TIMARU MAIN. The monthly meeting of the Timaru Mvin School Committee was held last evening. Present—Messrs J. W. Preen (chairman), C. Lund, J. C. Butcher, R. G. Moffat, W. Best, W. Woodward, J. Thompson, A. Dephoff and R. Carnegie (secretary). HE AD AI ASTER’S REPORT. The headmaster (Mr W. W. Garton) reported that the attendance at the beginning of the quarter was-286 boys, 298 girls. At the end of the quarter the attendance was 28(5 boys, 307 girls, with an average attendance of 539.5. Last week, the roll number was 594, 285 boys, 309 girls. Three boys and four girls had been admitted to the school, while four boys and two girls had left. The attendance had averaged 556.6. Mr Garton also reported on 1 a meeting of headmasters held that evening, in regard to the Jubilee procession. Full arrangements for the assembling of the children had been arrived at, also details for the entertaining of the children on the Bay, after the procession. , CORRESPONDENCE. A letter was received from the Canterbury Education Board, stating that authority had been granted the committee for the removal of the bicycle sheds from the east to the west side of the grounds. GENERAL. The chairman made reference to the success which had attended “Parents’ Day” at the school. To the Manual Training School they were deeply indebted for the privilege accorded the parents of permitting them to look over the woodwork and cookery classes, while the students were at work. The question of fixing the dinner hour on wet days,, was discussed. The matter had been held over, in order to confer with the headmaster. Mr Garton said he had spoken to the teachers about the matter, and the general opinion was in favour of leaving the hour as at present. It Aas decided, on the motion of the Secretary, that the School be opened, wet or dry, at the usual hour. Children would be kept at home at their parents’ discretion. For the visitors Air Moffat reported that, along with Mr Butcher, he had visited the school that day. The matter' of different grounds for basket ball had been brought to their notice by the headmaster. Air Butcher also reported on the visit. The school had need of several new bugles, also repairs to the drums, and a coach for the boys in this connection. Air Pickford, of the school staff, had offered £1 towards the cost, if the committee decided on a purchase. •
Mr Pickford was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his offer. In regard to this matter, Air Best said that Mr G. Campbell had offered to coacli the boys, and do all he could to bring the school band to a higher standing. The chairman said that Mr Campbell was deserving of the committee’s thanks. This was not the first time he had assisted the School in this manner. Mr Best said the cost to the committee would be about £2O. He inquired if a. small concert or some such entertainment could be staged. It was decided that the matter be held over till next meeting, more information as to cost, etc., to be secured In the meantime. The question of basketball grounds was held over, till some satisfactory arrangement be arrived at. It was decided that the Committee expend £2, to he subsidised by a similar amount, on the purchase of books for the school library. The chairman reported on a meeting of headmasters and school committee chairmen held in connection with the Jubilee procession. The children would fall out of the procession at tho Hydro, and be given an opportunity of viewing the procession. They would then be marched to the Bay, where sections would be roped off for each school. For each section, a “treasure hunt” was suggested, each school to have 20 prizes,, at a cost of about £2 10s. It was for the committee to decide if the sum mentioned was to be spent. It was decided that the “treasure hunt” he held, and the necessary prize money be donated. Accounts amounting to £l6 2s lid were passed for payment.
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 8
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