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THEATRE ROYAL. LAST NIGHT’S PERFORMANCE OF “IL TROVATORE” CREATED A SENSATION. -, DON’T MISS THIS LAST OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR THE GREATEST COMBINATION OF OPERATIC STARS EVER ASSEMBLED IN THE WORLD. . TO-NIGHT At 8 p.m. Sharp TO-NIGHT FINAL PERFORMANCE . FAUST • FAUST With Margherita Flor, Brandisio Vannucci, Ernesto Fumagalli, Antonio' Federici,. Matilde Pfrimmer, Carlo Gislon and Antonio Gilardi. In order to CONSIDER THE PUBLIC, Sir. Benjamin and Mr John Fuller, have fixed the following COMMONSENSE PRICES: D.C. and Res. Stalls 8/-; Unreserved Stalls 5/-; Pit, Eariy Doors 3/-, Late Doors 2/6. A Limited Number of School Concessions 5/- (reserved) (All Plus Tax): PLAN AT BRISTOL PIANO COMPANY. PLOUGHING MATCH. FIFTEENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION.' GREAT DISPLAY OF FARM IMPLEMENTS. TO-MORROW. TOMORROW. SATURDAY. The Fifteenth. Annual Ploughing Match, under the Auspices, of th* Timaru Ploughing Match Committee, will be held at “Elloughton Grange," oflE Kelland’s Road, on SATURDAY, JULY 14. ; RECORD ENTRIES ANTICIPATED. / Competitors from North Canterbury to Southland. Special Competition for Tractors. Motor Cars on Exhibit., VARIOUS SIDE-SHOWS, including SHEEP GUESSING COMPETITIuN.' PIPE BAND IN ATTENDANCE. REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE ;ON THE GROUND. _ , . Hot Water Supplied: at Nominal', Charge. r - ALL TICKET HOLDERS AND LADIES . AND CHILDREN ADMITTED FREE OF CHARGE. FRUIT AND SOFT DRINK STALL ON. THE GROUND. ‘* A *€.* <•- •• ■ •’ H.OH. SSW». .... ’ ' . THEATRE ; ROY&Hi. ■ • GRAND FAREWELLefiONGERT' TO REES McCONACHY MONDAY, JULY 16--Commencing :■ at'’7 p.m.PROGRAMME: -MONDAY, JULY 16. R. .5,, dW •' T- —Orchestfal-'Society. ... Sketch—-H. Ward. / ’Si-Songs (2) —Mrs J.sM. Jenkins. . 4—Violin Solo—Rees Mc.Conachy. ■ ; s_--Euphonium Solo—Mr L. E. : t-Gsbornei 6— Item- —M.rJfcvJVlaleo.lin' c hy^tT-^'FiireWe'll ’ Speech—His "Worship the Mayor. . -Timaru Highland Pipe Band.. . ' x ’ National Antheoi., lox Plans Now Open at The Bristol. T!|C;Ki£yS', 4/-,. .3/-, and 2/-. louse Manager, -Ti'P. Crowe.-Stage. Manag ; ef^HwS-¥i7P, , T- a ‘h (l D * Farkin- ..•••••* ' ‘ v w-.N - •'R'-.'-L. EAMES, HusirieSs'Manager. ''' v PART.I. • ; V 1— Timaru Municipalßand;-•. 2 Trinity Ladies’ Choir. 3 -Violin Solo—Rees McConachy.4 Songs (2) —Mrs Tait. 5 -Pianoforte Solo—Mrs N... D. / Mangos. • . ■ 6 Songs, (2)—Mr Geo. Andrews 7 yioli n. ,S o ttsfteea, McC ona ch y ; B—Timaru Orpheus Society.
TIMARU DIAMOND JUBILEE. MONSTER .. 1 TO-NIGHT 13th July, 1928. TO-NIGHT ‘ ; ! ' 'in ' ;] ■}' . ' I' JOHN MILL AND <SPS STORE, : Kindly Lent for tUe Occfision. PLAIN AND FANCY BrEss' 'optional. ■ ' \ ■ ENTRANCE ;OFF HA'YES, STKI3ET->- • ' .: . ' . Dancing 8-30. p.m. , Tickets 4’ , ■ ’ TICKETS ARE .T.PBAGCO^IS'.fS^ ... PIANO KINDLY< LENT BY CO. *' " CHILDREN’S DANCE WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY; 14ih JULY. PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS OPTIONAL;'- ‘ r -.) From'3 p.m, to' 7.30 ’ Admission' 1/-. . TIMARU JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS. TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW, WE ARE OFFERING SPECIAL JUBILEE VALUES IN CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT. DON’T MISS THESE. WE ARE OFFERING THE BEST VALUES IN TIMARU. You. like a Refreshing Cup of .Tea .with Dainty Cakes and Sand- . wiches, Served in a Cosy Room, then come : to our Tea Rooms. . THE IDEAL, STAFFORD STREET (NEXT H. 8.) ' ' YOU CAN’T'MISTAKE US AT NIGHT! v LO'OK : FOR THE;FLASHING SIGN. • ' ’ ' " ... . , .. v IDEAL. ~ : ’PHONE'7SI. ’ R.M. ‘FITZGERALD, PROPRIETOR. ' WALKER’S TOURIST SERVICE. RANFFRLY SHIELD .MATCH. ■CANTERBURY V. SOUTH .CANTERBURY. CHRISTCHURCH, SATURDAY JULY 14th. ' % MINERVA BLUEBIRD ’BUS WILL LEAVE CLUB HOTEL CORNERAT \ ' , S -A.'IVL; RETURNING FROM RINK' TGARAGE,. A CHRIST- ’ SUNDAY AFTERNOON; 2.30 P.M. . . ' / ' , < RETURN FARE £l. ' . . BOOK- EARLY. Fbr Information or Seat Bookings call, at'>M6ores, Cpnfectioner, Stafford Street North, or Ring ’Phone v ' ' v ' ■ '
LISTER’S MOTORS TIMARU TO CHRISTCHURCH DAILY SERVICE. FROM NOW ON A DAILY SERVICE WILL BS RUN WITH OUR HUBSCfN AND CADILLAC GARS- •• • - ~•* y B DEPART TIMARU DAILT 8 A"W-. ARRIVE 5 - . DEPART CHRISTCHURCH 4 F-1 ; Private RESERVE SEATS AT LISTER’S GARAGE. Phone 815, 937 T. P CHRISTCHURCH tO DUNEDIN. WHITE STAR DAILY MOTOR EXPRESS SERVICE. , • ' Fare—s 3- Single. : TIMETABLE: . .V rnniuTratißOH DEPART DAILY (Except Monday and Including SunCHR £ P )-f, P f am' iSiburton 9.3<! «:n,„ O.MWe ■ 10.45 JJ. Tpmnlra 11 a m Timhru 11.30 a.m., arrive 12,30 p.m. TlSncif); depart p.m.',Oamaru 2.30 p.m., Palmerston t 45 h.m!. arrive, Dtinedin 5 : 30 p.hT. , . ■ . _ . ( (,rs Leave Cdlosseura Garage (White Diamond Gabs) Christchurch 6 p.m.". . _ .■ aim*' Cara: Leave White S tar .Garage, Princess Street. . BEAT'S MAY'BE RESERVED AT— : ■ • ■ ; ‘ LISTER'S .GARAGE. TinuiivC' Telepliotteis 815 '(Garage) and • 9.37 T • COLOSSEUM G°/RA«ETwSSI.,Sa Cabt) Christchurch. Tel.S STAft SlftAot'Punoaip. . Telbyhobbiu 13.444 CARS WILL PICK UP AND SET DOWN PASSENGERS EN ROUTE. Gloucester
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 1
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676Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.