The Festive Seasons Are Just Upon Us n hen wo' all wish each other a Happy Christmas and a Prosp*roui REMEMBER THAT GIFT TO MOTHER, FATHER, SISTER, BROTHER, OR FRIEND. BOWLS, PICKLE OUR CHOICE STOCK OF ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS, Beautiful i £ asecl Cutlery, Doulton China Biscuit Barrels, E.P. Table and Breakfast Cruots, Gent's Military Brushes, Ladies' Manicure bets, Silver Back Mirrors and Hair Brushes at Exceptionally Low Trices. SEE OUR FINE WINDOW DISPLAY. GOODS ALL MARKED IX PLAIN FIGURES. THE PEOPLE'S IRONMONGERY EMPORIUM. PHONE 215 STAFFORD ST., TIMARU. BOX 17. CLEANS PAINTED WOODWORK I II 111 ilium * s Ifi 1 > m m >g BON AMI is made of a softer mineral than scouring soaps, and the mineral is ground as fine as flour: too fine to scratch, anything, even paint or plate-glass or porcelain. There is no cleaner that will give you the same satisfaction as BON AMI. Like the cMck h Claaiu Alto ENAMEL BATHS <P*\\A\\V .J} that • newly hatched, SILVERWARE tched yet, the WHITE SHOES 1 I ▲ 6d. Packet At all Grocers THRIFT AND ECONOMY DEMAND THE GREAT "ORION" RANGE. In Warm Weather a. quick-acting Rani or Housewife oppressed by the heat. That is one distinguishi] of the "OBlON"—its Rapid'-Heating. No weary waiting for Hot Water, no worry over the Oven. Every part of the Range is designed to a nicety to give perfect service. Thrift and Economy are, to molt people, important considerations. Hero again the "ORION" is preeminent. 80,000 Housewives in all parts of the Dominion can testify to the remarkable fuel-economy of the Favourite • ASK YOUR IRONMONGER TO SHOW YOU ON*E H. E. SHACKLOCK LTD., DUNEDIN, WELLINGTON, and AUCKLAN, Good Furniture at SENSIBLE PRICES. WE HAVE THE BEST STOCK OP INEXPENSIVE FURNITURE TO PLEASE THRIFTY PEOPLE, WHO WISH TO FURNISH AT THE SMALLEST POSSIBLE COST. WE INVITE INSPECTION^ WORKMAN'S f f u K r v e BARNARD STREET* TIMARU.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 11
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