cp&t 'tTS , Wsis tells t(je tale of Wimaru’s t'Progressive lllill K * IS Sls» IS Motor Car built by Cecil W. Wood in 1900-2. Took a long while Engine on rear axle. Surface carburettor —that is petrol vapour sucked off the surface. Mixture altered every few minutes with varying temperature of atmosphere. Mudguards made and bent by John Jackson, Ltd. Body built by late J. J. Grandi, and painted at a cost of £o. Tyres 25 x 3,' specially made by Dunlop Company for Wood. Ironwork by J. G. Trengrove. Timaru Post Office in background. ! ♦> rags* am ISIS Mr Henry Ford in his first car. This car came out about 1900 or 1901. Compare to-day’s Ford with this. ■H *■ ‘ * mm mmm Two-Seater Motor Car and Engine built by Cecil W. Wood and run in Timaru 1898-1899. Frame of cycle tubing, belt drive, special tyi made by Wood in Timaru. Extract from Jubilee History of South Canterbury:—“The first motor-cycle engine constructed m New Zealamd vas tne work of Cecil W. Wood, of Timaru. His first motor vehicle was built in 1897, and was running by 22nd November. The engine was on L explosive principle, with cylinders applied to the rear wheel on the rail ay locomotive type; the explosive mixture was a chemical compound nic.de up by W. Gunn, chemist, of-T.imaru. Though this machine was a success so far as propulsion went, there was a great difficulty m dealing the residue from the explosion, and the type 'was abandoned. In the next, a motor-cycle engine, Mr Wood at first experienced groat difficulty with the accumulator and coil, but this was mastered, and the nr=t engine attached to a cycle was successfully,placed on the road, on May, 1900. He then built a three-wheeled .' motor-car, with tmei steering wheel, which first ran in Timaru on 4tli June, 1901. Tms he claims to be the first vehicle to carry two, passengers. In the same year he built his first four-wheeled motor car.” Timaru holds the pioneership of the motor ifidustpidn .Now Zealand. Residents of 27 and 25 years ago can tell many of Wood’s early experiences. Stuck up on roads; sleeping unfreiva stack; being towed behind carts. Things have changed; his engine troubles have ceased. , THE NEW FORD PRODUCTS. Hill - J Tudor Sedan 1 ilju SO £195 Roadster £245 & m w-S> ism 1 Coup iliiM ft W © %J) SOLE FORD DEALERS, TIMARU DISTRICT.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 12 (Supplement)
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 12 (Supplement)
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