BEGG’S—GRAND OPERA RECORDS, ALSO VOCAL SCORES AND SHEET MUSIC. The Favourite Selections by Celebrity Artists! “II Trovatore.” “ La Traviata.” “ Faust.” " Lucia de Lammermoor,” “ Norma.” “ Rigoletto.” “ Carmen.” “ Un Ballo in Maschero.” “ Barber of Seville,” and “ Carmen.” “ HIS MASTER’S VOICE ” AND " COLUMBIA ” RECORDS. A Large and Representative Stock embracing various series and all Operas. CHAS. BEGG & CO., LTD., THE GREAT PIANO HOUSE, STAFFORD STREET. WINCHESTER. 'T'HE SPINSTERS and BACHELORS of Winchester invite the Benedicts of Winchester District to their Annual Ball, to be held in the Victoria Hall, on THURSDAY, 19th inst. Grand March at 8 p.m. Novelty Dances. Slade’s Orchestra. B. SOUTH, G. WAPLE, Joint Secretaries. ALBU&Y. THE ALBURY LADIES’ HOCKEY CLUB will hold a Cinderella Dance in the Public Hall on SATURDAY, July 14th, at 8 p.m. sharp. Gents 2/-. Ladies 1/-. G, E. WILSON, Hon. Secretary. TEMUKA METHODIST CHURCH. TMIE LADIES’ GUILD will hold a * Shop-Day in Mr Comer’s Shop, King Street, on SATURDAY, 14th inst. Cakes, Eggs, Produce, Etc., on Sale. TEMUKA. BOXING! BOXING! AN OPEN NIGHT will be given ‘by Harry Gunn’s Temuka Pupils in ' “ Watson’s ” Hall, TO-MORROW (Friday), July 13th, at 7.30 p.m. sharp. . . - y. $ OLOYAL ORANGE LODGES. 12th JULY CELEBRATIONS. GRAND CONCERT .... 8 P.M. DANCE 10 P.M. UNITARIAN HALL, TO-NIGHT. Dance Music Supplied by Miss Dewar’s Orchestra. Pipe Band in Attendance. Excellent Floor. Admission 2/-. Refreshments Extra. HIVE TRAINS DAILY FROM ' 4 ' VANCOUVER. People travelling “Home” via Canada, have the choice of 5 fast CANADIAN PACIFIC trains, that leave daily from Vancouver. CANADA’S FASTEST ’ TRANS-CON-TINENTAL TRAINS: “TRANS-CANADA LIMITED”— Montreal 88hrs 30min. Toronto 83hrs lOmin. “THE IMPERIAL”— To Montreal. “TORONTO EXPRESS” — To Toronto. “THE MOUNTAINEER” — To Chicago-, 72hrs 15min. “SOO-PACIFIC EXPRESS”— To Chicago. SEE BANFF AND LAKE LOISE EN ROUTE. For illustrated literature and. free booklets, write to. any office of. the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand, any Tourist Booking Agency or to A. W. Essex, Passenger Manager for New Zealand, Canadian Pacific Railway, Maritime Building, Auckland. FURTHER REDUCTIONS AT SNOW’S. * THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL. NEGLIGE SHIRTS BELOW COST— Usual Price 12/6, 11/6, 10/6, 9/6. Sale Price 8/6, 8/-, 7/6, 5/6. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. DISTINCTIVE TAILOR AND MERCER, Panton’s Buildings, BESWICK STREET, TIMARU.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 1
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