LONDON MEAT MARKET. IN CHRISTMAS WEEK. (High Commissioner's Cable.) ' LONDON, Dec. 24. Note.—Quotations, unless otherwise specified are average market prices on spot. The market for Christmas meat was quiet, hut a moderate business was doing. The demand has been chiefly-for Home grown, and the frozen mutton market is dull, but prices are firm. Canterbury mutton oid, North Island 5-lcl. Canterbury lamb, twos, 6 9-16 d, other than Canterbury, 6|d. Beef, New Zealand, hindquarters 6 5-I6d, forequarters o|d. There is a large supply of chilled meat on the market. Chilled hind- ! quarters 7£d, forequarters s|d. The butter market- closed rather quiet on account of the holidays. Danish is slow at 150s to 1545, Australian, small supply, 124s to 1365, New Zealand is in good demand, 136s to 138s; Siberian in fair demand, 126s to 130s; Argentine, firm, 124s to 1325. The cheese market closed rather quiet, with a decreasing demand, Canadian white or coloured, 78s to 795, New Zealand white or coloured 76s to 775, exceptionally 7Ss. Hemp—The Manila market is quiet on account of the holidays. There -s less demand, but shippers are firm and there is no change in prices. The output from Manila for the week was 26,000 bales. The estimate for the next two weeks is 45,000 bales. Dealers will probably try to get their hemp baled before the grading law comes into force on Ist January. New Zealand Hemp—Market rather more active, especially for spot. Prices are firm, at last quotations. "Wool—36's low crossbreds lSd; 40's do. 19Jd ; 44's medium crossbreds, 20Jd ; 50's lialfbreds 24} d; 56's threequarterbreds 25$ d; 60's merinos 26d. LONDON WHEAT MARKET. Press Association—By Tel. —Copyright. LONDON, Dec. %! The wheat market is dull. The quantity afloat for the United Kingdom is 1,985,000 quartersj for ito Continent 1,960,000 j Atlantic shipments 655,000, Pacific 30,000; total tor Europe 787,000. OATMEAL DEARER. (Per Press Association.; DTJNEDIN, Dec. 28. In consequence of the advance in the- price of oats the millers have raised the price of oatmeal by £1 per ton. The current quotation is £ls 10s per ton for twenty-fives.
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 9
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