INCOMPETENT OFFICERS. . GOOD "SOLDIERS. ~- .. ROME, Dec. 28. Reports of fighting in the Near East show that the Tuiish soldiers as usual are showing the greatest courage and endurance, but the officers are hopelessly incompetent, and the arms and equipments are poor. A COLOSSAL MISTAKE. INCREASING DISCONTENT. AMONG THE TURKS. LONDON, Dec. 28. Renter messages from Constantinople by way of Sofiii confirm tho report that tho increasing discontent is duo to the serious damage to tho Goebon and the failures in the Caucasus and Egypt. All sensible Turks are realising that it was a colossal mistake to join Germany. Tho Germans are uneasy, at tho fear of a nationalist coup to destroy the German plans. I | ! I ! |
QUITE RELIABLE. THE NICHOLAS BULLETINS. LONDON, Dee. 23. The "Morning Post's :; Pctrograd correspondent says the disposition, prevalent in England, to believo that Russia is concealing serious reverses is groundless. The Nicholas bulletins are as reliable as ever. ARTILLERYMEN IN REVOLT. ROME, Dec. 28. The Croatian and Slav artillerymen at the Monte Bnone and Saint Nicholas's forts, near I'ivn, "revolted. Reinforcements were called in to quell the disturbance. THE SERVIAN VICTORY. UNREST AMONG THE SLAVS. BERNE, Doc. 28. The Servian victory has caused great manifestations among the Austriaus. The unrest among the Slavs is spreading, despite severe repressive measures. Two mayors and professors were shot, and hundreds of men and women have been arrested. It is stated that since the beginning of the war fifteen thousand Slavs have been punished. EXPECTED SIEGE AT ANTWERP. AMSTERDAM, Dec. 28. Tho "Haudelsblad's" Antwerp correspondent reports that 200,000 Germans are preparing to resist a siege. Three thousand men are working day and night to strengthen the fortifications. HEAVY CASUALTY LIST. AMSTERDAM, Dec. 28. Lists 101 to 108 show 35,883 Prussian casualties. Altogether 250,000 Prussians and Bavarians have been killed, 850,000 wounded and 40,000 arc missing. The casualties ' among the Saxons, Wurtemburgers and naval men total 500,000. THE SCATTERED BELGIANS. LONDON, Dec. 28. The Britisli officials estimate that one million Belgians have left Belgium. Half have gone to Holland, 100,000 to England, and tho remainder to France. Arrangements are being made to reduce the pressure on Holland. More than 100,000 wore offered private hospitality in the United Kingdom. COMPROMISING DOCUMENTS. MADRID, Dec. 28. A German bearer of compromising documents has been arrested in Algeciras, for attempting to enter Gibraltar. He was wearing a Moorish costume, and speaking Arabic. ITALY AND VALONA. WHAT ITALIAN OCCUPATION IMPLIES. ATHENS, Dec. 28. The Entente Powers had previously consented to the Italian occupation of Valona. DONE TO PREVENT ANARCHY. ROME, Doc. 28. Messages state that the Italian occupation of Valona is declared semiofficially to imply t r.o purpose to occupy the interior parts. It wa« done merely to prevent anarchy, as rebellion against the authority of Essad Pasha is threatened. It is understood that tire Government intends to safeguard political, commercial, and other interests without arrogance, without weakness, and without distraction from the graver issues arising out of the European conflict. AUSTRIAN'S FORCED BACK; ROME, Dee. 28. An Austrian official Note states— Tho Russian offensive between Rymnow and Turchow forced us to fall back somewhat. Tho Russian attacks on tho lower Dunjev and lower Nida failed. FAMINE. IN AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. ROME, Dec. 28. Distress and famine are increasing in Austria-Hungary, especially in the country districts. The authorities, in order to allay discontent, declaro that peace will be concluded in January through America's mediation. ARRESTED. ATTEMPTING TO BRIBE CUSTOMS OFFICIAL. ROME, Dec. 28. Castri guano, a a ex-Custom officer,
and Dr. Fiori, were arrested for attempting to bribe a Customs official to issue a permit to export corn to belligerent countries. Castrignano was arrested while handing 150,000 lire to a detective, who was disguised as a Customs officer.
Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 8
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