PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATES . V SELECTED. Sky Telegraph-—/'res* WELLINGTON, July 11. The New Zealand on they Pafliamentary delegation to 'visit Canada at the invitation of tjie Canadian branch bf Hue) Empire Parliamentary • Association, are :' c Hon. W. N'csworthy and Mr T. W. Rhodes, representing the Reform Party; y-. ; ' riuii. J. B. Goiv, representing the Legislative Council. •...Mr 4V. J. Jordan, representing tne Labour Party. - The Nationalists have decided not to he represented. Mr Gow was chosen by ballot. Mr Jordan proposes to return via England. His electors in the constituency passed a resolution in which they considered it an honour that, lie should be chosen as the delegatie to Canada. Mr Jordan does not know if a candidate will be put up against him in liis absence at the general election. He is leaving the - matter to the local supporters of the Reform Party, and is e.'+.Tfip,] that they will do the right thing.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 7
Word Count
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 7
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