SALE ©UR VALUES CANNOT BE BEATEN EZIFREE CORSELETTBS, Very Newest — Usually 15/6 Sale, 8/11 INFANTS’ sIhaWLS, Sample Range Sale, from 7/6 to 27/6 REPP FROCKS, Very Latest Styles Usually 79/C. Sale, 45/VELOUR COATS, Fur Collars — Sale, from £2/13/6 COLOURED CASHMERE HOSE, Best Fine Wool— Usually 4/11 Salo, 8/6 Pair ORIENTAL TRIMMING, Very Smart Usually 6/11. Sale, 1/6 DUPLEX SUEDE GLOVES, Good Shades — Usually 6/11 Sale, 2/11 Pair FANCY SLEEPING CAPS, All Colours^ — Usually 2/9 Sale, 1/9 CREPE DE CHENE, 36inch, a Few Pieces to Clear— Usually 6/11 Sale, 3/3 Yard SILK GEORGETTE, Lovely Quality, All Shades— Usually 7/11 Sale, 4/11 VELOUR CLOTH, 56ineh, All-Wool, Latest Colours—Sale, 12/6 Yard COTTON TWEED, 4 oineh, for Serviceable House Frocks— Usually 2/9. Sale, 1/6 Yard COLONIAL FLANNEL, Good AllWool— Special Sale, Only 1/11 Yard SILVERDOWN QUILTS, Super Quality, Good Colours and Designs— Single Bed— Usually .25/6 Sale, 16/6 WHITE BLANKETS, Soft Finish, Pure Wool— Single Bed— 22/6 Pair Double Bed— 82/6 Pair RAMSAY & MILLER, Stafford Street South
HUPMOBILE HUPMOBILE HUPMOBILE -•* iVWU**. HUPMOBILE HUPMOBILE HUPMOBILE HUPMOBILE HUPMOBILE HUPMOBILE Superlatively Smart, Brilliantly Capable, the New Hupmobile is in intimate accord with the predominant ♦ motoring trends of the day. In COMFORT, SAFETY, ECONOMY, SMARTNESS ‘the New Century Eight reveals the Hupmobile mastery, i, " born of long and seasoned experience. Test its Performance, Sense its Smoothness, its Speed, its Flexibility \ •and realise for yourself how completely it merits its proud title— THE NEW CENTURY EIGHT. &dfr McPherson & Son (Bockaert’s Garage) liOCAli AGENTS & SO Y©o KNOW T That you can get a Genuine “Lamb-Tailored” Dress Suit for 9gns? It’s true. The last word in Cut, Workmanship; aild Style; “LAMB-TAILORED” Lamb & Co THE TAILORS IN CHURCH STREET (Between Empire Hotel and Church of England) V « S 3 vw f/rrt f/WA •-AWS* From Poultry raising is now a profitable business, provided always that it is conducted on sound lines. Our exclusive agencies include tithe most? dependable requisites. Here are some of our leading ;■ lines:— .OAKES HOT-WATER INCUBATORS (60 Eggs) IMPROVED CYCLE HATCHERS (50 Eggs) .THE FAMOUS “BUCKEYE” INCUBATORS. f*BUCKEYE” COAL BURNING BROODERS. WAFERS, THERMOMETERS, SPARE PARTS. i. Any information we can furnish is yours for the asking. AND, McRAE Limited THE PROGRESSIVE IRONMONGERS TIMARU
PACIFIC FIVE PLY FOR. LINING WALLS AND CEILINGS. For j\.ur own protection—insist on PACIFIC FIVE-PLY REDWOOD CORE BOARD. Because it— , , Braces the Building. Ia Strong and Durable. Docs not Expand or Contract; Bulge, Warp, Crack or Crumble. Can be Wallpapered, Painted or Kalsomlned Without Being Battened. Is Air Tight, Fire Resisting. Moisture Proof, Cheaper, Sanitary. Cool in Summer, Warm in Winter. Economically Installed Attractive. By actual teat, Pacific Five-Ply Board, in strength when applied, is 7£ times stronger than plaster board. John Edmond, Ltd. * FI ARD WARE MERCHANTS, Sophia street.
Page 11 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 11
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