v'h^» mgmm&& m y £y.ij v. ■ “V v^ v ;v*^*r This is a plain, outspoken invitation printed in the boldest type we can find, so that all may real it without the aid of spectacles. During 1 this month, a centre of interest for the entire Home Furnisher will be the Furniture which the well-known Radcliffe’s Ltd. are exhibiting. We are the largest and oldest organisation in existence in South Canterbury, serving the furniture and home furnishing interests exclusively. Our claim of High Quality, combined with Lowest Prices, is no idle boast, and we will be pleased to have you call. In any event, won’t you drop in and say Hello—We’ll be looking for you. —=»+-=— RADCLIFFE’S, LTD. ADCLIFFE’S, LTD. THE . SENIOR STORE FOR QUALITY FURNITURE
I * I t m *<•*■<** m ? i *. «* mm in il v* m '<m\ CM I £ It is a fact that Parchment is entirely superseding % silk as a material for lamp-shades, the reasons being that Parchment is more durable and is easily cleaned—a damp * cloth is all that is needed to remove any marks. Water does * not damage this material. As paint takes readily to Parch- * ment, it necessarily follows that shades made from it are very * easily decorated, while little or no skill is required to trace or * copy some simple design and fill in'-afterwards with paints. * Labour being the'eostliest item in lamp-shade manufacture, * if bought made up they are rather expensive, so that it will * be pleasant-news to. learn that we are able to supply sheet * parchment, enabling you to make them in your own homer * at only a fraction of-the cost of the made-up article. Sheets * 50 x2O inches (sufficient for several shades), 2/- per sheet. * In colours Pink, Green and Gold, 4/- per sheet. | SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. * PULL INFORMATION TO ALL PURCHASERS OF | PARCHMENT. | WE WILL TELL YOU HOW TO MAKE THEM. % Free Demonstration on Afternoon of Tuesday, 17th July. w 9 w 94 STAFFORD STREET, TIMARU. ’Phone 116. ;> . LENDING LIBRARY. ❖ Let us supply your winter reading for 3d per book. * New books arc added as received direct from the publishers, * thus ensuring a good supply of up-to-date fiction. Change ❖ your book as often as you like without a time limit t CLARK'S CIRCULATING LIBRARY.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 7 (Supplement)
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 7 (Supplement)
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