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1^ 2 Ton IS THE CARRYING CAPACITY OF THE New Ford Truck Chassis £205 The New Ford Truck is one of the greatest advances in modern transport. It offers special features, such as | floating axle, worm drive differential, 40 miles per hour on top, very light petrol consumption, 3-speed gear box, pump feed lubrication, and many other features. It is particularly well adapted for the fitting of a tip body. It can also be used for a sheep truck with a double deck body, and is extremely well suited for this work. Chassis £205 On View Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 12th, 13th and 14th July AT OUR GARAGE THE CECIL WOOD COMPANY, LTD., Sole Ford Dealers, Timaru Territory
WANTED KNOWN. “that b'oy” becomes a YY grocer, ho’ll know the best. “Sunshine Custard.” GENTLEMAN desires to get into touch with person prepared, to take paying, guest, or let room. Apply “XB,” '“Herald” Office. W" ANTED—A General. Apply Mrs Huddleston, 100 North Street. ONLY A Few Lett, to be. cleared out this week. Double-Led - Feather Dowh Quilts, Single 22s 6d, 1 Double 29s 6d. All Quilts in stock ; at Clearing Prices. R, P. CARTER. Specialist in Curtains and Holland Blinds. ' '■ l 290 Stafford Street. JOIN Pacific Star-Bowkett Society now. Only sixpence per week for each . share, which entitles you to £IOO, free of ini crest, for 15 years. Wentworth Auction Mart, Agents. M' AIvE Big Money, canvassing our lines; , Apply for particulars . to Escotts, 8 Picton Avenue, Welt lington. ROSE MARIE,” The Arcade, will clo-se to-day fr0m.1.30 to 2,30. Fish and Steak P;es, Oyster and Kidney Soup ready at 10 o’clock. WANTED TO LET—LRoomed House,' 8s weekly. : Also 3 . Galleys with Stove. Hopkinson, Fraser Street.,' Temuka. ' . M ORISONS LIMITED—ISO Pairs Ladies’ Assorted Colour Art Silk Hose going at Is a pair. These ranged from 2s 6d to 3s lid a pair. Don’t delay. yyANTED KNOWN— A Substantial .Meal Qbtaiuable at Anv Hour of the Day at DOMINION CAFE. Fish. Oysters. Grills. 3-Course Luncheon Is 6d, from 12 to 2 Fresh Oysters to take home, any sized Pottles, 9d. dozen, or Fried with Chips. Also Fried Fish and Chips, Mutton Birds, cooked or raw, at V. LURAJUD’S. (DAR Driving Tuition by an expert; fee £3 3s (£5 ss, if car supplied). Expert advice given on second-hand car values. Address at “Herald” Office. Boiling peas, 4ib s for lid. At Star Stores. GOOD~GR a MOPHONE RECORDS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Charge, One Shilling each. Alternatively you may take one record of ours in exchange for two ot vours. HANSARD’S BOOKSHOP. Stafford Street. (4 Doors above Gabites.) M ORISONS LTD.—For Timaru Coloured Dress Flannel. Single Width, Is lid, and Double Width, 3s- lid yard. These are bargains reduced for sal efrom 2s 6d and 4s lid. GLASS BOWLS—In set of -5. Ranging from 5 inches to 9 inches diameter. Best heavy quality for 99 6d, at Porter’s Emporium. ELECTRIC Globes, full range. 2s up. to 4s. Bond’s Crock.ery Warehouse. THE SALE OF THE SEASON.— Hand-Made Lace, up to 4 inches wide; 7RI, 9d, Is a yard. Bust and Co., 167 Stafford tSreet Central. STILL good demand for Furniture. Good prices assured. Ring ’phone 447 and carter will call. AVcntwortli Auction Mart. MIGNONNE invites you to come and see her Bargains in Hats, in ihe New Showroom, just opened, to give our . Clients more comfort when selecting -their millinery, don’t miss this opportunity of buying odd lengths of Silk or Satin at the sales, to do up your last season’s hats. Remember, we specialise in Renovations and Alterations at 303 and 305 Stafford TRY our Now Season’s Prunes. 31b for lid. Star Stores. WANTED To Buy, urgently— Bones, in any quantity; highest prices given ; Bone and Shell Fowl-grit for sale, in small and large quantities. | Prices on application. Timaru Bonedust and Fowl-grit Manufacturer R. G. Lnplanche, Saltwater Creek, Proprietor: or 12 Craigie Avenue. ODDMENTS in AA T all papers. To be cleared at prices to suit you. i**i" size of room. F. Lewis, liny's Buildings. EA’F.RY USER of Raven Tea lias the chance of winning a big cash prize—save the coupons found in every packet. Ruven is no dearer than ordinary good tea. DDMENT - AND REMNANT AVEEK. 33in Shadow Tissue, 2s Cd yard. AVell-Eilled Pillows, 3s 4d rn.cli. ' Final reductions in all odd I lines. R P. CARTER. I SOFT FURNISHING SPECIALIST. 290 Stafford Street.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 14
Word Count
728Page 14 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 14
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Page 14 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 14
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.