(By "Jean.")
[News of weddings, dances, and other social happenings of interest to ladies will bo welcomed for thi» column if sent in by our readers. Contributions should be addressed to "Jean," "Herald" Office, and received not later than Thursday. Announcements of engagements are required to bear the name and address of the sender, as evidence of genuineness.]
.Mr Justice Denniston, who was in 1 imaru for the Supreme Court sittings, stayed at the Grosvenor, and returned to Christchurch on Thursday. Mr and Mrs Gladstone Robinson, Oakwood, and Miss Giles, Otiritiri, who went to see the Thirteenth Reinforcements off, are back from Wellington. Mr S. G. Raymond, K.C., was in 1 imaru for the week-end, and stayed with Mr and Mrs Walter Raymond, Park Lane.
Mr and Mrs Hunter-Weston, Highthorne, Glen-iti came back from Christchurch last week.
Miss P. Smith has returned to Christchurch.
„,M 1 ' W- Wood came back from Christchurch on Tuesday. . Mr and Mrs Joyce, Wai-iti road, are in Uunc-din for tho Winter Show. Helen Little is .spending her vacation with, her mother, Mrs Little Elizabeth Street.
Mr and Mrs A. A. Scott. Scl'ton ~trc-Cf, returned from ilawke's Bay last week, and went on to Dunedin. iUiss Sylvia Wcstenra, who was with -Mrs H Orbell at Raineliff, has returned to Chnstehurch. Miss T. ,and Miss H. Zeisler loft Yesterday for a short visit to Mrs*H. Zeisler, Oamaru. Miss Luck Coolc, who was with Mrs t'. J- Rolleston, has returned to Mart on. Miss Fleming, Wellington, who was the guest of Mrs Nicoll, Claremont, went north last week. Mrs Wilfred Howell has returned to Cave after a week with Mrs Howell, Marsden. Mr Norman Hope, Kimbel!, is in Dunedm for tho Winter Show. Mrs Rickman, Marehwiel Street, lias returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs G. Ruddenklau. Waimate. -Miss Orbell, Christchurch. is the guest of Mrs Orbell, the Levels. Mr 11. Zeisler, Oamaru, is spending a lew days with Mrs Zeisler, Elizabeth Street. Mrs Maurice Harper has returned to Alt. Somers. Mr and Mrs George Hart are back trom Clmstchuveh. Miss Lois Smith. LeCren Street is staying with Mrs S. Gillingham, Fairhe. Mr Norbury Baxter arrived from Auckland on Wednesday, and is at lumanako.
Some of those m-esent at the delightful concert given in the Theatre Roval on luesday night by the Paul Dufatilt Company were:—Mrs and Miss Rose, Mr and Mrs O. T. J. Alpers, Mr and Miss Knubley, Mr H. Knublev, Miss /eisler Miss Hasse'l, Mr and Misses Giles, Mi- D. Havie, Mrs Simon Mckenzie Mr A Mckenzie, Miss Culverv.tll, Mrs A\ Howell, Misses Howell, ■Miss Creemer. Mr and Mrs T. D. Youn~ aires Young, Mr Nevill Smith, Mr arTd Mrs George Andrews. Mrs H. Hall. Mrs ~1. Priest. -Mrs J. Scott, .Mrs and Mi,s r>ryden Mrs English, Miss White. Miss Chssolc, Misses Sliand, Mr and Misses Murphy, Mrs Dalglish, Mr and A -%ri C - J. 011 **, Miss F. MeDona'd, Mr Milne Allan. Mrs Thomson, Mrs Wcstmaeott, Miss M. Rhodes. Miss Winter, Miss Fraser, Mm D Young, Mr Preston, Mrs w' Gunn Mr Seaton, Miss Clifford," Miss Guinness, Miss Ford, Mrs and Miss Beekmgham, Mrs W. Hole. Mrs Hamman Mr and Mrs H. Holdgate, Miss Holdgate, Misses Watt, Misses Holdgate (2), etc. -«'~>cs Mr W. H. Sams, Balmoral, who went to England to take up war work, has been accepted as voluntary driver iu the Service do Santo Militaire in I' ranee.
) MisCntten lemuka, is the guest of | and Mrs C. Miller, Te Kuiti, prior j to then- departure, to England | Mr O T. J Alpers will spend this v eek-end in Chnstchurch ' , B i"" nS i orarij }lns returned jfrom Chnstchurch. th,™. Gllb i :;t Fi " d wns nt Kelso I InvorcaSill! 1 ™ y tile north to Mrs Howlcy went to Christchureh last Thursday for a. few days CoV£-n V V C l otte ' i,] and' Miss Helen Cotton 1, who have been spending a fortnight at Aberda-re House, Clmstchv retui-ncd to Timarti on Wedne.sThe Misses Gascoigne. Waimate were staying in town for a lew dav« I last week. * ' I Miss Irwin, Christchureh, i.s at the j Hydro Grand. ! Mrs George AVebster, Elizabeth street, returned yesterday from a month's visit to Chistchurcl'i. .Major Norton Francis was in Timaru on I ue-sday, and went, north that nirdit Mr and Mrs J. S. Tnrnbul! spent last week-end with Mrs Edgar Studholme. \\ annate. Sorgt-. Moody, Nelson Terrace, has been staying m InvereargH). .pi vatl \ J - So ' arl ° returned to Oamaru on Thursday. . MwW. J. Taylor, LoCrcu's Terrace, is hack from Christchureh. Mrs and Miss Rennio, Invercargill, are the gguests of Mrs W. Johnston, Wa.i-iti road. -Miss Ford, North Island, is the guest of .Mrs Clifford, LeCren Street. Mr and Mrs Preston, and Mr YV. and -Uiss I reston. wh.o have been staving at the. Hydro for the marriage o'f their son, Mr John Preston, "and Miss i'lorence Noting, left yesterday for tentrewood. Mr and Mrs P' X Young, who were a.lso there for the, return to Hnmilton on Monday. A very pretty wedding took place on Ihursday at- St. Mary's Church, "hen Miss I'lorence Olive Young, i youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs R. i t» ) o;i "--- Hamilton, and sister of Mrs ' B. C'. Jones, was married by the Veil, j Archdeacon Jacob, to Mr .lohn Preston, eldest son ot Mr and Mrs J. 11. Preston' | tentrewood. Tho bride, who Mas triven away by her father, wore a beautiful dress ot white crept.-, de phone, the court train was lined with' shell pink union, her veil was caught with, orange blossoms, and her exquisite shower botiqiiet. was of white chrysanthemums, pa e. pink roses and maiden-hair, with nale pmk and white streamers. The bridesmaid, Miss Buckhirst, C-lirisf-ehureh, wore a charming frock of enainpague coloured crepe de ehene, with a pale pink coatee and .sash, and a white chiffon hat with pink satin bows. She carried a bouquet of old rose erirysaiithcmums. with streamers to match. Mr \V. Preston, the bride- I groom's brother, was best- man. Mr* Preston wore a navy costume, black hat. with black plumes. Mrs Young, dark blue coat and skirit .black velours hat with black plumes, and a white feather stole. her bouquet was of violet coloured flowers. Mrs H. C. j Jones, gtey U'avanotte coat and skirt, black picture hat, with pink flowers, grey fox furs, and she carried a pink I bouquet. Miss Preston, navy coat and ; skirt, black velours hat, and black foxfurs. Miss Moan.a Rhodes, dark blue coat and skirt, black hat and squirrel furs. A j-cception was afterwards held at. the Hvdro, Archdeacon Jacob, Mr I',. C. Jones, and Mr J. TI. Brecon, being a in on'j
in tlio day Mr and Mrs John Preston I motored south, tlio bride's travelling | dress was grey, she wore a black I velours hat, and a squirrel coat. The : latter, and a diamond ring, were, proi sents from the bridegroom. To the j bridesmaid ho pave a- brooch and pend- ! ant of pearls and aquamarines. The j reception room v.-as artistically decorj ated with palm:, jintl white flowers, and I a wedding bell of white an<l pink j flowers was Lung in the centre of the ' room. The many handsome presents | were much admired.
Nurse McKeague came down from Wellington last Saturday, and is staying with Mr and Mrs "George Scott, "Harlan," prior to leaving for England in the Atheiiic
Private Percy Clarke, late of the .Custom's House, Timaru, has been down on final leave, and spent last week-end with Mr and Mrs George Scott, "Harlau." He returned to Christchurch last Monday. Miss Doris Bicknell left on Thursday last for Christchurch, to be bridesmaid at Miss Tiadley's wedding, at Papanui.
LONDON FASHION NOTES. In tho general, survey, a London writer says:—"Notwithstanding the difficulty about dyes, and a constant cry About the shortage in various materials the leading shuns and dressmaking establishments arc making a bravo display, and from Paris some very striking models have appeared, many of which, in regard to detail, if not in general outline, are extremely, charming. It is net by the best section of French society Tiia,t the ulr.i-short and unseasonably diaphanous toilettes, are wt.-rn. Simplicity in design and only subdued colours characterise the costume affected by our Allies, but as there is much more variety, even in the realm of tailor-made dresses, than was the case two or three years ago, it is far easier for each of us to select a style that is becoming, the result being that people altogether look smarter and prettier than of ycre. A point to be noted is that in arranging what is to be correct silhouette for the time being, the lines of nature are more closely followed, and that the waist is now in its proper place. This does not imply that any undue compression is employed—a 20inch _ ■waist would be regarded as a positive deformity; and there should Ire very little difference between the measure round the hips and a few inches above, where is now the correct position of the ceinture. to be worn. This may bo of the draned or cummerbund' order, or the broad flat band with whx-h so many of the coats are still provided, but, as has been said, it is now in the conventional manner, every suggestion of tho Empire style that prevailed for inanv seasons being suppressed, while the other extreme is egually avoided. Durriif the past summer our coats had bands'that looked as though they would slip down over the wearer's hips and these must now be lifted and slightly tightened. A word or two on home millinery. A smart tailored hat, covered with 'military plush, dainty wing, and corded ribbon finishes, will please. A practical togue for motoring or sports wear is developed in black and cream suedo cloth, trimmed suede strap and tassel. A new idea for cord and tassel trimming is arranged though, the brim of a. large sal'or .shape covered with veluto. Velvet-covered fruit, in tho form of plums, cherries, small apples, or orange*, make a smart trim on the new soft felt shapes. White grapes figure ou the autumn millinery'; alsi wh:;te fo'iage, mostly mounted on velvet ribbon bands. Rands of velvet ribbon embroidered with large soots in thick silk of a'ng shade", make smart trimmings for tho .soft-brimmed black ' velvet models. Of Welsh inspiration, the high warn is sometimes banded w:th narrow velvet ribbon; little steel buttons fasten off each" band in een+ro front with a prettily arranged feather for trimming. The latest shape for autumn wear is a crown and outside brim covered with hatter's nlush, under : brim wtth soft white kid. "One of the new felt shapes for tho coming season has a decided leaning to tho cowboy , Jhape, and may be made in roush ' beaver and velour or rolu'co. The rn,.-l-Pie hat and the artistic biretta cap made ni velvet are among the smartest novelty for the ~.,,,5 011. Feather and manufactured f PaM]er mo „ nt v.orn. but thev always r0llla ; n PXclu £* on account of the high -rice
Chilli Vinegar.— Ingredients • 50 | fresh chillies, and a pint of vinegar. -Md hod: Pound or cut the chillies in iiaff, and infuse them in the vint»nr , for a fortnight, wjien it will be fit lor ! use. Tins will be found an agreeable relish to nsh, as many people cannot eat it without the addition of an acid and cayenne pepper. It is also a n-Ve addition to pea or any other white Cinnamon Fruit Cake.—One cupful ol brown sugar, one well-beaten a piece of butler the size of an <■(.-.." one cup-iul of sour cream, one tca-spoonfu! ot cinnamon, ha'f a nutmeg grated two- eupiuls of flour, and one ' cupful and a half of stoned raisins. Mx in tbe usual way. . Savoury Batter Pudding.— In-vred-:<>:US: « A lft /° !d mincesl 'mcft'' (or -sausage) >lb flour, .'-pint milk, salt and pepper. 1 egg Method: Prepare „ bntier by smoothing the Hour r,ui<-<. f roo tr-om lumps with a little milk Add the egg and beat thoroughly. Add the remainder of the milk and -.-alt and pepper. Pfoco the mimv in heaps in a .well greased tin. and po-ir the batter over this. Bake ior half an hour in a hot oven. Serve with good gravy Oelatnue of Rabbit-.-Four pounds spring oi polk, divided in two-, one pair ol raobits; bji! the pork and rabbits .separately m quantity of water un'il tenner. Put one lialf of tho pork . uto the bottom of a largo remove, the bones from rabbit,,, and h,v on ton and cover uvth remaining piece ot poriBoil the, liquid of both together until reduced to a boil': a l>nt, pour over and let set.> and Ru;sins.-Bare and core good caok:ng apples (enough to fill .-, caking dish). Wash some raisins or sultanas, allowing one can of raisins to a quart of a.pples. Add jus; a little hot, water, nnd bake ,'n the oven till done. No sugar .s needed, as the raisins fmninh suilicieiit sweetness. __Eggless Biitter.— One tablespoon of oil, lour taWespoontu's oi flour, one t/jll of water, a pinch of .salt in the fbair Mix the water and flour to a hat/viand then beat in the ol till 'quite smooth. Cover and let it. stand for an hour or more before using.
HOUSEHOLD .FILM'S. When a mchd tw-apot. is not in use. put ,-r lump of into it, and it, will prevent, the teapot, from -cttiirr musty. I:, prevent the hands. Lcoiriiif rou>/h----enod and chapped 01 v.-ashiji£ da\>, trv adrkng; a little vinegar to the rin<am' uu'.cr. ~" Salt iK M. £00(1 cleanser, and pari villa riy iisej'ul in ktwninp; the kitchen •i-ii! yrnllcry free from pxrasv odor-; Sinks cappers, boards, iim | shelves, if serubbod Irequontly wil.h common salt cm be ke.,l frr.vh-lookin._r. To whiten u ki-chen tab'e, ua.h in cold water and scour with tho following mixture: i-lb s:i:ij, ) -lb sott soap, i-lb lime. Dip the scrubbing brush into the _ mixture., and s:-rub the way cf the pain, hcTi against it. To tludb a sink that },-,<■■. k-eome ch-eyd with -V::.- ,-,,■ ••..,,!,,•,,," J.'p, • in bt..ili:i:.-. -'aver.
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Bibliographic details
Timaru Herald, Volume CIV, Issue 15979, 3 June 1916, Page 3
Word Count
2,351THE LADIES Timaru Herald, Volume CIV, Issue 15979, 3 June 1916, Page 3
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