TO CELEBRATE TIMARU’S Mth 0 WE OFFER THESE SPECIAL JUBILEE BARGAINS. 6 SHOWROOM. EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE in PLAIN, CORDED FANCV VELOURS, TWEEDS and FACECLOTH COATS, Fur Trimmed and Well Cut, in a Wide Range of Colours— x Prices Ranging to 95/JUBILEE PRICE, 29/6 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE in SATIN FACECLOTH COAT, Smartly Designed, Collar of Fitch Fur, and Lined Throughout with Art Silk. Shade, Bracken — Usually £B/10./JUBILEE PRICE, £5/19/0 Only LADIES’ EVENING FROCKS, in Taffeta, Georgette and Crepe dc Chine, in Dainty Stylos. Shades: Cyclamen, Flame, Powder Blue, Creme and Blush Rose — Usualy Priced up to 92/6 JUBILEE PRICE, 20/0 children;s charming PARTY FROCKS, in Attractive Styles, in Georgette, Taffeta and Crepe de Chine, and Finished with Posy. Shades* Pink, Green, Peach, Cream and Rose Pink. Sizes up to 27in Usually 55/JUBILEE PRICE, 27/6 CHOKER FUR, in Dark Brown Fox and Lined with Fancy Crepe de Chine to Tone— Usually £O/17/0 JUBILEE, PRICE, sgns LADIES’ UNDERWEAR. CREAM WOVEN NIGHTDRESSES, with Long Sleeves. Usually 12/6 JUBILEE PRICE, 9/11 LADIES’ ALL-WOOL BLOOMERS in Assorted Colours — Usually 5/11 JUBILEE PRICE, 4/9. A REAL JUBILEE SNIP A Handsome PESCHANIKE FUR COAT, with Adaptable Collar and Beautifully Lined with Crepe de . Chene— Usually 49gns JUBILEE SALE, 82gns MANCHESTER DEPT. x 5 DOUBLE-BED DOWN QUILT, Well Filled with Purest Down — Usually 59/0 JUBILEE PRICE, 39/d 58inch CREAM FLANNELETTE / SHEETING, Good Wearing and Cosy for Winter Use— l Usually 2/4£ Yard JUBILEE SALE, 1/8J Yard AND ANOTHER ONE MEN’S SB. ALL-WOOL TWEED KAIAP OI OVERCOATS Unequalled for Value— Usually 95/JUBILEE PRICE, 69/0 CLOTHING DEPT. MEN’S ALL-WOOL MOSGIEL - SINGLETS, AVann White* Weight— Usually 8/3 JUBILEE PRICE, 6/9 MEN’S “PICK” BRAND WOOL ! .PULL-OVERS, Exceptional Value — Usually 19/11 JUBILEE PRICE, 15/it 10 .Pairs of MEN'S SAMPLE TROUSERS New Zealand’s Finest ProductUsually 35/- to 39/6 JUBILEE PRICE, 29/6 DRESS DEPT. 1 Piece- Only FOX’S 56inch “COLLEGE” SERGE, Fast Indigo Dye— Usual Price, 8/6 Yard JUBILEE PRICE, 6/11 Yard CREAM FUJI SILK, 30in widens Specially Reduced for Few Days-—Usual Price, 2/11 Yard JUBILEE PRICE, 1/8J Yard FANCY DEPT. LADIES’ WOOL and ART SILK HOSE, “Morley’s,” All Shades Usual Price, 5/11 Pair JUBILEE PRICE, 4/6 Pair LADIES’ SUEDE FINISH GLOVES, Wool Lined throughout. Fawn Only— \ N Usual Price, 4/6 Pair JUBILEE PRICE, 2/11 Pair HARRIOTTS ' .. . . -s.SsrN./l. ' a. U R fe W i I lliii 1 .'•> .< K- / y . -V f • • ,m S' ; iAV ■f- \ ■« t > mi Hi « - A i 4 < . -2$ A m '. 4 «4. \ •-V, • ■?. 07./ \ m t.s \ iM/$ i% ill r ,: . * :•; t , f :i: & i *5;7. . /<; Vi y .* ff’f Y § l ! i if f M / '7 y r ‘ c Jhel\erosene that aiYes The Soft WHITE Li^nt >4 • LAUREL” is ideal for reading. Its soft, mellow glow deals gently with the eyes of both young and. old, and protects them from eye-strain. . " • - *»**#*: - - **••*-, - Be sure to specify “Laurel”—lor Lighting, Heating' and Cooking it cannot Tie excelled. „ u 4
r~. «aa» -w 3®&» XS. c S o awi"g||&S'g~ the little lamp, used at mgE. Remedy porizing the comfortable 1 sleep possiI ble for asthi malic people. Sold by your Chemist te* A remedy of nearly fifty years’ standing. £ J. M. BELL, STOREKEEPER,, 66 NORTH ST.. SOLICITS A TURN FOR GROCERIES. KIS STOCK IS ALWAYS FRESad AND HIS PRICES ARE UNBEATABLE.
Page 7 Advertisements Column 4
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 7
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