THE SEASON’S BIG DRAPERY EVENT HERE’S A LINE WORTH BUYING. Girls’ and Maids’ Velour Coat3 —They are in Good Dark Colourings. Sizes range from 27 to 36 Easily worth from 17/6 to 29/8 ] ALL TO CLEAR AT 12/11
EVERY LINE A WINNER. * Only KASHA JUMPER SUITS, in Saxe, Dawn and Wedge— They Avere 29/6 To Clear, 9/11 20 Pairs Only NAVY WOOLLEN BLOOMERS These are N.Z. made and are Beautiful Quality. They are on Bands— Originally 14/11 5/11 FROCKS TO CLEAR REPP FROCKS, SILK FROCKS Worth up to SD/G. See the Window Full at 29/6 SEE ALSO THE STRAW PLAIT At 6d per Bundle THE LACE TOP VESTS— 8/11 For 2/11 THE BLACK* MOIRETTE UNDERSKIRTS—22/6 For 11/6 THE. GIRLS’ CORSETS— 12/5 For 2/11 BEAD GARTER LENGTHS — 2/3 For 1/SCARF RINGS, Attractive Designs—--1/11 TORCHORN LACE--12 Yards for 1/FRILLED PILLOW CASES—These are Exceptional Value and cannot be beaten— Herbert’s Sale, 1/11 Pair BATH TOWE LS, Extra Large Size —54 x 25. Don’t missthem 5/6 Pair , HEAVY FLA'NNELETTE, 36 inches wide,' in Cream— 1/11 For 1/3
WANTED KNOWN, CHILDREN’S WOOL GLOVES—In Cream, slightly soiled. Usually 2s lid, Sale Is pair, at Ramsay and Millers. • WANTED —All Timaru men to take advantage of and benefit by Cameron’s Fhirt offer. 5s lid each, or two for 11s 6J. MARMALADE time is here. Ring tho Atla3 for your requirements, and get the oranges cut Teady for you when you come in to town. The sale of the season 40inch Fadeless Curtain Nets', Is 9d.. Bust and Co., 167 Stafford Street Central. CLEERGLASS used on windscreens, mirrors, spectacles, keeps them bright in all weathers. John Edmond. Ltd., agents. POORMAN ORANGES for Marmalade. Just in; sliced according to order. IPhone 1130. Goods delivered. Timaru Fruit Supplies. SMITH’S, 169 Stafford Street, has best value in Suit Cases and Dross Boxes. Any sort, any price. Lunch Box, Is 6d up. Solid Leather Suit Cases. See our Ladies’ and Men’s Fitted Suit Case, £5 17s 6d. A bonnie present. See Smith’s silent salesman, 169 Stafford Street, Timaru. WALLPAPERS —Direct from the English manufacturers. For fottago or mansion. Ask to be shown our pattern books. F. Lewis, Hay’s Buildings. T7IREE advice on Home Boot Repair.!L ing at Smith’s -Leather Shop. (Get a card now). Boot Lastß, 3s 3d, •Is 9d to 15s. One set, at £9 9s, suit a bootmaker. We fix domes and locks oil all class of bags and luggage. See
An Invaluable Investment for Every Gardener. The Star Garden Annual .. .. 2/6 Fiower Gardening in N.Z. . . 2/Vegetable Growing in N.Z. . . 2/PlOclc Gardening in N.Z 3/6 Sweet Peas 3/Carnation Culture 2/Pansies and Violets 1/6 Dahlias and Border Plants . . 1/6 Gardening in N.Z 4/6 The above are Practical Up-to-date Guides and as such deal in an informative, authoritative, and progressive manner with work in the garden. P. W. HUTTON AND CO., BOOKSELLERS AND BOOKBINDERS.
Page 14 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 14
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