WAR OR N(l WAR, Timaru folk are out for fi good time this Xiuas. Bright happy days, smart light suits and dresses, sultry weather—all call for For Ladies, we've, the Prettiest and Pertest White Shoes; for Gentlemen, we've a magnificent showing of Sports and Walking Footwear in Buckskin and Canvas, whilst for the kiddies the cutest littlo .Sandals are waiting. COME FOR YOUR XMAS FOOT-FIT. COME SOON—LAST DAYS ARE DAWNING. The Kaiser hasn't made any price difference here! Most of these Goods were ordered prior vo the Avar, so original prices still rule. Profit by them! House for Quality Footwear, Timaru. 'PHONE 245. m Xmas or 1915 SHALL IT BE A SONG, OR A SOLO, OR OTHER MUSICAL PRESENT FROM i< r3 AND GET THE BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS FROM IT iWBEN CONSIDERING FIELD DRAINAGE, GIVE US £ OAJUi ANn OBTAIN QUOTATIONS, ETO. u WE CARRY LARGE CTOCKS Or * FIELD PIPES IN .lIZES 3. WOBL " H INCH, 6 INCH, AND 9 INCH. ALSO ALL • MiOEaSABY. JUNCTIONS. ETC THE CAB THAT STANDS RELIABILITY. THE BUTOK fg ffie Wily Otf that tia» ever won the Antra&l TOUR DE FRANCE AUTOMOD ILE ENDURANCE TRIAL FOR TWO YEARS IN SUCCESSION. This Trial is the most severe and oxae'tinE Reliability Tost ever held In Franco. THE BUICK TEAM was the onlv one to finish the Tom complete, and this it did WITHOUT A SINGLE PENALTY. THE BUICK IS STRONG, POWERFUL, AND WELL SPRUNG., It has Overhead Valves; it is alway9 nnd under all circumstance* reliable, beßides being a particularly Economical Oar to run. FIVE SEATER (Complete) ...;-., «33S TWO-SEATER tort £ 3lO FULL PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. DELIVERY 'FROM (STOCK. Garage Royal, Sophia stras£ SOETH CANTERD URY AGENJB. Wf" fheSdilor: Did you* NUGGET your boots this morning", Sir ? " \T&G Passenger' me ths tin V.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 9
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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 9
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