first round has now been completed. The second round will be confined to the following six teams—Manukau, Grafton, Poisonby, Otahuhu, Technical Old Boys aid either Grammar Old Boys or University, which are equal in the champi»nship. The remaining senior A team will join the three leading teams u the senior B to comprise the second :ound of the new B division. Wellii^ton. —Wellington College Old Boys 11 v. Marist 10; Hutt 18 v. St. Patrick’s college Old Boys 8; Poneke 9 v. Athleic 3; Petone 20 v. University 12; Welington 9 v. Eastbourne 8. Second division—Berhampore 11 v. Johnsomille 6; Oriental 6 v. MelroseSelwyn 6 Miramar 15 v. Wellington 3; Petone li v. Onslow 8; Poneke 14 v. Athletic .0. Christciurch.—Albion 6 v. Christchurch 3 Linwood 5 v. Sydenham 0; Universit; 8 v. Old Boys 8; Merivale 18 v. Athstic 7. Dunedit—Kaikorai 31 v. Pirates 8; Southern 33 v. Dunedin 0; Taieri 13 v. Alhamlra 8; Zingari 22 v. ’Varsity B 16; ’Vasity A 31 v. Union 3. WEST JOAST BEAT BULLER. By Tekgraph—Press Association GREYMOUTH, June 24. West Cosst beat Buffer by 19 points to 0. The dsitors began well, but the Coast weig'.t and combination prevailed. Kig, pfahlert, Gilbert, McNeight and Fong were outstanding. The try were Pfahlert (2), Schroder aid B. Scandrett. Gilbert kicked a pcialty goal, and Hughes converted t\o tries. Association. Auckland.—Chatham Cup eliminating raund: Yvr.C.A. 3 v. Eastern Suburbs 1; Ponsciby 0 v. Abels 0. Championship gamt>; Thistle 5 v. Onehunga 0; Comrades : v. Mount Albert Grammar Old Boys l. Wellington.-Marist 3 v. Waterside 1; Hospital 2r . Nada 1; Diamonds 3 v. Hutt 2; Peine 5 v. Swifts 2. Christchurch—Chatham Cup: Western 5 v. Techical Old Boys 1. Hurley Shield: Nomad2 v. Rangers 2; Thistle 4 v. St. Albamo. Dunedin.—Tehnical Old Boys 5 v. Northern 3; Sacliff 1 v. RoslynWakari 0; Higl School Old Boys 7 v. Mornington 1; laori Hill 4 v. Mosgiel 1 0.

Position P of W Teams. Pts Pts Chp L D for agst pts Old Boys .. 8 7 1 0 90 57 14 Star .. 8 7 1 0 111 45 14 Zingari . . 8 5 1 2 48 26 12 Pleasant Point 8 5 3 0 52 31 10 Temuka .. 8 3 5 0 86 73 6 Waihi . . 8 2 5 1 32 72 5 Geraldine .. 8 0 6 2 36 86 2 Celtic .. 8 0 7 1 52 118 1

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 19834, 25 June 1934, Page 5

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FOOTBALL Timaru Herald, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 19834, 25 June 1934, Page 5

FOOTBALL Timaru Herald, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 19834, 25 June 1934, Page 5