Timara Jubilee PROCESSION FRIDAY, 13th JULY, AT 2 P.M. PRIZES FOR THE 10 BEST DECORATED CYCLES. ' No. 1 Prize .. 40/- Goods, Own Choice No. 2 Prize . . 20/- Goods, Own Choice No. 3 Prize . . 15/- Goods, Own Choice No. 4 Prize ... 10/- Goods, Own Choice No. 5 Prize .. 7/6 Goods, Own Choice No. 6 Prize .. 5/- Goods, Own Choice No. 7 Prize . . 3/6 Goods, Own Choice No. 8, 9 and 10 Prizes 2/6 Each Goods, Own Choice No Entrance Fee. All Competitors to have the following cycles:— SCARLET RUNNER, CLIPPER, DART or ARROW CYCLES. To give name in at Lambom’s Cycle Works and receive number. Popular Vote by numbers —One person, one vote. Enter Now at Lamborn’sand receive number. Cut this out and vote when you have seen the Procession. Box for Voting Papers at Lamborn’s Door after Procession, until 9 p.m. I VOTE FOR No. Voter’s Name . . Address ...... V v\ Doctors say it is the best for them. It is a pleasure to see the children recovering after some fever or illness. Be careful then in choosing their food. Doctors would say: “Give them Van Houten’s Cocoa.” It is the best beverage food tor them. There is no better thing to restore them and to give them back their previous health. It strengthens, nourishes and stimulates their recovery. Beautiful Caskets of Chocolates GIVEN AWAY. Save the labels, not the wrappers, and send them to VAN HOUTEN’S COCOA-AGENCY, P.O. BOX 976, WELLINGTON. 'Van Houten’s COCOA 'Hettandjoei gaAtAe&t ’’
HAIRDRESSING SERVICE Women really appreciate the excellent servico In Do Clifford’s new Hairdressing Salon. Ladles’ ft Loungo and Private * Salon. | Messrs Rilgour and Wurm— | Ladies’ Ilairdrossing Specialists i —in attendance. I CHAS. De CLIFFORD I Ladles’ and Gents’ Hairdresser n PHONE 228 TIMARU | CBJ——P—B—M—j—caMßMuai MARMALADE ORANGES. Pooorman, Sweet, and Grape Fruit, Sliced to Suit Your Requirements on the Latest American Machine just installed. THE IDEAL, 18 8 STAFFORD ST. (NEXT H. 8.) R. M. Fitzgerald, Prop. ’Phone 751. IV/f cINTYRE’S Extra Strong ReJt_l gulating Pills. Ladies recommend them. Sold everywhere. 5s 6d per box.
Page 11 Advertisements Column 2
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 11
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