CHRISTCHURCH WEEK-END REPORT. By T»le*r»»h—Pre«» Awior.Utlon. CHRISTCHURCH, July 13. The week has been an exceptionally quiet one in all classes of produce, though in most of them the tone remains quite firm. Potatoes have met with the first set-back for some time. This month s shipments north have been extraordinarily heavy, and a natural slackening of the market has resulted from £6/5/- for Julys a fortnight ago to £5/17/6; and August-Septem-bers have also eased from £6/12/6 to £6/5/-. At the moment the market is inclined to be bilious, brought about very largely by over-sellers, and a good deal of speculation. Interest exists as to what v .1 happen when a real show-down takes place in the position in later months. At the moment sellers are not available under £5/17/6 for Julys, and £6/5/for August-September. Prices to farmers are up to £4/15/-, on trucks. : The wheat market is fairly firm for first grade milling, but operations are largely confined to second-grade milling. . Oats are lifeless, and f.o.b.s.i. prices remain at 4/- a bushel for A grade Gartons, and 3/8 to 3/8 J for B’s. . Chaff has rarely met at this period of the winter with so little inquiry. It is difficult to sell, and quotations to farmers are £3/12/6 to £3/15/-, on trucks.
The fowl wheat market has weakened, in sympathy with the weakness of milling wheat, and sales are difficult to effect. Up to 5/9, sacks extra, ex store, is . obtainable for good quality. a distinct downward tendency in, the price of oats, and' even so it is almost impossible to make sales. Quotations during the week have been round about 4/f.o.b.s.i. for A grade, and 3/8 for B grade, but buyers'have not been attracted. The nominal .quotation to growers is 3/3, on trucks, for A’s, and 2/11 for B’s, sacks extra.
Consignments of chaff are not plentiful, but the market is kept supplied with store lines, of which there are a good quantity available. Best quality is selling at £5/10/- per ton, sacks extra, ex truck. With the weather showing an improvement, .more potatoes are being offered . from Canterbury. The local market is a little . bare of supplies, and up to £6/5/- per ton, sacks included,/ ex truck, has been obtained for the best quality.
DUNEDIN REPORT. By Telegraph—Proaa Association. DUNEDIN, July 13. The quietne'ss in the milling wheat market continues. Farmers who decided to hold for higher prices are still waiting for the market to firm, but millers are not inclined to operate. Flour has been reduced by 25/per ton for shipment to the North Island, and it now rules at £l6/5/f.o.b. South Island ports. The local price has been dropped by 15/- per ton. Tuscan is quoted at 5/6 to 5/8, on trucks, and Hunters at 5/10 to 6/-. There is no Velvet offering.
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18009, 14 July 1928, Page 13
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