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THEATRE ROYAL, TIMARU. THURSDAY, JULY 19. ! Direction: J. C. Williamson, Ltd. COMIC OPERA SEASON. The most costly, elaborate, and palatial productions ever staged by the J. C. Williamson firm. These plays are setting a standard never before attempted in the Theatrical History of the Dominion or Australia. THURSDAY, JULY 19. “ MADAME POMPADOUR ” A .SUPERLATIVE TRIUMPH. Beginning in J a Tavern of the Masses, Swinging to the Beautiful Apartments of La Pompadour, .and concluding in the Majestic Chambers of the King. Presented by J. C. Williamson’s ROYAL COMIC OPERA COMPANY . including , ‘ BEPPIE DE VRIES The Idol of Holland. JAMES LIDDY. In Association with Arthur Stigant. Frank Webster, Hedley Hall, Adele Crane, Vera Spaull, together a Wonderful Chorus. FRIDAY, JULY 20. THE STUDENT PRINCE. A Play of Superb Music, with an Appealing Love Story, a Fascinating Romance. The Forty Singing Students. 1.00 —■ —ARTISTS— —IOO Dress Circle and Orchestra Stalls 8/-. Stalls 5/-; Pit 2/6 ■ (Plus tax) .; Box Plans Open on Monday, July 16, At The Bristol. Manager .. Maurice Ralph. pOPUL A R PIC T U RES 1.0.0. F. HALL, GERALDINE. TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, 13th. A Gleaming 010 A Blaze of Beau... A Screen' Miracle t. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s Inspired Enic BEN HUR A CAST OF 150,000. Three Years in the Making. Beyond Criticism and Censorship.- ■ The-Royal Command Picture. , PRICES: 2/- and 2/6 (plus tax).; Children 1/-. s ... ,1, BE WISE —Reserve at the Office, 196 i Street. 'Ehoiie 197. No Extra Booking Fee,. ; SOUTH CA NTERBURY EOOTBALrr ASSOCIATION, A DANCE'will take place in the Bay Hall,' SATURDAY EVENiNG,: Grand March 8 p.m. Lucky Spot Waltzes. Special Prizes. Admission: Gents 3/-. Ladies 2/-. a Supper Provided. J. M. FLETT, Hon. Secretary.
LEVELS COUNTY COUNCIL. . VJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that no .'Motor-Car or other Wheeled Traffic will he permitted to he Parked on Kelland’s Road, between Washdyke Flat Road and Pages’ Road, on SATURDAY, the 14th July, 1925, the occasion of the Timaru Ploughing Match, at Washdyke. By Order of the Council. ' F. E. WHITEHEAD, County Clerk. . Timaru, July 12th, 1928. IMPOUNDED. IMPOUNDED in Temuka Pound, 1 ONE LIGHT BAY HACKNEY GELDING (Shod All Round) from Courtyard. If not claimed and expenses paid will be sold at Noon on TUESDAY, July 17. J. R. BRADSHAW, Poundkeeper. SURPLUS CALVES. • FNAIRY FARMERS are advised tligt their replies as to the number qf Surplus Calves they will, have r,available for Collection will be received up to SATURDAY, 14tli July. C. HARRISON, / Secretary, -Box 60, Temuka. TIMARU HIGH SCHOOL JIOARD. 'CONSTRUCTION OF'DRAINS. TENDERS are invited for the construction of Two Drains at Clandeboye, one of about 35 Chains on the Property of Mr J. Bobc.opk and one'-of about 13 Chains on the property; of Mr T. R. Hobson. Plans and Specifications may be seen at the Office of- the Undersigned, whp will receive 1 tenders until 5 p.TO.- .on Wednesday, 18th Julv. Copies ot' r e Plans and Specifications are in the hands of Mr Bbocock and Mr Hobson. The lowest or any tender not. neces-' sarily accepted. . *• ' ' A.’C. MARTIN, < Secretary, Hay’s Buildings, Timaru. BRANDING OF POTATOES. ("AWING' to repeated requests • from the Local Shipping Companies to have Potatoes Clearly, Marked in order to facilitate delivery of same at port.of destination, and, so avoid storage and sorting • charges, * which they advise have to be the Shipper, -at a . meeting, of .Shippers held on the 10th inst., it was unanimously resolved that all Potatoes Shall be Specially Branded in. Green Ink', (this being the Timaru Port Mark) at tlie'ship’s side, and the cost of same will be charged to the grower (3/- per- 100 sacks). This has been brought about by the numerous and/or indistinct, brands the sacks have • previously had. Growers . are asked to obliterate all old brands or reverse the sacks before loading. S.C. GRAIN, SEED, AND PRODUCE ■ MERCHANTS’ ASSOCIATION.' BROOKER AND CO., MOTOR cAr PAINTERS, LATTER STREET, ANNOUNCE 'that they' have been fortunate, in' securing. a 'New Dressing .'for-Faded ■ and. We.atheih worn Canvas Hoods. The Dressing isl Guaranteed Fadeless for'two years and it will make, an old hood as good as new. It will not crack, deteriorate, or stiffen and'is absolutely, waterproof. Any Colours will be supplied to Suit Customers’ Requirements.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 1
Word Count
693Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18008, 13 July 1928, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Timaru Herald. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.