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WANTED. ANTE’DLIVE AC ENT TO SELL GRAMOPHONES. Oil consignment basis. Liberal commission allowed. Apply to—“GRAMOPHONES.” Uox 3110, Christchurch. WANTED. A N INTELLIGENT LAD FOR . OEEICE WORK. One just lelfc school and possessing prolificacy or higher certificates preferred. Commencing Salary, £1 per week. Written applicatioins addressed to the Secretary, Box GO, fl'eniuka, will be received up to 28th July, 1928. W" ANTED TO RENT—S-Itoomecl Modern Bungalow ; no agents. Wai-iti Road District. Apply Box 180, Timaru. WANTED —By Respectable Retired Lady, One Unfurnished Room, with Fire Place, in. respectable family. State terms to “Room,” This Office. WANTED— -Private Board and Residence by Young Man. Apply stating full particulars to “Comfortable,” This Office. RC. MASSEY, Pianoforte Tuner • and Repairer. Town and Country work. Address 27 Beverley Road, Timaru. HOUSEMAID or General Help seeks position. No objection to children. Apply “Energetic,” This Office. Garage w a nu’erTlTl^ Street, or vicinity. Applv P.O. Box, 251. HAVE your Fur Coats and Stoles, etc., Cleaned and Remodelled to up-to-date fashion by London Expert Furriers. Superior work guaranteed. S. and A. Garland, 32G Stafford Street. ’Phone 943 (next Ballant.ynes.) TEACHER of Pianoforte has" Vacancies for pupils. Terms 25s quarter. Apply “CunvenThis Office. WANTED A Capable MiddleAged Woman to attend invalid lady. Apply “Nurse,” “Herald” Agent, Temuka, REPORTED by wireless, Sunshine people use true vegetables in “Sunshine Packet Soups.” CARRY “Sunshine Packet Soups” in your thermos on your next motoring trip. A THERMOS, a packet of “Sunshine Soup,” a long drive, a hot drink. WANTED TO LET G-Rcomed Art Bungalow, close to town. All conveniences. Ring 880. WANTED KNOWN —Miss' Logan is now Dressmaking and Plain Sowing at No. 3 Wilson Street. WANTED TO RENT—House in Timaru, Christmas holidays. Would exchange for house, in Ranfurly. Particulars to Box 34, Ranfurly. W" ANTED—HeIp, Girl about IG. 8 a.m. to 2, daily. Apply Mrs F. McDonald, Royal Street. WANTED— Wo are Cash Buyers of Trapped or Shot Hares. W. Ritchie and Sons, Fish Merchants, Timaru. W ‘ANTED KNOWN—Purest and Finest Italian Lucca Olive Oil. Any quantity obtainable at V. Luraj ud’s, Dominion Cafe. . THOSE contemplating building, should join Pacific Staivßowketb now, ■ and obtain the building .-finance on best finance terms possible. Free particulars. Wentworth Auction Mart. WANTED —Generals, Cook-Gen-erals, waiting engagement. Middle-Aged Lady for light position. Apply Cornelius Labour Exchange, opposite Ballaiityne’s. ’Phone 410. DON’S Weekly Bargain This Week. Black Woollen Gloves, 3d pair. Don’s Value House, The Arcade. SILK AND WOOL HOSE—FuIIFashioned. Extra good quality in Dark Fawn, Sunset and Beige. Usually 5s lid, Sale 4s lid, at Ramsay and Miller’s. IDERDOWN QUILTS RECOVERED. See our Range of Satteens. R. P. CARTER, SOFT FURNISHING SPECIALIST. 290 Stafford Street. TNSPECT our stock of "Wilton and Reversible Rugs and Mats. Latest designs and shades. Wentworth Auction Mart, Open till 9 p.m. Friday.
ANTED KNOWN— Sirs Williams, Second-Hand Dealer, has removed two doors further up Woollcombc Street. Ladies’ and Gent’s Clothing of every description bought and sold. Highest prices given. ’PHONE 505. TRY Williams’s South End Cafe, 38 Stafford Street South, for the best Fish Luncheon in Town; Is 6d. Also Fish and Chips and Fried Oysters to take home. Our fish is fresh daily. For satisfaction, give us a trial. M ORISONS LIMITED’S advice this . week to act quickly, and buy White Blankets, All-Wool, Single Bed Size, were 26s 6d, sacrifice price, 21s. Were 36s Gd .-acrifne price 28s 6d. KEEN Demand for all classes of Furniture. Good prices being realised. Ring 447, and carter will call. Wentworth Auction Mart. CIOME to Porter’s Great Annual Stocktaking Sale. Bargain Tables ranging from Is to 7s Gd, abounding in useful articles awaiting your choice. D.O. CHICKS. I AM NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR D.O. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS. Is each. Also Sittings of Eggs and Tncubator Lots from specially selected stock. D. G. WHITTEKER. Waiuiki South. AS A BIRTHDAY OR WEDDING GIFT, nothing will be more appreciated than a gift of Silverware. And it will not be an extravagance, if you visit McNairs, for they are making really genuine reductions on their entire stock. J. McNAB. Watchmaker and .Jeweller. 277 Stafford Street North, Timaru. THE Thomas Battery Co., 59 Stafford Street South.—Prest-o-lito Batteries and Bosch Electrical Equipment. Official Service Station. They carry all plant and accessories, and are battery and. ignition specialists.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 14
Word Count
707Page 14 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 14
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Page 14 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 14
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.