3s§?^ sK^ ssss ®i ii mi 1^ £3l »§li §§§§§ 1 sa s§§ §p The War! C Hundreds of Cases of Aulsebrook's Biscuits have gone to the Front to help sustain our gallant lads. Aulsebrook&Co. make war against antiquated methods. Their purpose is to produce perfect Biscuits by the exercise of ceaseless care in the selection of finest materials, in improved manufacturing metheds, in the insistence upon cleanliness!. ASK FOR BISCUITS
=m —not necessarily by all the food he swallows. m |H For instance, the curd of unmodified cow's milk Hf = forms, in baby's stomach, a solid, indigestible mass ||| HH which often causes him acute pain and gives both baby ' m §§H and his mother many a sleepless night. = = The stomach of a baby two weeks Look at. lonnie = = IJIU 1. «»v-i-j».o Glaxo-reared Baby—she = old nolds only two ounces —no room »'« o«ty s inonfAs old. f== ■jg for experiments—hence his food ==§ Hi must.be in a form that will enable him ||| to quickly obtain all the nourishment * §H from every drop he. swallows. i HI Such a food is mother's milk—but «' ; = if this is absent or deficient in qual- v*;. *' * ||| ity or quantity the safe alterna- \ HH tive is Glaxo. » .._ ,%. - ||| Glaxo is simply the solids of pure : " - ,£ ii fg milk with extra -cream and milk- /f If sugar added. The Glaxo pro- J (/(\ / a cess breaks down the nourish- \-\ \ J Ji ing milk-curd into minute soft C \ \ V -'* •**' ==3 particles easily digested and assimilated by even $ a very weak baby. \ " I am recommending all my patients £ to put all their children en it. When the mother's milk is insufficient or unsuitab e 1 consider Glaxo a very valuable preparation. (Signed) L.R.C.P.. L.R.C.S. v. r\ ■•■■■ • iv '■■■::^ Ask your Doctor! fi &$ mm w e I 7& m Glaxo is obtainable from all Chemists and Stores at 1/- per tin ; medium size, 2/- ; large size, 5/- per tin. The Glaxo Baby Book tells yoa all about Glaxo, and contains 72 well-illustrated pages full of just those hints — about Baby's Feeding, Bathing, Sleeping, Nursing, Travelling, Ailments, etc. — that a mother or nurse needs'every day of the week. POST THIS COUPON TO-DAY to GLAXO, Dept. 4.9 Palmerston N. and get your FREE Copy of the Baby Book by return. Name, „ „ _ '.._ Address , Timarti Herald says Stand-Out ! Me bein' no longer dispoged as a 'Ventersome drinker, I says to Mrs. Harris: 'Which there is no deniging as Stand-Out Tea is the only liquour as cheers women's art, and that I swears solemn on my bended kneeges'. I likes but little, and that little of the best—-'Stand-OutTea!" Sairey, Mary, Fanny, Lizzie, Chrissie, Martha, or Maggie— every working woman, fortunate enough to discover "StandOut Tea," instinctively knows that she has the one Tea that will give her full satisfaction, in any circumstances, always. A woman wants the Tea , she likes, and all women like " Stand-Out" best. There is inimitable flavour, and abiding comfort in it! ' Tnaf. i« m*»T-ATir U«« Stand-Out Tea" is the pick of the finest crops of Tea grown in the best teagrowing country in the world—Ceylon. Mm m {•*;<' mm Pi art':■•«< Afiat Superb Tea: STAND-OUT"
Page 11 Advertisements Column 2
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 11
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