THE VICTORIA INSURANCE CtS., * LTD. (Established 184 Q.) Fire, Marine, Employers' Liability, Personal Accident, Sickness, Plata Glass, Motor Car (Comprehansive), Crop Risks, Mortgage Indemnity, and Fidelity Guarantee. We know what we can do, and it rav be of material assistance to you* AT LOWEST RATES. Agents—DALGETY AND C 0... LTD. i
IJNION ' STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND, LTD. Sailings (Circumstances Permitting) For WELLINGTON, NAPIER, GISBORNE—Kahika — about July 17. r For WELLINGTON, NEW PLYMOUTH—Totara —about Friday, July 13. For WELLINGTON, AUCKLAND — Katoa —about July 13. For NELSON, WESTPORT—-Orepuki —July 13. Cargo received till noon sailing day. For WELLINGTON (from Lyttelton) Maori—Mon., Wed., Fri., 6.50 p.m. train.* Waliine—Tues., Thurs, Sat., 7.30 p.m. .train.* •Trains from Christchurch. WELLINGTON-PICTON SERVICE. Tamahine— From Wellington: Mon., Wed., Fri., 3 p.m. From Picton: Tues., Thurs., Sat., 2.30 p.m. FOR SYDNEY. Maheno, from Wellington, July 20. *Marama, from Auckland, July 20. Maheno, from Auckland, Aug. 3. *Marama, from Wellington, Aug. 3. * (Passengers in Three Classes), For MELBOURNE (from Wellington)', Manuka—early. ISLAND TOURS.—To Suva (Fiji), Nukualofa, Haapai, Vavau (Tonga), Apia (Samoa) TOFUA (from Auckland) —July 14 (and every 4 weeks thereafter). CALCUTTA (from New Zealand) Sussex—Sept., Jan., May. (Limited Passenger Accommodation) Inquiries are invited regarding trip to Australia, Soum Sea Islands, Honolulu, Canada, United States, Europe, Arcund-the-Paciflc Tours including Japan and the East’, Around-.the-World Tours in either direction. CANADA-UNITED STATES-EUROPE • Regular Fortnightly Sailings. CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIAN ROYAL MAIL LINE. Via Fiji, Honolulu, Victoria and Vancouver. UNION ROYAL MAIL LINE. Via Rarotonga, Tahiti, San Francisco , (Passengers in Three Classes). (and fortnightly thereafter.) TO SYDNEY— Aorangi, from Auckland, July 16. Maunganui, from Wellington, July 31. EXCURSIONS TO HONOLULU AND TAHITI. AGENTS FOR ORIENT LINE OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. For full particulars, apply to— UNION S.S. CO., OF N.Z., LTD., THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPTING . COMPANY, LTD. FASTEST PASSENGER VESSELS IN THE DTRF.CT SERVICE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM. VIA PANAMA CANAL. With Unsurpassed Accommodation. t*ROTOI?UA +*RKMUERA t*RUAHTNE Wellington Wellington Wellington Jan 5, Feb. 2. /March 30. *Oil Fuel. tCaiis off Pitcairn Island, subject to weather conditions permitting.. Saloon. Return tickets are interchangeable auh P. and O. and Orient Lines (via Suez), C.A and Union Lines (via Canada and America), or Aberdeen and Blue Funnel Lines (via South Africa). For further particulars apply: THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY. LTD. Ctrathallan Street. SHAW, SAVILL AND ALBION COMPANY, LTD. Direct Line of Steamers to SOUTHAMPTON AND LONDON, VIA PANAMA CANAL. JArawa, via Monte Video. Fassergers Embark Previous Evening. +New luxurious oil-burning steamers, carrying first and third class. •Carrying first, second and third class. iSecond satan and third class All passengers must secure Passports. Passages from London may bo ai ranged here. For full information, apply to the Agents: DALGETY AND COMPANY, LTD., NAT. MORTGAGE AND A. CO. LTD. CJOUTH AFRICA AND ENGLAND WIfTTE STAR LTNE. HOLT’S BLUE FUNNEL. ABERDEEN LTNE. (Joint Service). Reduced fares to South Africa being quoted for Octobor steamers. •Fir«t-class only. jCabin Class only. IFirst and Third Classes. Through Rates from Net* ... ,-aland. Interchangeable Return Tickets. For full particulars, apply— DALGETY AND CO., LTD., NATIONAL MORTGAGE & AGEAC*
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 18007, 12 July 1928, Page 1
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