GIRLS! A BEAUTIFUL SKIN IS YOUR GREATEST CHARM. There is nothing more beautiful than a perf'crt Odn. clear, soft and healthv —that is the kind of skin that compels admiration. If .you have become discouraged of ever attaining a perfect complexion and have used various creams and treatments and your skin is still sallow, oily, coarse or blotchy, try Rexona Soap. You will be both amazed and delighted to find what a difference this pure super-excellent facial soap will make to your complexion. Doubtless it seems incredible to you that anything so simple as daily bathing the face with Rexona Soap and fresh water could make such an improvement in the skin when so many other complexion treatments bare faded to do so, yet you will find that such is the case, because Rexona Soap contains, in addition to its unusual cleansing qualities, all the soothing, healing, corrective properties contained in Rexona, the Rapid Healer, so that *ts .use quickly overcomes any facial imperfections. After using Rexona Soap you will fed that vour skin has been refreshed and invigorated to tire very depths of its tiny pores, and you will inhale the delightful outdoor freshness pf the Rexona Fragrance that is typical of Rexona itself. Use Rexona Soap with hot or cold water, soft or hard water. It is always good and gives abundant tcamy lather in every case. Use Rexona Soap for Health and Beauty and be a Rexona Girl. Rexona Soap—the best Soap it is possible to produce. Is 6d per tablet.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 7
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