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Mr Wooles forecasts for to-day:— "Moderate north-cast winds: weather continue line." The local agents fi»r the Fhaw Savill and Albion Co. (Messrs Lalgeiy and Co.) report very heavy bookings fo- England tor January, February and March. To-morrow at 2 p.m., at Mr S. "Redmile's residence, l-> Lagoon Street, Saltwater Creek, near bus terminus, Morton and Pearson sell the whole of his valuable household furniture and effects. As Mr RedmiJe is leaving Timuru every lot is for absolute s;ile. Replying to the leader of the Opposition yesterday, Mr Massey said lie would take an early opportunity of making a statement regarding the position of next season's wool elm. "flie attention of members of the Girls" gymnastic class is drawn to a notice of meeting advertised in this i>jHe. The Geraldine Telephone Exchange is now open for subscribers till 10 p.m. All members of the Star Club aro requested to meet at Mr E. Firkin'ti saloon at S to-night. Intending competitors iu the tug-of-v.-ur for kitties and schoolboys in coni.ectiou with the Band Bazaar are reminded that entries close at 5 pm. to-day with Mr F. Hyde, of Messrs Panton and Son. The Collie Pog Trials of the Geraldine Collie Club will be held to-morrow and next day, on Messrs Bair Bros. i.::w. Peel Forest. An attntetive programme has been arranged, several sprcial prizes are offered, and *; e entries for all events are satisfactory. A 1 us will leave Geraldine at S a.m. each "lay. It is understood (says the Gisbome '"Herald") that the Hon. Sir J-.mes rVirroll will shortly be offered a ?iat-.iu bhe Legislative Council, as representative of the East Coast, in suecessi-n: to J the late Hons. W. Morgan and Captain W. K. Tucker. i Mr Colin MV-Keuzie. of Geraldine. has 1-pßght the Strathnlian estate, Fairlie, from Mr Hunter Weston. A meeting of King Country timber and otl-er workers at Ruetihi passed a r.\s hitiun approving of the Labour Party"? to the Committee of Action in England.

Advice has been received by the biime Minister irom tlic American, l_:»:is.ii-vreneraL at Auckland that he has received instructions from Ws&kiugtou iliac iu future passengers travelling on Siea:-:ers calling at American poits need not have passports vised unless they oi-tually disembark in American, territory. —(Press Association.)

The followmg will represent the Combined 'iown third grade tenin to play cjomor Cadets at, Ansae- bquare

:;t 1.3<) on Thursday:—Tiuiewell, McKnight. .\ewton, Culleu {-). Fitzgerald, Oiieve. Conroy. Ourislmas, Thomson, liaiiiing (2). Lee, Fester, Smith, Geaney, Toneyclifzc.

Really perfect is the term v tiieii can lie justly mod. hi describing 3lr H. Grand's iatest work, now sm view ia the window of Mr \V. Robson, tobacconist. ne:;t Tlieatre Royal, ft ".s a ■wonderful life-like enlargement of Mr Dobier, brother of Mr T. Bonier. J?u'.-sell Square. As e.m be seen by the many decorations he is -wearing Mr Dobier is a soldier of many campaigns, having fought in the Zulu War, the Egyptian Campaign, and in the South African War. Mr Granu is to be congratulated on his success, he having achieved in no mean degree the artist's one ideal, a true representation of life on canvas. The enlargement is well worthy of inspection, and as it ■will be on view for the next- two or three days everyone should make a point of seeing it Mr Grand, whoso studio is just opposite, alongside Lambora's cycle works, will be ple-itsed to give farther particulars and submit quotations. ...

DRTNK BANISHED FROM HOME A.F., Dunedin, writes: "I am very pleased to tell you that 'Drinko' has proved most beneficial. It has made a great difference to our home." (Original shown to genuine inquirers). Free your home', _cr your friend's home, from th<» unhappiness caused through drink. "Drinko" cures surely and ently. Odourless and tasteless. G« a secretly if desired. Write for free booklet in confidence to Lady Manager, Drinko Proprietary. 212 A.R. Lambton .Quay, Wellington.

Chilblains. —Redness, some swelling, and intolerable neat and itching are the features of an unbroken chilblain. James's Chilblain Liniment wLi reduce the swelling, remove the redness, heat and itching, and affect a cure. Price, 13 a bottle, only froiu L. B. James, Prescription Chemist, Xusara. ...

Photography.— <*© have just added t>. our stocky a v.-* s-ssorted supplv of cameras, ivodafcr. Brownies. Next time you want a film give us a call, a full and fresfc .supply of these just ieceived. including No. 127 for V.P.K. and No. 0 Brownies. We have made arrangements with an expert photographer to develop your films at the shortest notice. Take no chances Tiitft your films, but send them to us to be developed by an expert. The price is right.—Neil's Pharrt-icy (E. C. Ayres, proprietor), 73 Stafford St.. Timara....

FIRE! FIRE! I'ne cheapest insurance policy is an UNDERYvRUBERS' Extinguisher—automatic, simple, safe, efficient, economical, and reliable. Send for particulars now. Delays aro fatal. —Manning' Machinery Co., y Bedford Row, Christen ur eh. ...

In the stone age rnaa never slaved. Tousorial attention is the result of a gmdnsil process of evolution, having its "beginning in the remote ages of Alexander the Great and its consummation to-day in Roland "Watson's Dominion Hill Hairdressing Saloon. ..,

have pleasure in. drawing iho special attention of our Fairlie district readers to Mr D. S. Laing Keay's change advertisement in tins i.ssue. Everybody nowadays believes in progress, and. this necessary quality can ]«stl be given to Mr Kcay's bi ?iness. Starting fifteen months ago, le has been steadily working up a very sound business, and, having the agencies of such insurance offices as the A.M.P. (Life) and ti:o Queensland Company (Fire and Accident, etc.). ho is able to give tho public the best service possible in every class of insurance. Mr Keay makes a specialty of going after business, not waiting for ib, and is able to give his numerous clients information on the snot. Enquiries of every description will receive prompt attention. ...

Tho following is the Honours List in connection with the second term of tho Pleasant Point District iligli School:—St. Vl—George Moloney, James Dollimore, Percy Gliddon. St. —Hector Ciuini, George Batcnclor, James Barry. St. IV—Elsie Gunn, Howard Cox, Eileen O'Connor. St. lit—Stanley Gray, Mona Batchelor, Henry Davison. St. 11—George Smith. Mar lory Maze. Eileen Miller. St. 1— Frank Chisholm. Matthew Cor'ct, Evan Bishop. Form T" (a) —SI leu. Aituen, Nancy Smith. Fonn V <t>) — Jessie McPherson, Freda Wicfces. Form IV—William Cox, Norah 0 Connor, Ethel Battersbv. Form 111— Anno Miller, Clifford Roberts, Sabina Angland.

The fort nightly meeting of tho Juvenile Ancient, Order of foresters was held on Monday evening, JJro. J. Burns, 0.K., presiding over a. good attendance of members. The Woodwards reported two members on the sick funds and one declared off again, '".'wo candidates were nominated for membership and duly approved. T<>o following were nominated to f-H the various offices for the next six months: —President, Bro. H. J. J..i>es; treasurer, T. Harris; C.R., J. McNal imira; S.C.R., T. Avres; S.W.. A. H. Jones; J.W., E. E. Patfoot: SB., L. G. Gliddon; J. 8., H. Willcox.

In tho course of his address in Timaru on b.utuuay iur \v. 1). Lysnar sjuu mat mole was noi more tiiau I*js wortu ui v.ool m tno beso s;n. i ciotties on auyoouy's back in Xciv /,c.ilaiui to-uay. -Mr Licrala Casey aiUerjeoteJ: "men. tiicre must Lo a lot ot rubbers aoout-." (Luiuguter). .Mr Aiysnar: "1 don't agree, wicti thai, luoro must- bo a lot ot simple i-topie about, and. it you aro such sunptetanj as to pay tho prices now being :i sKoa for suits, 1 say tnat you closer, o to suffer." (Hear, hear). "

""VVhile steaming from Suva for Auckland/'" said Mr A. rt'asher to a "Herald" reporter, "the vessel was suddenly brought to a standstill at 2 o'clock ono morning. 1 went out on deck to see what was tho matter and. saw a light, apparently (looting on tho water and coming towards us from a nearby island.' In time two natives swam alongside tho vessel, one towing a floating light and the otiier a tin box which contained tho mail. The box was taken on board tho Mokoia. the ' island mail attached and lowered, and the swimmers thereupon set out through the shark-infested sea for the island. This is the customary method of working the mails nt this island.''

Tw 0 vessels—tho Shahistan and tho CVmos—which have been under charter to the Union Steam Ship Company- for some time past have been purchased by the. company, but it has not been decided cm what routes the- vessels will be employed. The former ship, whk-h is at present at L-vttcltnn, changed hand* for £—(Press Association.)

The Cabinet has voted £.'ioo as a contribution to the cosg of sanding a team of Rifle Club men to Australia..

Nomination!: are invited for four directorships of the Co-oneiatire FreezlnS Company of South Canterbury. Limited, to l>e forwarded to the secretary (Mr H. H. Eraser). Timnru. on or fsc-fore Spptemher 7. Conditions were advertised vesterdav.

Members of the X.Z. Workers' Union aro reminded that a. special meetin" v. ill be held in Mr E. S. Duufoitl's tea rooms. Temuka, on Friday, September 3, at S p.m. Business important;.

The attention of traction engine drivers and steersmen, portable- and stationary engine drivers, firemen and greasers is directed to -'ivertisenient on page 1. Mr McKee Iras been empowered to act as general representative in Timarn and district for the. Canterburv Traction and Stationary Engine Drivers' Union.

Nominations for all events at the Geraldine Racing Club's meeting (September 80th aiid October Ist) dose on Saturday, September 11th, at S p.m.

Mr Cuddon-Large, land and estate agent, m his change of advertisement in this issue, indicates handy farms and town houses, and buyers v. ill do well to get into touch with him.

Great values •are offering at Thomson's. 400 pure longcloth Is 7-£ d (36 inch); nudrap casements, navy check /or skirts, overalls, from 2s 3d; mercerised cream children's caps IOJd, shadow tissues and cretonne, wool rugs 32s 6d, blankets (white and grey), flannels, Jap. silks and crepe de chenc, georgette crepysilks, all latest shades; special hosiery, knitted gloves Is lid; millinery of the hour, hats in rustic straw, tegal, silk straw, lisere; costumes and coats, jerseys, navy dress material 7s lid to 39s lid., gabardines and grey coatings, seagrass mats 5s 6d to 12s lid. others the "Orient" 32s 6d to 635, British manufacture 12s lid to 61s 6d. Japanese 3s lid to 5s lid; grey suitings. ... Really it's the shoe that does it. Have you ever had your footwear admired!-; If not, put your feet into a pair of Hannah's models. You immediately get that comfortable feeling that your feet are easy, and that they look v?ry trim. We are well ahead with spring goods, having just received 22 cases. We sell the same stylish footwear as sold in our Auckland, Wellington and Christchureh branches. See us to-day. Timaru' and most towns. ...

MOTORISTS I 70 years' manufacturing experienco and scientific concentration have produced SPEXCER MOULTON TYRES —the popular BRITISH TYRE that gives the longest service—the TYKE with the great reputation for mileage. Try your Garage or Box 258 Chrislchurch. 8 SANDER AND SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. The twequalleu remeuy for colds, influenza,' bronchitis, chest troubles, neuralgia, rheumatism. SANDER'S E.V.iRaCT, the sure protection from Jl infectious, fever, diphtheria, meningitis. SANDER'S EXTRACT, the great heal?r of wounds, burns, ulcers, sprains, skia SANDER'S EXTRACT, proved at the Supreme Court of Victoria to contain antisep.-.c and healing substances not present m other eucalyptus preparations—hence its superior and unique curative power SANDER'S EXTRACT is free from .-h... irritating and depressing effects of the common eucalyptus oils and the ; «- called -'extracts." Insist on t.'ie GENUINE SANDER EXTRACT. There is no "just as good." ... For Influenza take

j .Wood's Great Peppermint Cune, k Is 9d, 2g 9d,

The borough of Mir.imar has decided |to amalgamate with the city, tho proposal tyyng carried b.- 3-14 votes to 297. i AliranuTV is tho last of the contiguous boroughs t 0 come into the city.—(Press Association.) " i | Ifc has been decided bv the tug.of-' war committee, that ladies entering must not; weigh over 10 stouo. [ The suspension of Jimmy Clabby for I six months by the Wanganui Boxing' Association for his failure to carry out his agreement to contest a, match at \\ anganui with Fritz Holland lias been endorsed by the New Zealand Boxing Council. The suspension is for six months from July 20.—(Press Association.) The general manager of the Union S.S. Company, writing to the "Wellington Chamber of Commerce on Monday, said: "Wo note your inguiry as io limitation of liability for cargo short delivered iu bills of'lading used iu our intercolonial service. Up till a, short time ago our limit was £o per foot, with a maximum of £SO iu rrsiwrt of any one package, but wc have much pleasure in advising you that last month it was decided to double the extent of our liability. : uid this accordingly now stands at £lO per cubic foot, with a Maximum of £IOO in respect of any one • package.*' Ernest Percival Greenwood and Peter James Innes, employed as clerks at the Defence Office, appeared at theDunochn Police Court charged with forgery and theft. There were two informations against limes—viz., committing the forgery of a document purporting to be a Defence voucher and theft, tho total sum in resjiect to which lie was charged Le"Vi under £2. There were eleven of a similar character against Greenwood, involving over £tv>. "Both picae'ed guilty and were committed for sentencv. I

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Issue 170307, 1 September 1920, Page 7

Word Count

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Issue 170307, 1 September 1920, Page 7

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Issue 170307, 1 September 1920, Page 7


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