THE ALLIES. MAKE SATISFACTORY HEADWAY. PARIS, Doc. 28. A communiquo states : —The Allies ::ontimic tho advance west of Lommortzytlo, and have now reached the lunes, whoro the enemy has establisli>cl a line of resistance. Wo lost a section of tho tronches lear Hollebelco. We captured eighty metres of the irsfc lino of tronches near Carcncy, in -ho region of Lens. ' There is an intermittent cannonade n the Aisno Valley and Champagne, 't is .particularly intonse in the region >f' Rheims and Perthes. We have slightly progressed on the vholo front of Feiguta on tho Meuso. irVo repulsed a counter-attack north>aat of Stoinbach. j THE BELGIAN OFFENSIVE. j GERMANS SURPRISED. I 2000 SURRENDER. | PARIS, Dec. 28. The Belgian offensivo culminated ear Lombacrtzyde, where the left ring outflanked the Germans. The emainder kept the enemy busy till tho inal chargo by tho whole body of hreo thousand, which surprised tho iermans, two thousand surrendering, lie Belgians lost rory few killed and nly twenty wounded. A GALLANT DEFENCE. BY THE BRITISH AND THE FRENCH. LONDON, Dec. 29. 'An eye-witness describing tho fight n December 21 states that the British lade a gallant and stubborn defence nder a severe lire from three sides, 'inally thov woro ordered to retiro as
the position was precarious. Tho enemy's success was shortlived. French reinforcements stormed tho trenches and they wore retaken. Tho fight lasted the afternoon and "all tho night in a perfect hurricane of rain and sleet. Tho enemy's searchlights and flares lit up tho darkness. Friends and foes woro in such close quarters that it was difficult to distinguish their respective positions. Tho enemy's attack was spent by December 23, as they had lost heavily during tho pi-evious throo days. On December 2-t both sides contented themselves with mortar and hand-grenade work.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 8
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15542, 30 December 1914, Page 8
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