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ESTABLISHED 1866. 9*. XV. Jiutton df Go. BOOKS AND STATIONERY FOR EVERYBODY | Beautiful Boxed STATIONERY to Suit Every Type | and Taste. | “Old Nash Mill.” “Ruskin Linen.” I “Stonehenge.” “Pepys Parchment.” ❖ “Old Saxon.” “Antique Bond.” | The completed letter on these papers conveys what has * been aimed at —a superior and restrained style. BOOKS | By Outstanding Authors. | 4/6 Editions of Arnold Bennett, H. Belloc, Joseph Con- | rad, E. V. Lucas, A. A. Milne, Wm. J. Locke, G. K. | Chesterton, 3/6 Editions of Oscar Wilde, Anatole France, R. L. Stevenson. 2/6 Editions of all the popular authors. . PENCILS. “The Rolls-Royce of the Pencil World” —SHEAFFER’S Sharp-Point Pencils; propel—repel—expel. These pencils can be had in Nickel, Silver and Gold with clip for the pocket or ring for a chain, and they are POSITIVELY GUARANTEED. r •; PENS. f We are Agents for the World’s Most Famous Pen—- | THE SWAN. This Self-Filling Pen is the simplest, I neatest and most reliable of all self-filling types and it is I FULLY GUARANTEED. I BOOKBINDING. ■ | We manufacture anything from the smallest note book | to the largest and finest bound account book. Sole agents | in South Canterbury for the Kalamazoo Loose-Leaf | Ledgers. CHOOSE WHERE THE CHOICE IS WIDE. WHO HAVE BEEN.IN BUSINESS IN TIMARU FOR , 62 YEARS. | Crockery and Household Hardware Emporium f Situated in the business hub of Stafford Street, more * than fifty years look down on a department of a large and * reputable business founded and controlled by Mr R. H. Bowie * . for forty years, and latterly by Messrs PORTER & * DAWSON, Ltd. This large and prosperous business mainI tained a household word throughout South Canterbury as the i Leading Retail Grocery, Provision, Crockery and Household * Centre. Its spacious and well-appointed departments afford- | ed outstanding facilities for displaying the Great Range of $ Stock commensurate with a Large Clientele and Huge Turn- £ over. * Twelve months ago, Messrs Porter & Dawson, who are | joint owners of the property covering over a quarter of an f acre, after completing extensive additions and alterations, I disposed of the grocery and provision portion of the business | to the Star Stores, Ltd., while the other half, namely, that * of the Crockery and Household Hardware, was acquired by * Mr Ernest Porter as sole proprietor (Mr Dawson retiring from I business). PORTER’S Emporium has been remodelled from % front to rea'r, the modern spacious windows and showroom % facilitating displaying to the best advantage the great stocks ♦> of high-grade goods which are imported direct from the $ world’s manufacturers to Timarii wharf, while the huge storeroom, with a space of 700 square feet, accommodates reserve * stocks which resemble a wholesale warehouse. Concentrating his energies and interest on this important ♦> branch of the business, the proprietor’s policy is, as was that *:* of the worthy founder of forty years’ standing in the original t ' business, PERSONAL CONTROL and EFFICIENCY. , % Regular shipments of High-grade Goods direct from the * potteries and manufacturers comprise—- * DINERWARE in Large and Beautiful Assortment, from **♦ Meakin and Grindley. f FANCY POTTERYWARF and CHINAWARE, in all the Lato est Productions, including Phoenix, Aynsley, Paragon, *}* Grimwade, Mason, .Doulton, Moorcroft, Jacobean, *•’ Shelly, Byzanta, Crown Derby, Royal Woicester, Am- * pliora and others. j;! CRYSTALWA.RE and GLASSWARE from the Best English * and Scottish Manufacturers. * FANCY GOODS —This section comprises a comprehensive | stock of Xylonite/Toilet Soaps, Perfumery and All Toilet * Requisites. I The Spacious Showroom, set out to the best advantage t with tables and showstands, shows off in artistic array pro- ♦> ductions which are a delight to many daily admirers and % purchasers, while the Large Modern Windows would do t credit to any city for brightness and display. * PORTER’S Household Hardware Department commands t the interest and attraction which such a wide range of house- * hold necessities cannot fail to do. Everything in the nature t of Enamel ware, Aluminiumware, Brush ware, Tinware and •j* miscellaneous commodities set out in special ax ray, show to X advantage in a spa.cious department. It is heio that the up* * to-date and busy housewife profits by many suggestions for 4* her household duties. * With a business such as this which has wended its pros- % perous career through more than half a century, _ under personal control, run on sound busi- * ness lines, with an efficient and obliging % s tafF, with choice and value second to none, t .there can be but one summary, viz.— is a True reflex of timaru’s 60 years of steady PROGRESS.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 12 (Supplement)
Word Count
727Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 12 (Supplement)
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 12 (Supplement)
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.