BARGAINS LIKE THESE A KAIAPOI WOOL FLANNELS. An Excellent Selection of Shades. Super Quality. 36incli —4/6 Sale, 3/9 ART SILK GOWN CLOTH—An Ideal Fabric, in Pretty Shades of Sky, Saxe, Marone and Helio It is Usually 5/11 Sale Price, 3/11 WOOL CREPE DE CHENE—The Very Newest Dress Fabric. New Shades of Vinette, Fawn, Iris Blue, Camea, Turf, etc. — 9/6 Sale, 7/11 LADIES’ COTTON HOUSE HOSE, All Shades—--2 Pairs for 2/11 CHILDREN’S WOOLLEN GLOVES, Warm for School Wear — 2/11 and 3/11 Sale, 1/6 ATTRACTIVE ART SILK and LACE COLLARS and FRONTS— 3/11 and 4/6 Sale, 2/11 PYJAMA LENGTHS —Another Delivery. 5 Yards to a Length—They are Exceptional Value at 4/11 UNBLEACHED TABLE DAMASK—A Great Wearing Cloth — 2/6 Sale, 1/6 . BREAKFAST CLOTHS, in Mauve, Rose, Gold and Blue— Usually 5/6 Sale, 3/6
WANTED KNOWN. The sale of the season.— Ladies’ Heavy-Weight Flannelette Nights, 6s lid each. Bust and Co., 167 Stafford Street Central. Pi K FIRST, £lO second, £6 third obit/ and over ninety other cash prizes in the big Raven Tea Competition. Start collecting coupons to-day-from each packet of Raveu Tea. PLAIN CASHMERE HOSE All Pure Wool; good shades. Usually 4s lid, Sale 3s lid, at Ramsay and Millers’, Stafford Street- South, 959, 959. Remember, the _ _ ’ number It’s the Atlas Fruit Shop, who are selling Poorman Oranges very cheap at present, and will cut them ready for the pot. ONE Shop in Timaru for School Bags; 2s 9d to 15s. Boys' Footballs, good and blown up, solid leather, 6s 6d to 9s 6d. No.’s 1 to 4. See big basketball, 255, 325. Iml Rugby, 21, 24, 18s 6d. Come on to Smith’s Leather Shop, Timaru. SMITH’S Bonnie Wee Leather Shoppie, require two or three Second-Hand Bootmaker’s Machines. .Must be in good repair and reasonable in price. 169 Stafford Street, Timaru. Do it now. OVALTINE— The Perfect Food. Small Is lOd, Medium 3s 2d, Large 5a Gd. JOHN M. GOW, ' General Merchant. ’Phone 65. North Street, Timaru. ■ MOTORISTS —Oleerglass used on your windscreen will keep it bright, and clear of fog and rain. John Edmond Ltd., agents. %1 \ \ \ c /if £ DON'T WISH FOR BIG MONEY WORK FOR IT I & The man who,: Wishbone: 1i where hi* X BACKBONE ought to he. i* the only one ▼ content to wor k for ANY Basic Watte. CHOOSE A CAREER, AND PURSUE IT $ TRAINED MEN d0.,’1 1001. for eood job. A —The GOOD JOBS io >k f-r them. A PROMOTION il the n.tu-ol to ¥ I.C.S. TECHNICAL TRAINING. f The Renta.table I.C.S. NEW lI.tUSTRATION A TH F I.C.S -TRAINED MAN DESERVES T THE BIG JOB AND GETS IT Y Sand the Coupon for free Booklet and particular* $ - - - POST THIS PORTION - - • C> International Correspondence Schools New Zealand.) Ltd. 6 Box 854, Christchurch, 0 'if*. —Pleas© send mo a Ira© prosi>edu* giving full particulars of all branches of the profession or occupation before which ! hftvn marked X (If voursubiectis noton this list, writ© it here) — jfrchiUc l , —A ecoanlnn’t Inst Ex) —Building Con'raclor, — G-neal Btck l cepe , Cvnctt e Contr n tor, — Store Bo^kkitper, —SanVaru Engineer, —Saf/rn fte-okk'cp* l . — Siruc'u « b.ngl< etr, — So r e Manager, Engineer, —Window D erter. —S‘«*t«yor, Shew Ca'd Write Carpe It', Motor S desman, Plan Drawer, —OutdoorSalsrmen Motor Vec* ante, —t sine Mpr., - Cotrtrntrcia! Ar'is' . —■Fleet leal Enp/nee*, — S r hs better W-ilei ■ - P-’dio Expi<ir,T’nt r, —Shorthand Writer. Mech.Draugh'sman, - J,ow nadst, --Mtrhanl nl fing nr, —Get e'alEducation, —Co’lierp Engineer, — Fr»->ehor Spanish —Steam En re r, (\UiU■ e,r, R frlg'Tt t'n F.; fn - -- n -- (There vo netrlr 3,350.000 I.C.*. -Ndents, over 19.000 of these heina in Nevr Zea and.) ENOOintfS COST NOTHING —WHITE NOW Name A* e Occupation. Address 4 4>
Page 14 Advertisements Column 2
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 14
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