The Harbour Commission continued its sittings in Timaru yesterday, when evidence was given by the Mayor of Timaru (Mr G. J. Wallace), Air E. It. Isaac and Mr C. G. Wightman (secretary to the Harbour Board).
A new railway coach, specially built as a travelling office and reception room for tlhe general manager of Railways, had a trial run on the Napier mail on Tuesday and' yesterday was attached to the 2 p.m. express for Auckland. It comprises a lounge, the general manager’s compartments, a forn berth sleep'ng compartment, a secretary’s office, a kitchenette, lavatory and an observation end.—Press Association message from Wellington.
A meeting of the Council of the Timaru Scottish Society was held last night. Present—Chief J. Ramage (chairman), Messrs A. Miller, W. S. Young, T. McLeod, J. Duncan, W. McKay, A. Nicol, and S. Dickson. The chief made svmpathetic reference to the death of Mrs James Emslie, stating that Mr Emslie was a very enthusiastic member of the Society, and had held several positions on the Council of the Society. A motion of sympathy with Mr Emslio and family was carried in respectful silence. Arrangements were made for the July concert programme, and members and friends wore asked to assist with items, and leave names with the secretary. Air L. Freeman’s tender for dismantling the old stone building on the Society’s section in Barnard Street, was accepted.
Those who are desirous of securing extra copies of the jubilee supplement which will be issued with the “Tinioru Herald” to-morrow, are requested to place their orders with the “Herald Office not later than to-day.
A Mayoral chain for Timarii is now assured, and permission to uso tuo New Zealand Coat of Arms on it has bec*i given by the Acting-Minister m Internal Affairs (Hon. F. J. I>oll£stonT The chain was designed by Mi r. Watts Rule. It has fourteen links with clasp, panel and pendant. the jewellers,of Timaru will arrange for the chain to be completed m London in 15 carat gold, with the pendaut, (the gift of the “Timaru Herald and of the “Timaru Post”) in enamel and gold. The Now Zealand Coat of Arms' will be placed on the pendant. The chain is to cost £2OO, and it is hoped that it will be competed and delivered by May next 'those who contributed to the cost of the chain are as follows Mrs It. H. Rhodes, Hon. F. J. Rolleston, M.P., .Hon. J. Craigio, M.L.C., the family of the late Mr J. J. Grandi (an ex-Mayor,, the family of the late Mr T. Hawkey (an ex-Alayor), John Jackson and Co. (in memory of the late Mr Jojin Jackson, ex-Ma'yor), -Mr J. S. Keith (ex-Mayor), '' r W. C. Raymond (exMay or), Mr W. Angland (ex-Mayor;. Mr John Hole (ex-Mayor), Mr E. It. Guinness (ex-Mayor), Mr J. Maling (ex-Mayor), Air G. J. co (Alavor), the “Timaru Herald Co., the '“Timaru Post” Co., the Caroline Bay Association, the West End Association, the North End Association, the Timaru A. and P. Association, the South’ Canterbury Employers Association, the South Canterbury Law Association, the Timaru Licensed Victuallers’ Association, and school children.
You have doubtlessly heard the old story of the man who intended to go in for poultry farming. He was going to start off with one hen which would lay six eggs. The hen would then hatch six chicks from these eggs, these six chicks would, in time, lay six egg 3 each and hatch six chicks, and so on. Well here’s a modern story and a true one. The man in this case doesn’t need a hen, all he wants are sixty eggs and an Oakes Hot Water Incubator. Messrs England, Mcßae, Ltd., will supply the incubator for £5/10/-. ....
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 8
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