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"Tour ‘Worship the Mayor, Council*' lors and Citizens of Timaru: We take this opportunity to publicly congratulate you on the growth and prosperity of our town. We wish to assure you of our loyalty to you all and of our real endeavour to render good and efficient service along the line of our . chosen vocations.
On this-page we- have endeavoured 5 to bring to. your notice. the manner in which w 6 have ’ progressed during the short period we have been established in Timaru, and to point out that we, in our progress, are materially assisting in the progress of' theborough. We give direct employment :xo some twenty-five members of our staff and thus support their forty dependents.
We do considerable business with other firms, assisting in keeping tlieir staffs in employment. Our turnover steadily increases, our business grows apace, our staff continues to increase, our contracts let to outside firms in Tlmaru, : hnd hereby get larger every month. Some of the buses built by us are being Bent to all parts of New Zealand, and
every one so sent away is the means of obtaining other orders. Our business is now firmly established, and the increase of our staff from eight to' twenty-five in; tWo years is only one indication of ..our right to claim SIXTY YEAItS OF PROGRESS iN TWO YEARS. • The fine building erected in Btaf-"-. • ford Street to accommodate our offices and showrooms has a fitting entrance to our commodious garage. ... which, while it will "accommodate 1
over 100 cars', is all too small for the largo volume of business we put through. At times its capacity is ■ taxed, but the courteous, efficient attendants are always on hand to straighten out any “traffic j,jambs" that occur. . The wide. entrance greatly facilitates tho entrance and leaving of the garage, and makes “parking" a ‘ pleasure to the most timid driver.
In the commodious' showroom, which also contains, the offices, a com- <; prehensive display ‘of the latest * models in our large range of agencies ’- is always to be seen. At times we , display special cars of great 1 contrast ' to the motoring public, "and in the ■< past thousands of interested visitors 0 have/inspected some of the finest cars in the world. The arrangement of ' the showroom is the latest in motor • car display, and the effective lighting :
.. assists in viewing the cars. This photograph does not do justice to the space provided. When we state that on'a recent Friday 9 2 cars were parked in the main portion of •■* the garage, some idea of the space ■(provided for clients will be gathered. All the latest methods of handling materially assists in viewing the cars. A considerable, sum of money has
been lately expended in installing the' most up-to-date plant for the care of clients cars, and the success that has attended the., new car; laundry is a. sure indication of the appreciation of tile public, of out ■■endouvouro-t-o give them efficient service. This service is open to ail makes of cars, and the • s?.ra,e care’and attention is given to -■.Casual visiters as to our regular - clients. The fact that you may have as little or as much as you choose done to year car in the shortest possible spaco of time is worthy of your consideration’. The very latest battery charging
and repairing plant has been installed and is under the care of an able, efficient workman. All classes of auto electric repairs and overhauls are catered for, and the volume of business done by this department grows apace. Special attention is given to welding of all classes. This department is under the care of Mr J. Spence, well-known as a capable, efficient and “cheerful” mechanic of long standing. All the
latest machinery and devices .for the handling' of all classes of repairs and overhauls are now installed and are operated by highly skilled men, who are specialists in their work. No job is too big and none too small, and all receive the .same careful attention. The numerous jobs of all kinds to all makes of cars successfully handled by our workshop
staff are proof positive of our capabilities. _<3ur methods of time-keeping and charging are so arranged that the maximum amount of time is actually spent on the work and no time is chargeable to the clients. Our prices are very reasonable for the high class of work carried out. It is an education to any motorist to seo the methods we employ in the conversion of cars for passenger bus and lorry work, and anyone interest-
ed is cordially invited to inspect the works. While no ono locks for or expeU.s accidents or breakdowns with their cars, the wise ones are always prepared to admit the possibility. The only preparation you really noei these days is to firmly ilx our telephone number (9SG) in your muid, and-if you have trouble of any hind
with your car, just ring up for our salvage truck. The fact that in the 4 months this truck has been m operation it has salvaged over 4‘3 cars goes to prove that while not a “popular institution” in fair times, it is a real “friend in need” when trouble comes your way. Some of the salvage jobs were of the mino" - kind, and varied from a burst petrol pipe cr blown out tyro to total wreesa. and burnt cars. The great point to
remember is that we can salvage AN’/ .car, l us or lorry from ANY hind at smash or . accident. Because of the special equipment we have, 'we can salvage without doing further damage to the vehicle and for less money than is possible without it. Just ring 0 8 G any time. We will be there. These photographs show some of
the works we do. One of the famous Hudson Super Six chassis converted into a passenger bus. The chassis is cut in half and lengthened by 28 inches, special girder ' plates being used and the joins made In such a manner that the chassis is stronger than ever before. Th s means that all the transmission gear has to be altered, lengthened and strengthened. New wheels and tyres
fitted, new springs made and fitted. Special petrol tanks and other alterations to be made. All this work done by our staff, and "a really firstclass bus chassis turned out, capab-3 of carrying 16 passengers and their luggage 300 miles and more in a day, seven days a week, week after wee-t, month after month, without break downs. As much as 00,000 miles in a year. Ten or fifteen years work for a private car crowded into
a year. If Hudson is the car chosen by these men tor service work, how much more should it be the car you choose for YOUR work. Not a big Hudson necessarily, but a small Hudson. THINK OF IT AGAlN—then come in and see a Hudson, try it out, and buy one for your nekt car. i The bodies of these buses are built by local body-builders, using loctJ
labour and materials wherever possible. The other two photographs show the bus half-completed and, in actual service on the road. Modern methods of transport do not stop, in our case, at cars and buses. These photographs show our latest Ituggies Motor 'Muck with double-decker sheep truck ■ body-at-tached. This willtransport'GO isheeD • or 70 lambs'at'a speed’, of 30-;36'.fnileß -*
an hour on a good road in perfect comfort and safety. It id so arranged that the loading and unloading is ' quickly and easily accomplished.. All sheep men will readily agree , that this fills a long-felt ’want and Urs’ utility of the truck is beyond aues ; tion. It is worthy of note’ that in 2 0 minutes the. sheep body be removed and an ordinary platform body with storm-proof comfortable cabin Is available fot ordinary-trans-
port purposes.. This_bpdy is our own;design,- and its , construct!on was carried' out “oft our 6vj;n i t'pFefiiikefe by our own staff. w 4 are prepared to design and build these bodies to suit any existing trucks, and enquiries are welcomed from anyone^, interested. ' \ * \ An inspection wiir.sho'w: what can be done to re-model an'old car. The chassis is a 10 or 12-year-old RollsRoyce, aiid it has been completely re-built and re-modelleds:by_our.fetaff. The; finished job is- .superb and worthy of any builders in the worlu. We have modernised:'several old cars in this way,'to the', complete satisfaction of their owners, fitting .'both: new and second-hand Closed '.bodies, have several 'bodies,on 'hand,and will be pleased to give quotations to anyone interested. .
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 8 (Supplement)
Word Count
1,431SIXTY YEARS OF PROGRESS IN TWO YEARS Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 8 (Supplement)
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SIXTY YEARS OF PROGRESS IN TWO YEARS Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 8 (Supplement)
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.