Both services at Trinity Presbyterian Church to-morrow will be conducted by the Rev. A. J. H. Dow, 8.A., B.D. At the evening service "There is a Green Hill” (Gounod) will be sung as a solo.
Diamond Jubilee commemoration services will be held in Bank Street Methodist Church to-morrow. In the morning the Rev. Harold T. Peat will discuss “Filial Reverence,” and in the evening he will conduct a civic service, the theme being "Our debt to the Pioneer.” The Mayor, the Mayoress and Councillors aud their wives will be present. A cordial invitation is extended to the public and especially to the pioneers. The choir will render a special anthem, The preachers at Woodlands Street will be Mr C. G. Vogeler and the Rev. P. I. Cooke. At Kensington, Mr R. Stewart and the Rev. K. A. Robinson. At Waimataitai Mr J. Workman and Mr T. Steele.
Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday at St. Mary’s at 8 and 12, St. John’s 8 a.m., All Saints’ 9 a.m., and St. Michael’s at 9.30 a.m. There will be a special service in St. Mary’s at 11 a.m. to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee and Evensong at 6.30. Young people’s service at All Saints’ at- 9.45, and Evensong 6.30. Week day celebration of Holy Communion at St. Mary’s on Wednesday 7 a.m. At 11 a.m. in the Salvation Army Citadel, Adjutant Florence Birks, who has just returned to Timaru, will address the children. The Adjutant’s subject in the evening meeting will be "Care and its Cure.” The members of the local Orange Lodges will parade at the Baptist Church to-morrow night. Timaru’s Diamond Jubilee will have a place in the morning service. The Rev. C. W. Duncumb will preach at both services.
The services in Chalmers Church will be conducted by the Rev. P. Gladstone Hughes. At the morning service, a tribute will be paid to the pioneers, whose character and service made possible the growth of our community. The evening service will be musical. The choir will sing "Prepare Ye the Way,” and Mrs Jenkins will render the solo, “O Rest in the Lord.” The subject of the address will be “A City with Foundations —an appeal for Christian Citizenship.” The Congregational Church in North Street, will celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Timaru at both services to-morrow. The Rev. F. J. Shaw, 8.A., will take for his subjec:, "A Religion for Pioneers.” The choir will render the anthem, “Thine O’ Lord is the Greatness,” and the soloist will be Mrs J. Croker. Special hymns will be sung and visitors are welcome.
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 13
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